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Insider Tips Amid Bear Dominance: Investing in Borroe, Dogecoin and Hedera

空头占主导地位的内部提示:投资 Borroe、Dogecoin 和 Hedera

发布: 2023/09/02 02:04 阅读: 908

原文作者:CoinPedia News


熊市统治下的内部提示:投资 Borroe、Dogecoin 和 Hedera 的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

The bears currently dominate the cryptocurrency market. But, Hedera (HBAR) and Dogecoin (DOGE) seem to be preparing to surge after developments in their respective markets. As these coins wait to gain, Borroe ($ROE) is already delivering huge profits for early investors in its presale stage and is set to continue surging. Will Hedera and Dogecoin catch up? 

目前,空头主导着加密货币市场。但是,Hedera (HBAR) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 似乎正准备在各自市场的发展后飙升。随着这些代币等待上涨,Borroe ($ROE) 已经在预售阶段为早期投资者带来了巨额利润,并将继续飙升。 Hedera 和狗狗币会迎头赶上吗?

Let’s find out!



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Hedera’s (HBAR) Dropp Added As A Service Provider By The Fed

美联储将 Hedera (HBAR) Dropp 添加为服务提供商

Hedera (HBAR) has made an unexpected alliance with the US Federal Reserve in a massive move suggesting blockchain’s mass adoption in finance. The Fed added Hedera’s (HBAR) Dropp, a micropayments platform, as a service provider to its newly developed FedNow.

Hedera (HBAR) 出人意料地与美联储结成联盟,此举表明区块链在金融领域得到大规模采用。美联储将 Hedera (HBAR) Dropp(一个小额支付平台)添加为新开发的 FedNow 的服务提供商。

This news was enough for Hedera’s (HBAR) bulls to rejoin the market, pushing the price up from $0.056 to $0.076. However, Hedera (HBAR) has erased those profits because of the flash of crypto market crash on August 18, 2023. Hedera (HBAR) dropped to lows of $0.052 in this bear market.

这一消息足以让 Hedera (HBAR) 的多头重新加入市场,将价格从 0.056 美元上涨至 0.076 美元。然而,由于 2023 年 8 月 18 日加密货币市场崩盘,Hedera (HBAR) 抹去了这些利润。Hedera (HBAR) 在这次熊市中跌至 0.052 美元的低点。

Despite that, Hedera (HBAR) is still a distinct project with its patented Hashgraph technology. The performance of Hedera (HBAR) in recent months was adequate to exceed most price estimates for 2023. Analysts are highly bullish about Hedera (HBAR), suggesting that it could reach $0.105 by the end of 2023.

尽管如此,Hedera(HBAR)仍然是一个拥有专利哈希图技术的独特项目。 Hedera (HBAR) 近几个月的表现足以超过大多数人对 2023 年的价格预期。分析师高度看好 Hedera (HBAR),表明其到 2023 年底可能达到 0.105 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Bulls Awaken After Social Media Comments


Dogecoin (DOGE) lead developer Mishaboar is highly skeptical about potentially moving to a Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain consensus. He insisted in a Twitter post that transitioning into a PoS consensus does not support Dogecoin’s (DOGE) futuristic objectives. 

狗狗币(DOGE)首席开发商 Mishaboar 对转向权益证明(PoS)区块链共识的可能性高度怀疑。他在 Twitter 帖子中坚称,过渡到 PoS 共识并不支持狗狗币 (DOGE) 的未来目标。

Mishaboar believes that the benefits of PoS consensus can be readily achieved in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) network with alternative solutions such as incorporating numerous payment channels.

Mishaboar 认为,通过合并众多支付渠道等替代解决方案,可以在狗狗币 (DOGE) 网络中轻松实现 PoS 共识的好处。

Elsewhere, Elon Musk electrified Dogecoin’s (DOGE) market with a tweet on August 23, 2023, which seemed to endorse using the memecoin on X.com (formerly Twitter). The effect was immediate and explosive. 

