首页 > 资讯新闻 > 现在买狗狗币已经太迟了 - 下一个会涨的迷因币是哪个?

It’s Too Late to Buy Dogecoin Now – Which Meme Coins Will Pump Next?

现在买狗狗币已经太迟了 - 下一个会涨的迷因币是哪个?

发布: 2023/08/02 01:30 阅读: 970



After a 19% climb over the last thirty days, the Dogecoin pump has come to an end. In fact, the meme coin lost 2.87% value on Tuesday. The decline will be steeper in the next few days, as fear overtakes the market. 

在过去 30 天里上涨 19% 后,狗狗币的暴涨已经结束。事实上,周二 Meme 币的价值下跌了 2.87%。由于恐惧情绪笼罩市场,未来几天跌幅将会更大。

It will be another few weeks before the meme coin regains energy. 


But there are other meme coins that provide excellent investment opportunities. In this article, we have listed three that have large upside potential in August 2023. 

但还有其他模因币提供了绝佳的投资机会。在本文中,我们列出了 2023 年 8 月具有巨大上涨潜力的三个。

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1. XRP20 – The Next Evolution of XRP 

订阅与我们一起展示加密货币革命,一次一份时事通讯。立即订阅,将每日新闻和市场更新直接发送到您的收件箱,以及我们数百万其他订阅者(没错,数百万人爱我们!) - 您还在等什么?1. XRP20 – XRP 的下一代发展

Ever thought what it would be like had you bought XRP at its all-time low of $0.0028? 

有没有想过,如果您在 0.0028 美元的历史低点买入 XRP 会是什么样子?

Here is an equally good opportunity to not miss out on now – XRP20


XRP20 is not exactly a meme coin. It doesn’t have any affiliation with XRP. But if you’re looking for the next cryptocurrency ready to explode, XRP20 checks all the boxes.

XRP20 并不完全是一种模因币。它与 XRP 没有任何关系。但如果您正在寻找下一个即将爆发的加密货币,XRP20 可以满足您的所有需求。

Despite being launched just a few hours back, the social momentum around the project is growing. As word gets around, XRP20 is predicted to dominate Twitter and Telegram in the coming days. 

尽管仅在几个小时前启动,但围绕该项目的社会势头正在增长。随着消息传开,XRP20 预计将在未来几天主导 Twitter 和 Telegram。

The project’s goal is simple. It aims to rekindle the passion of the XRP Army with a new ERC-20 token that brings staking utility. 

该项目的目标很简单。它旨在通过带来质押效用的新 ERC-20 代币重新点燃 XRP 大军的热情。

Interestingly, no retail investor had the chance to enter XRP during any ICO back in 2012 when the company was formed. XRP20 not only gives you the chance to enter an XRP-like rally at a rate 30 times cheaper, but also earn passive rewards along the way. 

有趣的是,早在 2012 年公司成立时,没有散户投资者有机会在任何 ICO 期间进入 XRP。 XRP20 不仅让您有机会以便宜 30 倍的价格进入类似 XRP 的反弹,而且还能在此过程中获得被动奖励。

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Unibot:交易智能让您的成功率提高 7 倍。

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使用 Unibot 探索加密货币交易的优势 - Unibot 是一款用户友好的 Telegram 机器人,拥有 35% 的用户盈利率,比普通交易者高出七倍!体验一流的功能,例如去中心化跟单交易、基于 DEX 的限价订单以及针对 MEV 机器人的防护。单击此处注册并让您的交易发挥作用!

If you’re wondering, no, XRP20 is not a security. So, it is a safe investment, touted as the second coming of XRP. 

如果您想知道,不,XRP20 不是证券。因此,这是一项安全的投资,被誉为 XRP 的第二次降临。

The biggest strength of XRP20 is its marketing campaigns. The marketing team has a history of launching projects that have rewarded early investors with generous ROIs in four digits this year. 

XRP20 的最大优势在于其营销活动。营销团队有推出项目的历史,今年为早期投资者提供了四位数的丰厚投资回报率。

Here are some of the key highlights of the project:


  • The original XRP has little utility for retail investors. It was designed keeping legacy financial institutions in mind. But XRP20 has retail utilities powered by on-chain staking. XRP20 holders are encouraged to stake their tokens to earn passive income. Since the supply in the open market is substantially reduced through this strategy, the value of XRP20 will gain over time without crippling the internal economy. 
  • 最初的 XRP 对于散户投资者来说几乎没有什么用处。它的设计考虑到了传统金融机构的情况。但 XRP20 拥有由链上质押支持的零售实用程序。我们鼓励 XRP20 持有者质押他们的代币来赚取被动收入。由于通过这一策略,公开市场的供应量大幅减少,XRP20 的价值将随着时间的推移而增加,而不会削弱内部经济。

