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'Huge' AI Prediction Issued by Billionaire DOGE Fan Mark Cuban

亿万富翁 DOGE 粉丝 Mark Cuban 发布“巨大”人工智能预测

发布: 2024/02/27 06:22 阅读: 520



亿万富翁 DOGE 粉丝 Mark Cuban 发布“巨大”人工智能预测

Prominent investor, billionaire and big fan of Dogecoin Mark Cuban has made a major statement on the X social media platform – the statement was related to the impact that he expects artificial intelligence to have on the future of human society and the global economy.

著名投资者、亿万富翁和狗狗币的忠实粉丝马克·库班(Mark Cuban)在X社交媒体平台上发表了重要声明——该声明与他预计人工智能对人类社会和全球经济的未来产生的影响有关。

Cuban's "huge" AI prediction


Cuban has been spending a lot of time on X over the past couple of years, engaged in discussions on various issues related to business, technology, politics and other hot subjects.

过去几年,库班在 X 上花费了大量时间,参与有关商业、技术、政治等热门话题的各种讨论。

Earlier today, when asked about the future impact of AI and automation on the job market, Cuban responded that he believes the aforementioned factors will create a “HUGE” net gain in the number of jobs emerging thanks to AI integration. Still, he admitted that any technology integration brings not only benefits but also losses; Cuban stated that as is the case with any new tech, certain types of jobs will be lost forever.


I think there will be a HUGE net gain in the number of jobs as a result of AI. But as with all new technologies, there will be jobs that will be lost https://t.co/7XLMKlYipo

我认为人工智能将带来就业岗位数量的巨大净增长。但与所有新技术一样,将会失去一些工作岗位 https://t.co/7XLMKlYipo

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) February 26, 2024

— 马克·库班 (@mcuban) 2024 年 2 月 26 日

Elon Musk's AI prediction


Recently, tech mogul Elon Musk shared his views on the future of the world in which AI will be operating freely and openly. Musk stated that he expects AI to become better at everything regular humans are good at, and in particular, to write novels as good as J.K. Rowling, discover new physics concepts and the like. All these breakthroughs are less than three years away from now, Musk believes.

最近,科技大亨埃隆·马斯克分享了他对人工智能将自由、开放地运行的未来世界的看法。马斯克表示,他希望人工智能能够在普通人类擅长的一切领域变得更好,特别是能够写出像 J.K.罗琳,发现新的物理概念等等。马斯克认为,所有这些突破距离现在还不到三年的时间。

Musk is himself founder of AI-focused start-up xAI (meant as a rival to OpenAI and its “woke” ChatGPT), which released AI chatbot Grok not so long ago. It has already been integrated on the X platform owned by Musk. Unlike ChatGPT, Grok is free to discuss virtually any topic, including those that are considered undesirable by the ChatGPT creators – sex, politics, religion, sexual identity, etc. Aside from ChatGPT, Grok is said to have a sense of humor. However, this chatbot is available only to X Premium users so far.

马斯克本人是专注于人工智能的初创公司 xAI 的创始人(旨在作为 OpenAI 及其“唤醒”ChatGPT 的竞争对手),该公司不久前发布了人工智能聊天机器人 Grok。它已经集成到马斯克拥有的X平台上。与 ChatGPT 不同,Grok 几乎可以自由讨论任何话题,包括 ChatGPT 创建者认为不受欢迎的话题——性、政治、宗教、性别认同等。除了 ChatGPT 之外,据说 Grok 还很有幽默感。不过,到目前为止,该聊天机器人仅适用于 X Premium 用户。

Musk recently also said that he is in negotiations with image-generating AI app Midjourney and hinted that they may cooperate in the future. Even if that does not happen, he said, image generating will still be integrated on X. According to Musk, the Grok 1.5 iteration that is coming within weeks will help users generate text content.

马斯克最近还表示,他正在与图像生成人工智能应用 Midjourney 进行谈判,并暗示他们未来可能会合作。他说,即使这种情况没有发生,图像生成仍将集成在 X 上。据马斯克称,几周内即将推出的 Grok 1.5 迭代将帮助用户生成文本内容。


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