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First ICO on Bitcoin Blockchain Goes Viral in the United States on Launch

比特币区块链上的首个 ICO 一经推出就在美国火爆

发布: 2024/02/21 13:35 阅读: 639

原文作者:CoinPedia News


比特币区块链上的首个 ICO 一经推出就在美国火爆

The post First ICO on Bitcoin Blockchain Goes Viral in the United States on Launch appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

比特币区块链上的首次 ICO 一经推出就在美国疯传,该帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Crypto investors in the United States have had their attention diverted by the first-ever Bitcoin-launched crypto presale as Bitcoin Dogs debuts. The first-ever BRC-20 token ICO begins a groundbreaking new era in the cryptosphere, having already raised $1.5m in just a few days.

随着 Bitcoin Dogs 的首次亮相,美国的加密货币投资者的注意力被有史以来首次比特币推出的加密货币预售所吸引。首个 BRC-20 代币 ICO 开启了加密领域突破性的新时代,短短几天内就筹集了 150 万美元。

Bitcoin Dogs is a new ecosystem combining blockchain gaming, a unique NFT collection, Web3 culture, and the foundation of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. As a new project with a burgeoning community of more than 50,000 followers on Twitter/X, it’s pushing for a revolutionary new idea in the world of NFTs and social gaming.

Bitcoin Dogs 是一个新的生态系统,结合了区块链游戏、独特的 NFT 系列、Web3 文化和加密货币比特币的基础。作为一个在 Twitter/X 上拥有超过 50,000 名粉丝的新兴社区的新项目,它正在推动 NFT 和社交游戏领域的革命性新理念。

The crypto community in the United States is excited about the next bull run, expected to follow the Bitcoin halving event. Bitcoin Dogs has launched its crypto presale at the most ideal time.

美国的加密社区对下一次牛市感到兴奋,预计将在比特币减半事件之后出现。 Bitcoin Dogs 在最理想的时间启动了加密货币预售。

Reasons to get excited 


It’s no surprise that Bitcoin Dogs’s popularity is similar to previous crypto ICOs in the United States, where sizeable interest became early-stage investments, which provoked sky-high returns. Returning to the early days of crypto when Bitcoin and NFTs were all the rage, Bitcoin Dogs is harking back to this bygone era, bringing enormous potential.

毫不奇怪,Bitcoin Dogs 的受欢迎程度与美国之前的加密 ICO 类似,相当大的兴趣成为早期投资,从而带来了极高的回报。回到加密货币的早期,当比特币和 NFT 风靡一时时,比特币狗正在回顾这个过去的时代,带来巨大的潜力。

With 900 million 0DOG tokens available, approximately the same as the global canine population, the development team has decided to burn unsold ICO tokens after the completion of the presale to help price appreciation while also driving long-term investor engagement.

现有 9 亿个 0DOG 代币,大约相当于全球犬类数量,开发团队决定在预售完成后销毁未售出的 ICO 代币,以帮助价格升值,同时推动长期投资者的参与。

Bitcoin Dogs: Capturing the imagination


Bitcoin Dogs offers users entry into a portal of immersive gaming and NFT collectibles, all powered by the native 0DOG token. Those holding the coin can invest and access an exciting new game not too dissimilar to classics like Tamagotchi and Pokémon.

Bitcoin Dogs 为用户提供了进入沉浸式游戏和 NFT 收藏品的门户,所有这些都由原生 0DOG 代币提供支持。持有代币的人可以投资并访问一款令人兴奋的新游戏,与电子宠物和神奇宝贝等经典游戏没有太大不同。

In the game, players raise and train virtual dogs before entering PvP competitions to add a competitive edge to one of blockchain gaming’s most comprehensive social gaming experiences. In addition, Bitcoin Dogs coin holders can enjoy some of the 10,000 uniquely crafted dogs of varying rarities drawn from the Bitcoin Ordinals NFT collection. This collection adds a compelling new layer of engagement as users trade, collect, and show off their digital furry friends.

