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Huge DOGE Transfer Ignites Twitter Speculation


发布: 2023/08/02 05:00 阅读: 735



A large-scale transfer of 99,999,996 Dogecoin (equivalent to about 7.7 million USD) has been carried out from Binance to an unknown wallet. This transaction, tracked and reported by Whale Alert, has sparked further wild speculation around the potential involvement of Twitter, under the ownership of the high-profile tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, in Dogecoin.

99,999,996 狗狗币(约合 770 万美元)已从币安转移到未知钱包。 Whale Alert 跟踪和报道的这笔交易引发了人们对 Twitter(知名科技企业家埃隆·马斯克旗下的 Twitter)可能参与狗狗币的进一步疯狂猜测。

While there is no official statement to back up the rumors, Elon Musk, now at the helm of Twitter and a renowned Dogecoin supporter, has been associated with possible plans to use Dogecoin as a currency on Twitter’s platform. A seemingly light-hearted act of changing Twitter’s logo to the Dogecoin symbol in April 2023 led to a surge in Dogecoin’s price by a staggering 30%. Though initially dismissed as a delayed April Fool’s joke or a diversionary tactic amidst Musk’s ongoing legal issues, the incident provoked ongoing conjecture about Twitter’s possible alignment with Dogecoin.

虽然没有官方声明支持这些谣言,但现任 Twitter 掌舵人和著名狗狗币支持者的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)已经与在 Twitter 平台上使用狗狗币作为货币的可能计划有关。 2023 年 4 月,将 Twitter 徽标更改为狗狗币符号这一看似轻松的举动导致狗狗币价格飙升了 30%。尽管最初被认为是迟来的愚人节玩笑或马斯克在持续的法律问题中的转移注意力的策略,但这一事件引发了人们对 Twitter 可能与狗狗币结盟的持续猜测。

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Dogecoin price is $0.077166, down  -0.38% in the last 24 hours, and the live market cap is $11B. It has circulating supply volume of 140,415,976,384 DOGE coins and a max. supply volume of 140,415,976,384 alongside $887M 24h trading volume.

狗狗币价格为 $0.077166,在过去 24 小时内下跌 -0.38%,实时市值为 $11B。它的流通供应量为 140,415,976,384 DOGE 币,最大流通量为 140,415,976,384 DOGE 币。供应量为 140,415,976,384,24 小时交易量为 8.87 亿美元。

Musk has never hidden his fondness for Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency conceived as a joke in 2013. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO appreciates Dogecoin for its humorous appeal, its enthusiastic community support, and the ironic potential of becoming a mainstream form of currency. His previous endorsement of Dogecoin as the “people’s crypto” and his musings on the ironic turn of a joke cryptocurrency becoming ‘real’ have only fanned these speculations.

马斯克从未掩饰过他对狗狗币的喜爱,这种加密货币在 2013 年被认为是一个笑话。这位特斯拉和 SpaceX 的首席执行官欣赏狗狗币的幽默吸引力、热情的社区支持以及成为主流货币形式的讽刺潜力。他之前对狗狗币作为“人民的加密货币”的认可,以及他对笑话加密货币变得“真实”的讽刺性转变的思考,只会煽动这些猜测。

However, Musk continues to advocate for careful investment in cryptocurrencies, emphasizing that true value lies in the creation of products and services that serve the public good.


While the large Dogecoin transfer remains shrouded in mystery, the crypto world watches closely for the next development. Whether this represents a mere market flux or foreshadows a significant announcement in the world of crypto remains to be seen.


巨额 DOGE 转账引发 Twitter 猜测的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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