首页 > 资讯新闻 > 这些 Kaspa 基本面、技术和链上指标证明了为什么 KAS 本周期将飙升 +3,500%

These Kaspa Fundamentals, Technicals and On-Chain Metrics Prove Why KAS Will Surge +3,500% This Cycle

这些 Kaspa 基本面、技术和链上指标证明了为什么 KAS 本周期将飙升 +3,500%

发布: 2024/01/18 19:02 阅读: 794



According to crypto expert Petar, head of content at CaptainAltcoin, the decentralized smart contract platform Kaspa (KAS) has significant upside potential in the current market cycle. With fundamentals, on-chain metrics, and technical analysis pointing to continued growth for Kaspa, Petar makes the case for why KAS could realistically hit $4 per token in the next 1-2 years.

CaptainAltcoin 内容主管、加密货币专家 Petar 表示,去中心化智能合约平台 Kaspa (KAS) 在当前市场周期中具有巨大的上涨潜力。 Petar 的基本面、链上指标和技术分析都表明 Kaspa 将持续增长,因此他解释了为什么 KAS 在未来 1-2​​ 年内实际上可以达到每个代币 4 美元的价格。

Kaspa Price Consolidation
Before Next Major Leg Up After gaining over 1600% in 2023 and hitting an all-time high of $0.1452 in December, KAS has pulled back and consolidated between $0.10-$0.12 over the past month. As Petar points out, “KAS has very strong support at $0.10 level, which is in line with 1.618 fib retracement level. As long as price stays above this, we can believe the uptrend is still intact.” With KAS’s relative strength index (RSI) sitting at 45-48 across timeframes, the token appears neither overbought nor oversold right now. This could indicate stability before the next major bull run ahead.

Kaspa 价格在下一次大幅上涨之前盘整 在 2023 年上涨超过 1600% 并在 12 月触及 0.1452 美元的历史高点后,KAS 在过去一个月中回落并盘整在 0.10-0.12 美元之间。正如 Petar 指出的,“KAS 在 0.10 美元水平有非常强劲的支撑,与 1.618 Fib 回撤水平一致。只要价格保持在这一水平之上,我们就可以相信上升趋势仍然完好无损。”由于 KAS 的相对强度指数 (RSI) 在各个时间范围内处于 45-48 之间,因此该代币目前看起来既没有超买也没有超卖。这可能预示着下一次大牛市之前的稳定。

Market Cap and Cardano Comparison
One metric that stands out is Kaspa’s relatively small $2.5 billion market cap compared to other leading smart contract platforms. As a reference point, Cardano’s ADA reached a peak market cap of around $95 billion in the 2021 cycle. If KAS were to reach a top 10 position, which seems feasible given its unique value proposition, that would equate to a $4 token price or higher.

市值和 Cardano 比较 与其他领先的智能合约平台相比,Kaspa 的市值相对较小,为 25 亿美元。作为参考,卡尔达诺的 ADA 市值在 2021 年周期达到了约 950 亿美元的峰值。如果 KAS 进入前 10 名(考虑到其独特的价值主张,这似乎是可行的),那么代币价格将等于 4 美元或更高。

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钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 IDO 阶段。立即加入 NuggetRush!这种创新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与现实世界的金矿开采融为一体。尽快加入,享受当前 ICO 价格!

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Kaspa’s Standout Tech & Features
What sets Kaspa apart fundamentally is its ability to offer both security and scalability, which has been an ongoing challenge in blockchain. Through its GhostDAG protocol, Kaspa combines the security of proof-of-work with high block rates, minimal confirmation times, and improved scalability.

Kaspa 的杰出技术和功能 Kaspa 从根本上脱颖而出的是它提供安全性和可扩展性的能力,这一直是区块链中持续存在的挑战。通过其 GhostDAG 协议,Kaspa 将工作量证明的安全性与高区块率、最短的确认时间和改进的可扩展性结合起来。

As Petar summarizes, key features making Kaspa a promising emerging platform include “instant validation, pre-trade privacy, anonymous transactions, and improved scalability without compromising security.” The advanced DAG architecture and design principles establish Kaspa as a leader in the next generation of smart contract development.

正如 Petar 总结的那样,使 Kaspa 成为一个有前途的新兴平台的关键功能包括“即时验证、交易前隐私、匿名交易以及在不影响安全性的情况下提高可扩展性”。先进的 DAG 架构和设计原则使 Kaspa 成为下一代智能合约开发的领导者。

Given these fundamentals and potential tailwinds from bitcoin’s upcoming halving, Petar sees a clear path for KAS to surge to $4 this cycle. He concludes by emphasizing the deep upside potential in Kaspa: “$KAS DAG architecture and technical design make it one of the most promising emerging smart contract platforms with immense upside potential.”

考虑到这些基本面和即将到来的比特币减半带来的潜在推动力,Petar 认为 KAS 在本周期飙升至 4 美元有明确的路径。他最后强调了 Kaspa 的巨大上升潜力:“$KAS DAG 架构和技术设计使其成为最有前途的新兴智能合约平台之一,具有巨大的上升潜力。”

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The post These Kaspa Fundamentals, Technicals and On-Chain Metrics Prove Why KAS Will Surge +3,500% This Cycle appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

这些 Kaspa 基本面、技术和链上指标证明了为什么 KAS 本周期将飙升 +3,500% 的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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