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Hop to It: MOONHOP Presale is Snatching Up Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Fans with its Bunny Charm!

跳起来:MOONHOP 预售以其兔子吊饰吸引了狗狗币和柴犬粉丝!

发布: 2024/07/15 02:42 阅读: 665



Dogs have long dominated the meme coin domain, beloved as they are for their loyal nature and meme-worthy antics. However, isn't it about time that other adorable animals climbed into the top 20 on CoinMarketCap?

狗长期以来一直主导着模因硬币领域,因其忠诚的天性和值得模因的滑稽动作而受到人们的喜爱。然而,现在不是其他可爱的动物跻身 CoinMarketCap 前 20 名的时候了吗?

Stepping onto the stage is MOONHOP with its buzzworthy presale, designed especially for enthusiasts of our rabbit friends. With its adorable appeal and commitment to the community, it has begun to draw Dogecoin and Shiba Inu investors who are contemplating this new bunny token.

登上舞台的是 MOONHOP,它的预售非常火爆,专为兔友爱好者而设计。凭借其可爱的吸引力和对社区的承诺,它已经开始吸引正在考虑这种新兔子代币的狗狗币和柴犬投资者。

Dogecoin Price Surge: Bullish Signs for the OG Pup Coin

狗狗币价格飙升:OG Pup Coin 的看涨迹象

Dogecoin's value is climbing, now at $0.1266 after a 3.01% increase, fueled by social media chatter and endorsements by celebrities. It stands robust near the 200-week EMA at $0.118, with a surge in open interest and positive momentum indicators like the RSI and AO.

在社交媒体讨论和名人认可的推动下,狗狗币的价值正在攀升,在上涨 3.01% 后,目前价格为 0.1266 美元。它在 0.118 美元的 200 周均线附近保持强劲,未平仓合约激增,并且 RSI 和 AO 等积极动能指标。

Yet, MOONHOP may be the wiser choice for your cryptocurrency portfolio. It prioritizes community engagement, provides tax-exempt transactions, and features an appealing referral scheme that promotes community growth. Unlike Dogecoin, which is influenced by social media trends, MOONHOP's consistent development and intelligent marketing efforts offer a more stable and inclusive investment option.

然而,MOONHOP 可能是您的加密货币投资组合的更明智选择。它优先考虑社区参与,提供免税交易,并具有吸引人的推荐计划,以促进社区发展。与受社交媒体趋势影响的狗狗币不同,MOONHOP持续的发展和智能营销努力提供了更稳定和普惠的投资选择。

Shiba Inu Burn: Price Swings on the Way


Shiba Inu has been active, incinerating over 900 million SHIB tokens last month, boosting the monthly burn rate by 148.69% and the daily rate by 1392.60%. This significant reduction has pushed SHIB's price up to $0.00001735. However, its RSI suggests potential volatility ahead, indicating likely price fluctuations.

Shiba Inu 一直很活跃,上个月销毁了超过 9 亿个 SHIB 代币,月销毁率提高了 148.69%,日销毁率提高了 1392.60%。此次大幅下跌将 SHIB 的价格推至 0.00001735 美元。然而,其相对强弱指数表明未来可能出现波动,表明价格可能波动。

In contrast, MOONHOP presents a more secure investment. It fosters a strong community atmosphere, features tax-free transactions, and maintains a focused strategy for gradual growth and development—appearing more stable and promising than the unpredictable Shiba Inu.

相比之下,MOONHOP 提供了更安全的投资。它营造了浓厚的社区氛围,以免税交易为特色,并保持逐步增长和发展的重点战略——比不可预测的柴犬显得更加稳定和有前途。

MOONHOP Token: Reaching the Moon, One Bunny Hop At a Time

MOONHOP 代币:到达月球,一次一只兔子跳

Are you searching through the digital undergrowth for the next big hit in the meme coin universe? MOONHOP might just be the gem you're seeking. This new entrant in the crypto market is not just another coin; it champions a distinctive community-centric ethos with 'The Fluffle'—a vibrant, supportive network that treasures each participant, regardless of their background, fostering a truly inclusive environment.

您是否正在数字灌木丛中寻找模因硬币宇宙中的下一个热门产品? MOONHOP 可能正是您正在寻找的宝石。加密货币市场的这个新进入者不仅仅是另一种硬币;它是一种加密货币。它通过“The Fluffe”倡导独特的以社区为中心的精神,这是一个充满活力、支持性的网络,珍惜每个参与者,无论他们的背景如何,营造一个真正包容的环境。

Moreover, MOONHOP sets itself apart with its tax-free transaction policy, removing the typical financial barriers that can discourage frequent trading and long-term investment. This innovative approach has sparked widespread interest, facilitating easier and more transparent exchanges among users.

此外,MOONHOP 以其免税交易政策而脱颖而出,消除了阻碍频繁交易和长期投资的典型财务障碍。这种创新方法引起了广泛的兴趣,促进了用户之间更轻松、更透明的交流。

The excitement doesn't stop there. MOONHOP introduces a groundbreaking referral program that rewards you for bringing new members into the community. This not only amplifies your potential returns but also plays a crucial role in expanding this budding community. So, why delay? Embark on the MOONHOP journey today and secure your seat on the bunny-themed spacecraft destined for the stars. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of a movement setting new standards in the meme coin market. Join MOONHOP now and watch as we leap towards the moon together!

兴奋还不止于此。 MOONHOP 推出了一项突破性的推荐计划,奖励您将新成员带入社区。这不仅可以增加您的潜在回报,而且在扩大这个新兴社区方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。那么,为什么要拖延呢?今天就踏上 MOONHOP 之旅,在前往星星的兔子主题宇宙飞船上确保您的座位。不要错过参与在模因币市场制定新标准的运动的机会。立即加入 MOONHOP,观看我们一起跃向月球!



MOONHOP is transforming the meme coin landscape, attracting Dogecoin and Shiba Inu investors with its focus on community, zero-tax transactions, and an inventive referral program.

MOONHOP 正在改变模因币的格局,以其对社区、零税交易和创造性推荐计划的关注吸引了狗狗币和柴犬投资者。

While Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have their advantages, MOONHOP's consistent development and inclusive community make it an attractive alternative. Emphasizing growth and accessibility, MOONHOP is poised for promising investments. Don't miss the opportunity to become part of "The Fluffle" and embark on this thrilling adventure before MOONHOP soars to unprecedented levels!

虽然狗狗币和柴犬各有优势,但 MOONHOP 的持续发展和包容性社区使其成为有吸引力的替代方案。 MOONHOP 强调增长和可及性,准备迎接有前景的投资。不要错过成为“The Fluffe”一部分的机会,并在 MOONHOP 飙升至前所未有的水平之前踏上这场惊心动魄的冒险!

Join MOONHOP Presale Now:

立即加入 MOONHOP 预售:

Website: MOONHOP.io


Presale: https://MOONHOP.io/buy


Twitter: https://twitter.com/MOONHOPcoin


Telegram: https://t.me/MOONHOPcoin


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