在游戏中,玩家在参加 PvP 比赛之前饲养和训练虚拟狗,为区块链游戏最全面的社交游戏体验之一增添竞争优势。此外,Bitcoin Dogs 硬币持有者还可以享受从 Bitcoin Ordinals NFT 系列中抽取的 10,000 只不同稀有度、独特制作的狗中的一些。当用户交易、收集和炫耀他们的数字毛茸茸的朋友时,该系列增加了引人注目的新参与层。

The enormous potential of Bitcoin Dogs


0DOG tokens went on sale initially at just $0.015, offering earliest-stage investors the chance to make substantial gains similar to those made by fans of Dogecoin in 2021 or by NFT giants such as CryptoPunks.

0DOG 代币最初售价仅为 0.015 美元,为早期投资者提供了获得可观收益的机会,类似于 2021 年狗狗币粉丝或 CryptoPunks 等 NFT 巨头所获得的收益。

However, as the first BRC-20 presale coin, Bitcoin Dogs has the enviable position of being a genuine trailblazer. With investors in the United States renowned for seeking something unique, Bitcoin Dogs offers a solid foundation for continuing growth over the coming months and years.

然而,作为第一个 BRC-20 预售代币,Bitcoin Dogs 拥有令人羡慕的地位,是真正的开拓者。美国投资者以寻求独特的东西而闻名,比特币狗为未来几个月和几年的持续增长奠定了坚实的基础。

With its release ideally timed to coincide with the recent acceptance of Bitcoin ETFs, the anticipation surrounding the impending Bitcoin halving event later in 2024, and reports by CoinDesk that the crypto market stands on the edge of a new NFT craze, Bitcoin Dogs offers more than speculative gains for early-stage investors. It provides a compelling new ecosystem that could become a standard-bearer for many Bitcoin-minted projects to follow.

Bitcoin Dogs 的发布恰逢最近比特币 ETF 的接受、人们对 2024 年晚些时候即将到来的比特币减半事件的预期,以及 CoinDesk 的报告称加密市场正处于新的 NFT 热潮的边缘,Bitcoin Dogs 提供的不仅仅是早期投资者的投机收益。它提供了一个引人注目的新生态系统,可以成为许多比特币铸造项目效仿的旗手。

Bitcoin Dogs price prediction


With its compelling social gaming ecosystem and NFT collection hosted on Bitcoin’s chain via Bitcoin Ordinals ushering in a new era for the crypto industry, the market is entering fresh and exciting territory. With a predicted new wave of enthusiasm for NFTs ahead and the excitement surrounding the imminent Bitcoin halving event to come in 2024, experts are launching conservative estimates of 50x returns, with the potential to go beyond 100x in 2025.

凭借其引人注目的社交游戏生态系统和通过比特币序数托管在比特币链上的 NFT 系列,开创了加密行业的新时代,市场正在进入新鲜而令人兴奋的领域。随着人们对 NFT 的新一波热情的预测以及 2024 年即将到来的比特币减半事件的兴奋,专家们保守估计了 50 倍的回报率,并有可能在 2025 年超过 100 倍。

Is Bitcoin Dogs a good investment?


Innovation is one of the cornerstones of any successful crypto project, and Bitcoin Dogs delivers a pioneering solution that ticks all the boxes. With an expected bull run just around the corner, any project that combines popular Web3 themes, such as NFTs and social gaming, has an excellent chance of success.

创新是任何成功的加密项目的基石之一,而 Bitcoin Dogs 提供了满足所有条件的开创性解决方案。随着预期的牛市即将到来,任何结合流行的 Web3 主题(例如 NFT 和社交游戏)的项目都有绝佳的成功机会。

Backed by the uniqueness of being the first BRC-20 presale coin on the original blockchain, Bitcoin Dogs stands out from run-of-the-mill projects as a pedigree investment; the $1.5m raised since the 14th supports this.

凭借作为原始区块链上第一个 BRC-20 预售代币的独特性,Bitcoin Dogs 作为一项纯正投资从普通项目中脱颖而出;自 14 日以来筹集的 150 万美元支持了这一点。

With Bitcoin Ordinals gaining traction and the GameFi sector growing exponentially, Bitcoin Dogs is the ideal investment opportunity for investors seeking something with vast growth potential and prestige in 2024.

随着比特币 Ordinals 越来越受欢迎以及 GameFi 领域呈指数级增长,对于寻求 2024 年具有巨大增长潜力和声望的投资者来说,Bitcoin Dogs 是理想的投资机会。

Click here to visit the Bitcoin Dogs website and purchase 0DOG.

单击此处访问 Bitcoin Dogs 网站并购买 0DOG。


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