首页 > 资讯新闻 > Kelexo (KLXO) 预售再次成为头条新闻,第一阶段接近售空,因为狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 持有者提前买入

Kelexo (KLXO) Presale hits headlines again as stage 1 close to selling out as Dogecoin (DOGE) & Shiba Inu (SHIB) holders buy in early

Kelexo (KLXO) 预售再次成为头条新闻,第一阶段接近售空,因为狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 持有者提前买入

发布: 2024/02/08 15:04 阅读: 496

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


Kelexo (KLXO) 预售再次成为头条新闻,第一阶段接近售空,因为狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 持有者提前买入

Let’s face it—most meme coins are hot garbage. BUT, with the right pump, they can mint fortunes overnight. That’s what Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) did for early investors in the last bull run of 2021, when Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) generated astronomical gains. But that’s far from the case in 2024, with both dog-themed coins fast falling out of favor. Crypto investors are pivoting away from memes towards real-world utility. One of those projects is Kelexo (KLXO), whose presale has drawn 5000+ registrants as of February.

让我们面对现实吧——大多数模因币都是热门垃圾。但是,只要有合适的泵,他们就能一夜暴富。这就是狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 在 2021 年最后一次牛市中为早期投资者所做的事情,当时狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 创造了天文数字的收益。但 2024 年的情况远非如此,两种以狗为主题的硬币都很快失宠。加密货币投资者正在从模因转向现实世界的实用性。其中一个项目是 Kelexo (KLXO),截至 2 月份,其预售已吸引了 5000 多名注册者。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Fading Fast in 2024

柴犬 (SHIB) 将于 2024 年快速衰落

Shiba Inu (SHIB) mentions on social media are dwindling as token prices dropped by 38.1% in the past year. The bloom is well and truly off the rose for Shiba Inu (SHIB), with token prices achieving lower and lower lows, and lower and lower highs. This negativity spilled over to sentiment, with weighted scores indicating a pessimistic outlook on platforms like Twitter. Currently, Shiba Inu (SHIB) trades at $0.0000088—a far cry from its lofty 2021 highs that it most likely will never reach again.

随着过去一年代币价格下跌 38.1%,柴犬 (SHIB) 在社交媒体上的提及量正在减少。柴犬(SHIB)的绽放确实如玫瑰般绽放,代币价格达到越来越低的低点和越来越低的高点。这种消极情绪蔓延到了情绪上,加权分数表明 Twitter 等平台的前景悲观。目前,柴犬 (SHIB) 的交易价格为 0.0000088 美元,与 2021 年的高点相去甚远,而且很可能永远不会再达到。

Is Dogecoin (DOGE) Sliding Into Irrelevance?


Dogecoin (DOGE) isn’t faring much better than Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2024, with Dogecoin (DOGE) trading at a loss of 14.3% since the past 12 months. Dogecoin (DOGE) has been range-bound between $0.077 and $0.083, seemingly stuck in the mud with no respite in sight. After all, in the final accounting, there’s nothing intrinsically valuable with Dogecoin (DOGE) besides the massive amounts of hype it sometimes generates. No one is expecting 2021 levels of hype for meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) anymore, though.

2024 年,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的表现并不比柴犬 (SHIB) 好多少,过去 12 个月以来,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的交易亏损了 14.3%。狗狗币(DOGE)一直在 0.077 美元至 0.083 美元之间波动,似乎陷入泥潭,看不到喘息的迹象。毕竟,在最终核算中,除了有时产生的大量炒作之外,狗狗币(DOGE)没有任何内在价值。不过,没人预计 2021 年像狗狗币 (DOGE) 这样的模因币会受到如此大的炒作。

Kelexo (KLXO) On the Verge of a Massive Year

Kelexo (KLXO) 即将迎来重要的一年

Kelexo (KLXO) is generating buzz in the DeFi space, exceeding 5,000 investors just a week into February as stage 1 of its presale approaches a complete and total sellout. This strong early adoption suggests high anticipation for the decentralized P2P lending protocol. Analysts predict significant growth for Kelexo (KLXO), projecting prices to reach $0.55-$1.00 by 2025, a potential 25x-50x gain from its $0.022 launch price. This optimism likely stems from the expected bull run in 2025.

Kelexo (KLXO) 在 DeFi 领域引起轰动,进入 2 月份仅一周,其预售第一阶段就已接近全部售罄,投资者人数已超过 5,000 名。这种强烈的早期采用表明对去中心化 P2P 借贷协议的高度期待。分析师预测 Kelexo (KLXO) 将出现显着增长,预计到 2025 年价格将达到 0.55-1.00 美元,较其 0.022 美元的发行价潜在上涨 25-50 倍。这种乐观情绪可能源于 2025 年的牛市预期。

Kelexo (KLXO) is shaking up the P2P lending scene with a laser focus on simplicity and speed. Gone are the days of wading through paperwork and enduring endless verification processes. With Kelexo (KLXO), borrowing and lending become as easy as clicking a button.

Kelexo (KLXO) 专注于简单性和速度,正在撼动 P2P 借贷领域。费力地完成文书工作和忍受无休止的验证过程的日子已经一去不复返了。有了 Kelexo (KLXO),借贷变得就像点击按钮一样简单。

Imagine this: lenders set their terms in mere seconds, specifying rates and durations with the ease of online shopping. Meanwhile, borrowers can ditch the red tape and browse a rich marketplace of loan options, finding the perfect fit for their needs in a flash.


No more excruciating wait times or frustrating KYC hurdles. Kelexo (KLXO) promises a streamlined experience that cuts through the clutter, connecting borrowers and lenders directly, faster than ever before.

不再需要令人痛苦的等待时间或令人沮丧的 KYC 障碍。 Kelexo (KLXO) 承诺提供简化的体验,消除混乱,以比以往更快的速度直接连接借款人和贷方。

Don’t miss out on a revolutionary DeFi protocol that’s set to play a major role in DeFi’s comeback in 2024—register for the Kelexo (KLXO) presale today.

不要错过革命性的 DeFi 协议,该协议将在 2024 年 DeFi 的卷土重来中发挥重要作用——立即注册参加 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售。

Find out more about the Kelexo (KLXO) presale by visiting the website here

请访问此处的网站,了解有关 Kelexo (KLXO) 预售的更多信息

The post Kelexo (KLXO) Presale hits headlines again as stage 1 close to selling out as Dogecoin (DOGE) & Shiba Inu (SHIB) holders buy in early appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

Kelexo (KLXO) 预售后再次成为头条新闻,因为第一阶段接近售空,因为狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 持有者提前买入,这首先出现在区块链、加密货币和投资的最新新闻和见解上。


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