  • The XRP20 tokenomics bears similarities to the original XRP. The key difference is that it gives everybody the chance to purchase XRP20 at a super-low price and stake their tokens to earn passive income.
  • XRP20 代币经济学与原始 XRP 具有相似之处。关键的区别在于,它让每个人都有机会以超低的价格购买 XRP20 并质押他们的代币来赚取被动收入。

  • As a deflationary token, XRP20 goes through a buy-and-burn mechanism that sends 0.1% of every buy and sell to a burn address. The system also reduces the supply over time, increasing scarcity.
  • 作为一种通货紧缩代币,XRP20 通过买入和销毁机制,将每次买入和卖出的 0.1% 发送到销毁地址。随着时间的推移,该系统还会减少供应,从而增加稀缺性。



预售 (40%)


质押 (40%)


DEX 流动性 (10%)




Total Supply 100,000,000,000
Presale (40%) 40,000,000,000
Staking (40%) 40,000,000,000
DEX Liquidity (10%) 10,000,000,000
Burn Allocation (10%) 10,000,000,000

XRP20 has the potential to surge anywhere from 80X to 100X in a month as the FOMO builds up in the coming days. One of the key factors that set apart the project from other meme coins is its long-term relevance through staking. It is an excellent short-term and long-term investment this month. 

随着未来几天 FOMO 情绪的加剧,XRP20 的价格有可能在一个月内飙升 80 倍至 100 倍。该项目区别于其他模因币的关键因素之一是其通过质押实现的长期相关性。这是本月绝佳的短期和长期投资。

以预售价格购买 XRP20

2. Wall Street Memes (WSM) – $19M Raised and Counting 

2. 华尔街迷因 (WSM) – 筹集了 1900 万美元并且还在增加中

After Worldcoin and Pepe, one of the most celebrated crypto projects this year is Wall Street Memes. Although the meme coin lacks big names like Sam Altman or Matt Furie, it boasts a substantial following on social media and has managed to take the spotlight within days of going live. 

继 Worldcoin 和 Pepe 之后,今年最著名的加密项目之一是 Wall Street Memes。尽管这款模因币缺少 Sam Altman 或 Matt Furie 等大牌明星,但它在社交媒体上拥有大量追随者,并在上线几天内就成为了人们关注的焦点。

Unlike most meme coin projects that spring up overnight based on fleeting internet trends or tweets, Wall Street Memes has been steadily building its community since 2019. Not as a meme coin community, but a meme community with a global foothold. The hilarious and often thought-provoking memes posted on the project resonate with investors and traders across various sectors.

与大多数基于稍纵即逝的互联网趋势或推文一夜之间涌现的模因币项目不同,华尔街模因自 2019 年以来一直在稳步建设其社区。不是作为一个模因币社区,而是一个立足于全球的模因社区。该项目上发布的搞笑且常常发人深省的表情包引起了各个行业的投资者和交易者的共鸣。

The community’s wide range of followers includes business leaders like Elon Musk. 


Wall Street Memes openly acknowledges its speculative nature, sparing it from the burden of proving its use or purpose, unlike utility projects or even meme coins with a utility spin. 


Industry analysts predict Wall Street Memes to ride a 15-25X surge during its initial week, depending on the broader market conditions. However, as momentum grows and whales amass the meme coin, the coin could bring generous returns amounting anywhere from 70-80X for early investors. 

行业分析师预测,根据更广泛的市场状况,华尔街表情包在发布的第一周内将飙升 15-25 倍。然而,随着势头的增长和鲸鱼积累模因币,该币可以为早期投资者带来 70-80 倍的丰厚回报。

The rapid sellout of Wall Street Memes’ initial NFT collection titled “Wall St. Bulls” within half an hour indicates its explosive potential. 

Wall Street Memes 的首个 NFT 系列“Wall St. Bulls”在半小时内迅速售空,足见其爆炸性潜力。

Leading crypto publications recommend WSM as one of the most promising cryptocurrency projects, with the potential to enter the unicorn list this year. By the looks of it, WSM can outperform Pepe and become the top meme coin of 2023 within two weeks of its launch. 

领先的加密货币出版物将 WSM 推荐为最有前途的加密货币项目之一,有潜力进入今年的独角兽名单。看起来,WSM 上线两周内就能超越 Pepe,成为 2023 年顶级 meme 币。

However, challenging Dogecoin and Shiba Inu seems too ambitious in 2023. But in terms of ROI, WSM is still a staggeringly better buy this year. 

然而,在 2023 年挑战狗狗币和柴犬似乎过于雄心勃勃。但就投资回报率而言,今年 WSM 仍然是一个更好的选择。

The presale has raised $19M out of its targeted $30M at the time of writing. 

