首页 > 资讯新闻 > InQubeta 能否实现百万富翁收益并模仿狗狗币和 Polkadot 的成功?

Can InQubeta register millionaire gains and mimic the success of Dogecoin and Polkadot?

InQubeta 能否实现百万富翁收益并模仿狗狗币和 Polkadot 的成功?

发布: 2023/11/07 19:15 阅读: 202



If there’s one cryptocurrency that analysts can’t stop talking about, it’s the newly launched InQubeta (QUBE). The platform has impressed everybody with its innovative model which helps startups working on artificial intelligence-based projects to find backers. 

如果有一种加密货币让分析师无法停止谈论,那就是新推出的 InQubeta (QUBE)。该平台以其创新模式给每个人留下了深刻的印象,该模式帮助致力于人工智能项目的初创公司找到支持者。

Though it is still in the presale stage, it is being touted as one of the best new ICOs of 2023. So far, it has raked in more than $4.3 million in presale funding. 

尽管仍处于预售阶段,但它被誉为 2023 年最好的新 ICO 之一。到目前为止,它已筹集了超过 430 万美元的预售资金。

Analysts believe that InQubeta could potentially fetch millionaire gains in the coming months. They also feel that it’s only a matter of time before it outperforms popular altcoins like Dogecoin and Polkadot. 

分析师认为,InQubeta 可能在未来几个月内带来百万富翁的收益。他们还认为,它超越狗狗币和波卡币等流行的山寨币只是时间问题。

InQubeta: Exploring the potential of DeFi in AI

InQubeta:探索 DeFi 在人工智能领域的潜力

InQubeta is a top altcoin where AI startups can find genuine investors to back their projects and create impactful solutions. Investors also get the opportunity to invest in projects that are powered by next-generation technology and get the benefit of being an early backer. 

InQubeta 是一种顶级山寨币,人工智能初创公司可以在这里找到真正的投资者来支持他们的项目并创建有影响力的解决方案。投资者还有机会投资由下一代技术驱动的项目,并获得成为早期支持者的好处。

Its native cryptocurrency is the QUBE token, and it is used for meeting all kinds of transactional obligations on the network. Though the total availability of QUBE tokens is 1.5 billion, only 65% of it is used for presale. The rest of the supply is used for financing marketing initiatives and maintaining liquidity and rewards pools.

其原生加密货币是 QUBE 代币,用于满足网络上的各种交易义务。尽管QUBE代币的总可用量为15亿个,但其中只有65%用于预售。其余的供应用于为营销活动融资以及维持流动性和奖励池。

The QUBE token is among the best cryptos you will find in the market today because of its deflationary model. The model works to control price fluctuations in times of inflation and when markets are volatile. 

由于其通货紧缩模型,QUBE 代币是当今市场上最好的加密货币之一。该模型旨在控制通货膨胀时期和市场波动时的价格波动。

The model ensures that the supply stays scarce and less than the demand. If the supply rises beyond a certain level, it’s controlled by sending extra tokens to a burn wallet, where they are destroyed. The InQubeta team also destroys a part of the tax proceeds from every transaction to keep the supply limited.

该模型确保供应保持稀缺且小于需求。如果供应量超过一定水平,则可以通过将额外的代币发送到销毁钱包来控制,并在那里将其销毁。 InQubeta 团队还会销毁每笔交易的部分税收收入,以保持供应有限。

QUBE holders also get special voting rights which they can use when other community members move proposals for protocol changes. These proposals feature suggestions that can potentially improve the protocol’s scope and are debated extensively by community members before being put to a vote. 

QUBE 持有者还获得特殊投票权,当其他社区成员提出协议变更提案时,他们可以使用这些投票权。这些提案的特点是可以潜在地改善协议的范围,并在投票前经过社区成员的广泛辩论。

Dormant Dogecoin wallet moves DOGE tokens worth $372,461 after 9 years

休眠的狗狗币钱包在 9 年后转移了价值 372,461 美元的 DOGE 代币

Dogecoin is a popular meme coin that is inspired by the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu. The top altcoin was forked from another cryptocurrency, and since then, it has been wooing people with its entertainment value. 


In the past, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has expressed his support of the meme coin. Rather than a consensus protocol, Dogecoin leverages Scrypt technology to secure its network. Its native token is DOGE, and it has an unlimited supply. Thus, there is no cap on the number of DOGE tokens a miner can generate. 

过去,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克曾表达过对迷因币的支持。狗狗币不是采用共识协议,而是利用 Scrypt 技术来保护其网络。它的原生代币是DOGE,并且供应量无限。因此,矿工可以生成的 DOGE 代币数量没有上限。

Dogecoin was recently in the news after a DOGE wallet that had been dormant for over nine years moved tokens worth  $372,461. The tokens were moved in three separate transactions, after which the address was drained completely. DOGE remains a hot bet for many users and could register another rally shortly, as per on-chain analysts. 

狗狗币最近成为新闻焦点,因为一个休眠了九年多的 DOGE 钱包转移了价值 372,461 美元的代币。代币在三个单独的交易中转移,之后地址被完全耗尽。据链上分析师称,DOGE 仍然是许多用户的热门赌注,并且可能很快就会出现另一次反弹。

Polkadot considers introducing a deflationary mechanism for DOT token 

Polkadot 考虑为 DOT 代币引入通货紧缩机制

Polkadot is a top crypto to invest in and sports a multi-chain sharded protocol and facilitates data and asset transfers. The transfers are made possible through a network of sovereign blockchains called parachains. 

Polkadot 是一种顶级加密货币,可投资并采用多链分片协议,并促进数据和资产转移。这些转移是通过称为平行链的主权区块链网络实现的。

These parachains can connect with both public and private blockchains. Plus, sharding enables multiple transactions across these parachains, which enhances the platform’s speed and scalability. 


Polkadot is a meta protocol and can update its codebase in consultation with its token holders without requiring forking. Its native token is DOT.

Polkadot 是一个元协议,可以与代币持有者协商更新其代码库,而无需分叉。它的原生代币是DOT。

Polkadot was recently speculated to have been considering a new proposal for burning revenues generated from the sale of Coretime, which is the basic unit of processing transactions. 

据推测,Polkadot 最近正在考虑一项新提案,用于销毁出售 Coretime 所产生的收入,Coretime 是处理交易的基本单位。

The move is expected to tame internal inflation and make the DOT token more suitable for earning long-term gains. According to reports, Polkadot has put forward the proposal via a new Request for Comments (RFC). 

此举预计将抑制内部通胀,并使 DOT 代币更适合赚取长期收益。据报道,Polkadot 已通过新的征求意见稿(RFC)提出了该提案。



If you look at the recent gains made by InQubeta, there’s little doubt that it is a top altcoin and is likely to ramp up its gains over the next few months. Like Polkadot and Dogecoin, InQubeta has the potential to smash crypto records and carve a niche for itself. 

如果你看看 InQubeta 最近的涨幅,毫无疑问它是顶级山寨币,并且很可能在未来几个月内继续上涨。与 Polkadot 和 Dogecoin 一样,InQubeta 有潜力打破加密货币记录并为自己开辟一席之地。

What stands out about the Ethereum-based platform is the way it can drive an AI revolution by empowering startups and helping an average crypto user become a startup investor. 


Visit InQubeta Presale

访问 InQubeta 预售

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The post Can InQubeta register millionaire gains and mimic the success of Dogecoin and Polkadot? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

InQubeta 能否记录百万富翁收益并模仿狗狗币和 Polkadot 的成功?首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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