另一方面,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 于 2023 年 8 月 23 日发布的一条推文震惊了狗狗币 (DOGE) 市场,该推文似乎支持在 X.com(以前称为 Twitter)上使用模因币。效果立竿见影且具有爆炸性。

In one minute, the Binance exchange recorded a staggering 81,300% surge in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) trading volume against USDT. Up to 40.379 million Dogecoin (DOGE) coins exchanged hands.

一分钟内,币安交易所的狗狗币 (DOGE) 兑 USDT 交易量飙升了 81,300%。多达 4037.9 万枚狗狗币(DOGE)被交换。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has recovered moderately from the August 18 crypto market price crash. Analysts expect Dogecoin (DOGE) to continue recovering to trade above $0.07255 by the end of 2023, powered by increased investor demand, making it a good crypto to buy in 2023.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 已从 8 月 18 日加密货币市场价格暴跌中适度恢复。分析师预计,在投资者需求增加的推动下,到 2023 年底,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的交易价格将继续回升至 0.07255 美元以上,这使其成为 2023 年值得购买的良好加密货币。

Borroe ($ROE) Dominates as Cryptocurrency Markets Struggle

加密货币市场陷入困境,Borroe ($ROE) 占据主导地位

Borroe ($ROE) functions as an innovative funding platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Its offering content creators and Web3 users a distinct strategy to generate needed funds swiftly. Through Borroe ($ROE), individuals can sell their forthcoming earnings from royalties, subscriptions, and invoices to their supportive communities.

Borroe ($ROE) 是一个由人工智能 (AI) 驱动的创新融资平台。它为内容创作者和 Web3 用户提供了快速筹集所需资金的独特策略。通过 Borroe ($ROE),个人可以将他们即将获得的版税、订阅和发票收入出售给他们的支持社区。

In contrast to traditional funding models struggling with integrating Web3 principles, Borroe ($ROE) seamlessly embraces this new technological shift. Borroe ($ROE) presents a massive platform for enterprises to secure funds using NFTs representing upcoming or pending invoices.

与难以整合 Web3 原则的传统融资模式相比,Borroe ($ROE) 无缝地接受了这一新技术转变。 Borroe ($ROE) 为企业提供了一个巨大的平台,可以使用代表即将到来或待处理的发票的 NFT 来获得资金。

Creating and trading these discounted invoice NFTs on Borroe ($ROE) give rise to a peer-to-peer environment that enhances accessibility within secondary markets. By incorporating AI risk evaluation, blockchain technology, and effective payment mechanisms, Borroe ($ROE) guarantees a streamlined and secure fundraising procedure.

在 Borroe ($ROE) 上创建和交易这些折扣发票 NFT 会形成一个点对点环境,从而增强二级市场的可访问性。通过结合人工智能风险评估、区块链技术和有效的支付机制,Borroe ($ROE) 保证了精简且安全的筹款程序。

Having achieved an impressive 25% increase from its initial Beta Stage price of $0.010 to $0.0125 in Stage 1, Borroe ($ROE) presents an immensely exciting value trajectory. Looking ahead, the set value for Borroe ($ROE) indicates that the token will reach $0.015 in Stage 2 of its presale.

Borroe ($ROE) 从最初的 Beta 阶段价格 0.010 美元上涨到第一阶段的 0.0125 美元,涨幅高达 25%,令人印象深刻,呈现出极其令人兴奋的价值轨迹。展望未来,Borroe ($ROE) 的设定值表明该代币将在预售第二阶段达到 0.015 美元。

Moreover, Borroe ($ROE) assures a substantial 300% gain from its starting price, reaching $0.040 by the end of the presale phase. Given its remarkable growth potential, Borroe ($ROE) unquestionably emerges as the best crypto investment.

此外,Borroe ($ROE) 保证其起始价格大幅上涨 300%,在预售阶段结束时达到 0.040 美元。鉴于其显着的增长潜力,Borroe ($ROE) 毫无疑问成为最佳的加密货币投资。

在此了解有关 Borroe ($ROE) 的更多信息:访问 Borroe 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 Twitter 上关注 Borroe


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