截至撰写本文时,预售已筹集 1900 万美元,目标为 3000 万美元。



3. Chimpzee (CHMPZ) – Meme Coin for Wildlife Conservation and Passive Income

3. Chimpzee (CHMPZ) – 用于野生动物保护和被动收入的模因币

We have seen plenty of useless meme coins this year. They’re extremely volatile, yes. But if you’re looking for a meme coin that is not solely reliant on its speculative value and is thus less prone to the ups and downs of the market, CHMPZ is a good investment now. 

今年我们看到了很多无用的模因币。是的,它们非常不稳定。但如果您正在寻找一种不仅依赖其投机价值、因此不易受市场波动影响的模因币,那么 CHMPZ 现在是一项不错的投资。

It is a utility meme coin. What exactly does that mean? Well, Chimpzee combines the meme coin hype with a green mission to boost wildlife conservation initiatives. In other words, the ecosystem empowers you to make a positive impact on the environment and save animals while earning income.

这是一种实用的模因硬币。这到底是什么意思呢?好吧,Chimpzee 将模因硬币炒作与促进野生动物保护举措的绿色使命结合起来。换句话说,生态系统使您能够在赚取收入的同时对环境产生积极影响并拯救动物。

For example, these are just some of the milestones that the project has managed to accomplish even before its token launch. 


  • Chimpzee has been working together with One Tree Planted to plant 1200 trees in the Acre region of Brazil to help restore the Brazilian rainforest.
  • Chimpzee 一直与 One Tree Planted 合作,在巴西阿卡地区种植了 1200 棵树,帮助恢复巴西雨林。

  • On reaching a presale goal, Chimpanzee donated $15,000 through theGivingBlock to WILD Foundation. It is dedicated to protecting one of the last herds of desert-adapted elephants in the world.
  • 在达到预售目标后,Chimpanzee 通过 GivingBlock 向 WILD 基金会捐赠了 15,000 美元。它致力于保护世界上最后一群适应沙漠的大象。

  • Chimpzee has donated $20,000 to One Tree Planted as part of planting 20,000 trees and restoring rainforests on the Southwest Coast of Guatemala. 
  • Chimpzee 向 One Tree Planted 捐赠了 20,000 美元,作为在危地马拉西南海岸种植 20,000 棵树和恢复雨林的一部分。

The revolutionary new project believes that the massive hype around meme coins can help draw attention to the importance of wildlife conservation and make a tangible change. It makes this possible through an extensive reward system that works on three pillars. 


  • Chimpzee Shop – Shop-to-Earn
  • Chimpzee Shop – 购物赚钱

  • NFT Marketplace – Trade-to-Earn
  • NFT 市场 – 交易赚取收益

  • Zero Tolerance Game – Play-to-Earn
  • 零容忍游戏——边玩边赚钱

Anyone can use these three ways to make a positive impact on the lives of wildlife species. But if you want to boost your earning potential within the ecosystem, you need to get the Chimpzee NFT passports. They act as the VIP passports to the ecosystem and give holders the highest rates of reward potential. 

任何人都可以利用这三种方式对野生动物物种的生活产生积极影响。但如果你想提高生态系统中的收入潜力,你需要获得 Chimpzee NFT 通行证。它们充当生态系统的 VIP 护照,并为持有者提供最高的奖励潜力。

The 4 NFT Passports are Diamond, Gold, Silver and Bronze. To enter the whitelist for these four NFT collections, the ongoing CHMPZ presale is the only gateway. CHMPZ is the native crypto of the platform, which is distributed as a reward. 

4 种 NFT 护照分别是钻石级、金级、银级和铜级。要进入这四个 NFT 集合的白名单,正在进行的 CHMPZ 预售是唯一的途径。 CHMPZ 是该平台的原生加密货币,作为奖励进行分发。

Here are some of the highlights of the collections:


  • Stake your NFT and earn up to 20% APY.
  • 质押您的 NFT 并赚取高达 20% 的年化收益。

  • Earn CHMPZ tokens when you buy Chimpzee merchandise.
  • 购买 Chimpzee 商品即可赚取 CHMPZ 代币。

  • Get a larger share of the NFT Marketplace trading fee profits pool.
  • 获得 NFT 市场交易费用利润池的更大份额。

  • Step up your performance in Zero Tolerance Game and earn more CHMPZ coins.
  • 提高您在零容忍游戏中的表现并赚取更多 CHMPZ 硬币。

  • Buy the Diamond and Gold series NFTs early for the best rewards and benefits.
  • 尽早购买钻石和黄金系列 NFT 以获得最佳奖励和福利。

  • CHMPZ tokens used to buy the NFT Passport are burned. 
  • 用于购买 NFT 护照的 CHMPZ 代币被烧毁。


访问 Chimpzee 预售

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现在购买狗狗币为时已晚——接下来会流行哪种 Meme 币?首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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