首页 > 资讯新闻 > 第一个 Layer 2 Meme Coin Pepe Unchained 在预售中筹集了超过 200 万美元 – 最值得购买的加密货币?

First Layer 2 Meme Coin Pepe Unchained Raises Over $2M at Presale – Best Crypto to Buy?

第一个 Layer 2 Meme Coin Pepe Unchained 在预售中筹集了超过 200 万美元 – 最值得购买的加密货币?

发布: 2024/07/04 22:04 阅读: 272

原文作者:CoinPedia News


第一个 Layer 2 Meme Coin Pepe Unchained 在预售中筹集了超过 200 万美元 – 最值得购买的加密货币?

Pepe Unchained: Breaking Ground as the First Layer 2 Meme Coin

Pepe Unchained:作为第一个 Layer 2 Meme 硬币破土动工

In an industry saturated with utility-lacking meme coins, Pepe Unchained (PEPI) is carving a distinct path, shattering the norms and pioneering a new era. Through its groundbreaking presale, Pepe Unchained is raising funds to establish the first Ethereum layer 2 scaling solution inspired by the iconic Pepe meme.

在一个充斥着缺乏实用性的模因币的行业中,Pepe Unchained (PEPI) 正在开辟一条独特的道路,打破规范并开创一个新时代。通过突破性的预售,Pepe Unchained 正在筹集资金,以建立第一个以太坊第 2 层扩展解决方案,其灵感来自标志性的 Pepe meme。

Intrigued speculators are flocking to support this captivating concept, contributing generously to the project's presale. In less than three weeks, the total raised has reached the significant milestone of $2 million, signaling the market's enthusiasm.

感兴趣的投机者蜂拥而至支持这一迷人的概念,为该项目的预售做出了慷慨的贡献。在不到三周的时间里,融资总额已达到 200 万美元的重要里程碑,表明了市场的热情。

Merging Worlds: Layer 2 and Meme Coins Unite with Pepe Unchained

融合世界:Layer 2 和 Meme 币与 Pepe Unchained 联合

Pepe Unchained marks a watershed moment in the crypto sphere, introducing a layer 2 blockchain exclusively dedicated to meme coins. This innovation elevates the realm of meme coins to new heights while seamlessly integrating them into the technological forefront.

Pepe Unchained 标志着加密领域的一个分水岭时刻,引入了专门用于 meme 币的第 2 层区块链。这项创新将模因币的领域提升到了新的高度,同时将它们无缝地融入了技术前沿。

By leveraging layer 2 technology, Pepe Unchained enables transactions to occur off the Ethereum mainnet, ensuring enhanced speed and cost-effectiveness. Yet, it maintains the decentralized and secure foundations that Ethereum is renowned for. Pepe Unchained promises transaction speeds that surpass Ethereum's capabilities by a hundredfold at a fraction of the cost.

通过利用第 2 层技术,Pepe Unchained 使交易能够在以太坊主网上进行,确保提高速度和成本效益。然而,它保持了以太坊闻名的去中心化和安全的基础。 Pepe Unchained 承诺交易速度比以太坊的能力高出一百倍,而成本却只是以太坊的一小部分。

Benefiting from Industry Trends


The timing of Pepe Unchained's launch is impeccably aligned with prevailing industry trends. The year 2024 has witnessed a surge in the popularity of meme coins, while layer 2 networks have also experienced a significant surge in activity. This convergence creates an opportune backdrop for Pepe Unchained, contributing to its notable price potential.

Pepe Unchained 的推出时机与当前的行业趋势完美契合。 2024 年,Meme 币的受欢迎程度激增,而 Layer 2 网络的活动也出现了大幅增长。这种融合为 Pepe Unchained 创造了有利的背景,为其显着的价格潜力做出了贡献。

Presale Success and FOMO

预售成功和 FOMO

The Pepe Unchained presale has raised $2 million in a remarkable span of under three weeks. This accomplishment is a testament to the project's strong fundamentals and the buzz surrounding it. Moreover, the presale's incremental price increases, from $0.0082267 to higher levels, have generated a sense of FOMO among investors.

Pepe Unchained 预售在不到三周的时间里就筹集了 200 万美元。这一成就证明了该项目的强大基础和围绕它的热度。此外,预售价格从 0.0082267 美元上涨到更高的水平,在投资者中产生了一种 FOMO 的感觉。

Incentivized Adoption and Passive Income


Presale participants in Pepe Unchained enjoy an added incentive - the ability to stake their tokens for passive income. This is facilitated by the project's reduced operating costs, which enable it to offer double the staking rewards. Currently, staking yields an impressive 860% APY, a hundredfold increase compared to staking rewards for ETH or SOL. However, it is worth noting that these exceptional returns will diminish as the staking pool grows.

Pepe Unchained 的预售参与者享有额外的激励——能够抵押其代币以获得被动收入。该项目运营成本的降低促进了这一点,使其能够提供双倍的质押奖励。目前,质押收益高达 860%,比 ETH 或 SOL 的质押奖励增加了数百倍。然而,值得注意的是,随着质押池的增长,这些非凡的回报将会减少。

Predictions of Exponential Growth


Prominent analysts have expressed bullish predictions regarding Pepe Unchained's prospects. Roshawn Silva, in particular, has asserted that the project possesses the potential to witness a 100x growth and urged investors to seize the presale opportunity.

知名分析师对 Pepe Unchained 的前景表达了乐观的预测。 Roshawn Silva尤其断言该项目具有实现100倍增长的潜力,并敦促投资者抓住预售机会。

A Promising Future


Pepe Unchained's unique blend of memetic appeal and practical utility through its layer 2 solution positions it as a highly promising investment. Its presale success and the optimistic predictions for its exchange launch suggest a strong trajectory for the project. However, the pace of its growth remains uncertain.

Pepe Unchained 通过其第 2 层解决方案将模因吸引力和实用性独特地结合起来,使其成为一项极具前景的投资。其预售的成功以及对其交易所推出的乐观预测表明该项目的发展轨迹强劲。然而,其增长速度仍不确定。

Early adoption is the cornerstone of success for prospective investors due to the incentives heavily skewed towards those embracing the project from its inception. Therefore, it is imperative to capitalize on this opportunity swiftly.


Stay updated on the latest developments by following Pepe Unchained on various platforms or visiting their website to purchase and stake tokens.

通过在各个平台上关注 Pepe Unchained 或访问其网站购买和质押代币,了解最新动态。

[Visit Pepe Unchained Presale]

【参观 Pepe Unchained 预售】


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