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Investors Predict DOGE, PEPE, LUNA Trends


发布: 2024/07/05 05:04 阅读: 271

原文作者:BH NEWS



Headline: Cryptocurrency Market Trends: Predicting the Future of Dogecoin, PEPE, and LUNA

标题:加密货币市场趋势:预测狗狗币、PEPE 和 LUNA 的未来



The recent volatility in cryptocurrency markets has shifted investor attention towards meme coins. With Bitcoin experiencing a notable drop, several altcoins have endured declines exceeding 10% within a short time frame. This article explores the latest predictions for three popular meme coins: Dogecoin (DOGE), PEPE, and LUNA.

最近加密货币市场的波动已将投资者的注意力转向模因币。随着比特币大幅下跌,多种山寨币在短时间内跌幅超过 10%。本文探讨了三种流行的模因币的最新预测:狗狗币(DOGE)、PEPE 和 LUNA。

Dogecoin's Performance and Outlook:


As the most valuable meme coin by market capitalization, Dogecoin currently trades around $0.1 after an 8% decrease today. The market's sentiment remains uncertain, influenced by Bitcoin's 5% loss to $56,771 and the absence of a clear recovery plan. Compounding this uncertainty, the German government continues to transfer its assets to exchanges.

作为按市值计算最有价值的模因币,狗狗币在今天下跌 8% 后目前交易价格约为 0.1 美元。受比特币下跌 5% 至 56,771 美元以及缺乏明确复苏计划的影响,市场情绪仍然不确定。德国政府继续将资产转移到交易所,加剧了这种不确定性。

If DOGE falls below $0.1, it may drop further to $0.08, with support at $0.074. Conversely, a Bitcoin recovery could drive DOGE back to $0.12 and potentially target $0.138.

如果DOGE跌破0.1美元,则可能进一步跌至0.08美元,支撑位为0.074美元。相反,比特币的复苏可能会使 DOGE 回到 0.12 美元,并可能达到 0.138 美元的目标。

PEPE Coin's Prospects:


Expectations for PEPE Coin to reach new highs may diminish if it closes below $0.00000892. Such a move could lead to new lows between $0.00000780 and $0.00000460, although a rebound at $0.00000531 remains feasible. Despite Bitcoin's ascent to $58,000, a clear uptrend for PEPE is uncertain, though selling pressure may ease.

如果 PEPE 币收于 0.00000892 美元以下,则对其创下新高的预期可能会减弱。这样的走势可能会导致 0.00000780 美元至 0.00000460 美元之间的新低,但 0.00000531 美元的反弹仍然是可能的。尽管比特币上涨至 58,000 美元,但 PEPE 的明显上涨趋势尚不确定,尽管抛售压力可能会缓解。

For a potential reversal, PEPE must regain $0.0000109, targeting resistance levels at $0.00001240 and $0.00001394.

为了实现潜在的逆转,PEPE 必须重新回到 0.0000109 美元,目标阻力位为 0.00001240 美元和 0.00001394 美元。

LUNA Coin's Trajectory:


Following Terra's resolution of its billion-dollar fine in the US, LUNA Coin faces ongoing volatility due to Do Kwon's upcoming court appearance in South Korea. If extradition is granted, LUNA may experience additional turbulence. Since falling below $0.54, the coin has declined and currently hovers around $0.37.

Terra 在美国解决了数十亿美元的罚款后,由于 Do Kwon 即将在韩国出庭,LUNA Coin 面临持续的波动。如果引渡获得批准,LUNA 可能会经历额外的动荡。自跌破 0.54 美元以来,代币一直在下跌,目前徘徊在 0.37 美元左右。

Failure to recover could result in a new all-time low. However, a rapid market upturn could allow LUNA to regain crucial support and test resistance at $0.81, with $1.07 as the ultimate objective.

如果无法恢复,可能会创下历史新低。然而,市场的快速好转可能会让 LUNA 重新获得关键支撑并测试 0.81 美元的阻力位,最终目标为 1.07 美元。

Actionable Insights for Investors:


  • Monitor DOGE's $0.1 support level closely; a breach could signal further declines.
  • Observe PEPE's closure above $0.0000109 for possible recovery indicators.
  • Keep abreast of LUNA's legal proceedings, as they may significantly impact its price.
  • Consider broader market dynamics, particularly Bitcoin's movements, as they influence meme coin trajectories.


密切关注DOGE的0.1美元支撑位;违规可能预示着进一步下跌。观察 PEPE 的收盘价高于 0.0000109 美元,以了解可能的复苏指标。随时了解 LUNA 的法律诉讼,因为它们可能会对其价格产生重大影响。考虑更广泛的市场动态,特别是比特币的走势,因为它们会影响 meme 币的轨迹。结论:

The future of DOGE, PEPE, and LUNA coins is heavily influenced by market conditions and individual coin-specific events. Investors should remain informed and prepared to adjust their strategies based on evolving circumstances.

DOGE、PEPE 和 LUNA 代币的未来在很大程度上受到市场状况和个别代币特定事件的影响。投资者应随时了解情况并做好根据不断变化的情况调整策略的准备。


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