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Legal Woes Stunt XRP’s Growth in Amazon Pay, Expert Weighs-In

专家称,法律困境阻碍了 XRP 在 Amazon Pay 中的增长

发布: 2023/09/05 17:30 阅读: 411

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • John Deaton laments how Ripple’s SEC lawsuit has stifled XRP’s integration into Amazon Pay.
  • John Deaton 感叹 Ripple 的 SEC 诉讼如何阻碍了 XRP 与 Amazon Pay 的整合。

  • The SEC’s designation of XRP as a security led BitPay to discontinue its support for the cryptocurrency.
  • 美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 将 XRP 指定为证券,导致 BitPay 停止了对这种加密货币的支持。

  • XRP, specifically designed for payments, lost its opportunity to meme-coins like Dogecoin in payment platforms.
  • 专为支付而设计的瑞波币在支付平台上输给了像狗狗币这样的模因币。

John Deaton, XRP pro lawyer, has recently illuminated the adverse ramifications of Ripple’s enduring legal tussle with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on XRP’s market viability. 

XRP 专业律师约翰·迪顿 (John Deaton) 最近阐述了 Ripple 与美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 就 XRP 市场生存能力展开的持久法律斗争所带来的不利影响。

Specifically, this prolonged litigation has scuttled what could have been a transformative adoption of XRP by Amazon Pay—a gateway serving 50 million users, with 27% of U.S digital payment patrons favoring this platform.

具体来说,这场旷日持久的诉讼破坏了 Amazon Pay 对 XRP 的变革性采用——Amazon Pay 是一个为 5000 万用户提供服务的网关,27% 的美国数字支付用户青睐该平台。

Initially, BitPay extended the option for U.S customers to complete purchases using XRP. However, the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple, in which it labeled XRP a “security,” compelled BitPay to suspend its XRP services stateside. Ironically, BitPay instead opted to support meme-coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu—currencies not initially designed for transactional utility, unlike XRP.

最初,BitPay 为美国客户提供了使用 XRP 完成购买的选项。然而,美国证券交易委员会对 Ripple 提起诉讼,将 XRP 标记为“证券”,迫使 BitPay 暂停其在美国境内的 XRP 服务。具有讽刺意味的是,BitPay 相反选择支持像狗狗币和柴犬这样的模因币——与 XRP 不同,这些货币最初并不是为交易实用而设计的。

Deaton articulated the irony sharply: “XRP was created for payments, and Dogecoin was created as a joke.” This landscape seems even more lopsided when considering the sheer magnitude of Amazon Pay’s user base—a vast swath of which remains untapped by XRP due to legal entanglements.

迪顿尖锐地表达了这一讽刺:“XRP 是为了支付而创建的,而狗狗币是作为一个笑话而创建的。”考虑到 Amazon Pay 用户群的庞大规模,这种情况似乎更加不平衡——由于法律纠纷,其中很大一部分用户尚未被 XRP 开发。

This notwithstanding, the future for XRP and Ripple shines with latent promise. As regulatory frameworks mature, there’s burgeoning hope that XRP will not only regain its lost ground but also chart new territories, solidifying its role as a versatile financial asset.

尽管如此,XRP 和 Ripple 的未来仍然充满了潜在的希望。随着监管框架的成熟,人们越来越希望 XRP 不仅能收复失地,还能开拓新领域,巩固其作为多功能金融资产的角色。

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《法律困境阻碍 XRP 在 Amazon Pay 中的增长,专家权衡》一文首先出现在 Crypto News Land 上。


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