首页 > 资讯新闻 > 关键指标显示狗狗币、Everlodge 和 Shiba Inu 将会突破,深入观察

Key Indicators Suggest A Breakout For Dogecoin, Everlodge and Shiba Inu, An In-Depth Look

关键指标显示狗狗币、Everlodge 和 Shiba Inu 将会突破,深入观察

发布: 2023/12/21 15:26 阅读: 514

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


关键指标显示狗狗币、Everlodge 和 Shiba Inu 将会突破,深入观察

The memecoin market is on the verge of a breakout, with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu leading the way. The two projects are expected to surge dramatically going into 2024, and have already offered significant returns over the last quarter. While analysts speculate how high they’ll go, Everlodge is soaring during its presale, selling out during seven stages in just a few months. Here’s why each project could surge over the next few weeks.

模因币市场正处于突破的边缘,狗狗币和柴犬处于领先地位。预计这两个项目将在 2024 年大幅增长,并在上个季度已经提供了可观的回报。尽管分析师猜测其售价会达到多高,但 Everlodge 在预售期间却一路飙升,在短短几个月内的七个阶段就全部售空。这就是为什么每个项目都可能在未来几周内激增的原因。

Doge-1 Satellite Triggers Dogecoin Price Rally

Doge-1 卫星引发狗狗币价格上涨

Dogecoin, the world's number one memecoin, has almost doubled in value since the start of November. This rise was triggered by general market trends, and now the memecoin continues to rise despite many projects decreasing in value.

狗狗币是世界上排名第一的模因币,自 11 月初以来,其价值几乎翻了一番。这种上涨是由总体市场趋势引发的,现在尽管许多项目价值下降,但 memecoin 仍在继续上涨。

Over the last month Dogecoin’s value has increased by 26.27%, and the project is now trading at $0.09384. This increase has triggered a rise in Dogecoin activity on social media, which has only increased following a recent announcement from Elon Musk.

上个月狗狗币的价值上涨了 26.27%,该项目目前的交易价格为 0.09384 美元。这种增长引发了社交媒体上狗狗币活动的增加,而在埃隆·马斯克最近发布声明后,狗狗币活动才有所增加。

Musk announced that he plans to launch Doge-1 into space. Doge-1 is a satellite with the Dogecoin logo, and Dogecoin itself is expected to surge on launch day. While this increase may be temporary, it will continue to keep Dogecoin in the spotlight, attracting new investors who would have otherwise forgotten about the project.

马斯克宣布计划将Doge-1发射到太空。 Doge-1 是一颗带有狗狗币标志的卫星,狗狗币本身预计在发射当天将飙升。虽然这种增长可能是暂时的,但它将继续让狗狗币成为人们关注的焦点,吸引原本会忘记该项目的新投资者。

Shiba Inu Looks To “Break The Internet”


The Shiba Inu ecosystem has experienced a strong quarter this year. The release of Shibariumand its 50 million transaction milestone has boosted the value of Shiba Inu, which is slowly becoming more than just a memecoin according to many experts.

柴犬生态系统今年经历了强劲的季度。 Shibarium 的发布及其 5000 万笔交易的里程碑提升了 Shiba Inu 的价值,根据许多专家的说法,Shiba Inu 正在慢慢变得不仅仅是一种模因币。

Now, the Shiba Inu development team plans to take things one step further. Lucie, Shiba Inu’sHead of Marketing, recently shared a photo on X with a Telegram message from ShytoshiKusama, Shiba Inu’s lead developer. The caption of the message was “…Let’s break the internet.”

现在,柴犬开发团队计划更进一步。 Shiba Inu 的营销主管 Lucie 最近在 X 上分享了一张照片,其中包含 Shiba Inu 的首席开发人员 ShytoshiKusama 的 Telegram 消息。该消息的标题是“……让我们打破互联网。”

This message was referring to an upcoming announcement which has been teased by the Shiba Inu development team. However Shiba Inu’s value has remained relatively stable, with no major increases or decreases.


Is Everlodge On The Verge Of A Breakout?

Everlodge 正处于突破边缘吗?

With the crypto market continuing its bull run, the Everlodge presale is gaining momentum. Having just sold out during stage 7, experts predict that stage 8 could be Everlodge’s fastest selling round to date.

随着加密货币市场持续牛市,Everlodge 预售势头强劲。第七阶段的门票刚刚售完,专家预测第八阶段可能是 Everlodge 迄今为止销售最快的一轮。

Everlodge is the world's first DeFi platform for travel properties. Investors can use the Everlodgemarketplace to fractionally invest in luxury travel properties worldwide. These properties include luxury villas in Italy, holiday homes in the U.S. and even top hotels worldwide.

Everlodge 是全球首个针对旅游地产的 DeFi 平台。投资者可以利用 Everlodge 市场对全球豪华旅游地产进行部分投资。这些房产包括意大利的豪华别墅、美国的度假屋,甚至是世界各地的顶级酒店。

Everlodge uses NFTs to break down the value of a property, with each fractionalized NFT representing equity. For example, a $200,000 NFT could represent a 20% share in a $1 million villa. Investors can then buy fractions of this NFT for as little as $100.

Everlodge 使用 NFT 来分解房产的价值,每个细分的 NFT 代表权益。例如,20 万美元的 NFT 可以代表价值 100 万美元的别墅 20% 的份额。然后,投资者可以以低至 100 美元的价格购买该 NFT 的一部分。

Investors who buy NFTs will earn an income from the property they own, allowing investors to build a number of passive income streams from properties without needing to jump through traditional hurdles.

购买 NFT 的投资者将从他们拥有的财产中获得收入,从而使投资者能够从财产中建立许多被动收入流,而无需跨越传统障碍。

Investors who buy Everlodge tokens during its presale will not only be able to profit from future price increases, but will also be accepted into Everlodge’s private members club. Club members will earn free stays at Everlodge properties and will also earn several lucrative benefits as the project continues to develop.

在预售期间购买 Everlodge 代币的投资者不仅能够从未来的价格上涨中获利,而且还将被接纳为 Everlodge 的私人会员俱乐部。俱乐部会员将获得 Everlodge 酒店的免费住宿,并且随着项目的不断发展,还将获得多项丰厚的福利。

Visit Everlodge


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是赞助新闻稿,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。


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