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Hong Kong SFC Issues Warning Against Fake MEXC Domains

香港证监会针对假冒 MEXC 域名发出警告

发布: 2024/02/10 17:34 阅读: 203

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


香港证监会针对假冒 MEXC 域名发出警告

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the regional police have issued a warning against a fraudulent entity that is posing as a fake version of the centralized crypto exchange MEXC, which was founded in 2018. 

香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)和地区警方对冒充成立于 2018 年的中心化加密货币交易所 MEXC 的假冒版本的欺诈实体发出警告。

As reported earlier by TheCoinRise, recent warnings were issued to investors in memecoin Dogecoin (DOGE). Certain fraudulent projects were utilizing the canine-inspired cryptocurrency’s brand and reputation to deceive unsuspecting investors into parting with their funds.

正如 TheCoinRise 早些时候报道的那样,最近向 memecoin 狗狗币 (DOGE) 的投资者发出了警告。某些欺诈项目正在利用受犬类启发的加密货币的品牌和声誉来欺骗毫无戒心的投资者放弃他们的资金。

Additionally, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) also issued a warning against illicit players in the NFT and crypto ecosystems that seek to scam investors.

此外,美国联邦调查局 (FBI) 还对 NFT 和加密生态系统中试图欺骗投资者的非法参与者发出警告。

Hong Kong SFC Warns Investors


The Hong Kong regulator stated that the entity responsible for the fake MEXC exchange is allegedly deceiving potential investors and siphoning funds.

香港监管机构表示,负责虚假 MEXC 交易所的实体涉嫌欺骗潜在投资者并吸走资金。

“MEXC is suspected to have enticed victims to join social media or instant messaging chat groups on the pretense of offering free investment advice. On these chat groups, victims interested in buying cryptocurrencies were referred to websites operated by MEXC. Victims were then asked to deposit funds into designated bank accounts for investment purposes, but after that, they reported difficulties with fund withdrawal,” read the warning.

“MEXC 涉嫌以提供免费投资建议为借口,引诱受害者加入社交媒体或即时消息聊天组。在这些聊天组中,有兴趣购买加密货币的受害者被转至 MEXC 运营的网站。随后,受害者被要求将资金存入指定的银行账户用于投资目的,但此后,他们报告称提取资金遇到困难。”

Monitoring Illicit Activities in the Crypto Sector


The Hong Kong SFC noted that it is currently engaged in monitoring and investigating virtual asset trading providers (VATP) that are involved in illicit activities in collaboration with the regional police force. 


The regulator has warned that the entity is manipulating investors and tricking them into depositing funds into its bank account for supposed investments. However, when the customers try to withdraw the funds, they are faced with difficulties and eventually lose their funds. 


SFC Identifies 8 Websites

证监会识别 8 个网站

The Hong Kong regulator has confirmed eight websites that are part of this illicit scheme where investors are losing their hard-earned money. These websites contain “MEXC” in their domain names, such as “mexczx.icu” and “mexczx.co.”


“The public should beware of websites with similar domain names which may be continuously created by MEXC,” read the warning from the agency.

该机构的警告称:“公众应警惕 MEXC 可能不断创建的具有相似域名的网站。”

Hong Kong Regulator Focuses on Crypto


The Hong Kong SFC is currently focused on the digital asset sector, recently issuing a public warning regarding the risks associated with investment products known as “Floki Staking Program” and “TokenFi Staking Program.”

香港证监会目前重点关注数字资产领域,最近就“Floki Stake 计划”和“TokenFi Stake 计划”等投资产品的相关风险发出公开警告。

The regulator also stated that it is ready to embrace the world of cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and has reviewed the nation’s policy for players involved in virtual-asset-related activities. Notably, Hong Kong is now open to applications from traditional financial firms looking to create spot crypto ETFs.

该监管机构还表示,它已准备好拥抱加密货币交易所交易基金(ETF)的世界,并已审查了国家对参与虚拟资产相关活动的参与者的政策。值得注意的是,香港现在对寻求创建现货加密 ETF 的传统金融公司的申请开放。

The post Hong Kong SFC Issues Warning Against Fake MEXC Domains appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

香港证监会针对假冒 MEXC 域名发出警告的帖子首先出现在区块链、加密货币和投资的最新新闻和见解上。


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