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List of 6 coins that can be bigger than Dogecoin (DOGE)

比狗狗币 (DOGE) 更大的 6 种货币列表

发布: 2024/01/03 17:00 阅读: 940

原文作者:Crypto News Land


比狗狗币 (DOGE) 更大的 6 种货币列表

The world of cryptocurrency is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, filled with a myriad of coins and tokens vying for attention and dominance. While Dogecoin (DOGE) has made headlines and captured the hearts of many with its Shiba Inu mascot and meme-worthy charm, there are other cryptocurrencies with the potential to not only rival DOGE but even surpass its market capitalization.In this article, we will explore six such coins, with Retik Finance (RETIK) leading the pack as a standout candidate.

加密货币的世界是一个动态且不断发展的景观,充满了无数争夺关注和主导地位的硬币和代币。虽然狗狗币 (DOGE) 因其柴犬吉祥物和具有模因价值的魅力而成为头条新闻并俘获了许多人的心,但还有其他加密货币不仅有潜力与 DOGE 竞争,甚至超越其市值。在本文中,我们将探索六种这样的代币,其中 Retik Finance (RETIK) 是其中的佼佼者。

6 Coins That Could Surpass Dogecoin (DOGE) – Retik Finance (RETIK) Leading the Pack

6 种可能超越狗狗币 (DOGE) 的代币 – Retik Finance (RETIK) 领先

Retik Finance (RETIK) – The Game Changer

Retik Finance (RETIK) – 游戏规则改变者

When it comes to cryptocurrencies poised to challenge the supremacy of Dogecoin, Retik Finance (RETIK) stands out as a game changer. Priced attractively at just $0.05 during its ongoing presale stage, RETIK Finance is on a mission to redefine the decentralised finance (DeFi) landscape. This innovative platform brings simplicity, security, and seamlessness to the world of cryptocurrencies, offering a suite of groundbreaking products and services.

当谈到准备挑战狗狗币霸主地位的加密货币时,Retik Finance (RETIK) 脱颖而出,成为游戏规则的改变者。 RETIK Finance 在预售阶段的定价仅为 0.05 美元,极具吸引力,其使命是重新定义去中心化金融 (DeFi) 格局。这个创新平台为加密货币世界带来了简单性、安全性和无缝性,提供了一套突破性的产品和服务。

RETIK Finance’s standout features include:

RETIK Finance 的突出特点包括:

  • DeFi Debit Cards: These cards offer anonymous transactions without requiring Know Your Customer (KYC) verification, prioritizing user privacy. Users can spend their crypto globally, enjoy Web 3.0 wallet technology, and even facilitate crypto-to-fiat conversions through Visa and Mastercard networks.
  • DeFi 借记卡:这些卡提供匿名交易,无需了解您的客户 (KYC) 验证,优先考虑用户隐私。用户可以在全球范围内使用加密货币,享受 Web 3.0 钱包技术,甚至可以通过 Visa 和 Mastercard 网络促进加密货币到法定货币的转换。

  • Retik Pay: This payment gateway enables seamless crypto payment integration for both merchants and users, providing the flexibility to pay with preferred cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies without worrying about exchange rates or fees.
  • Retik Pay:该支付网关为商家和用户提供无缝的加密支付集成,提供使用首选加密货币或法定货币进行支付的灵活性,而无需担心汇率或费用。

  • Retik Wallet: A user-friendly and feature-rich wallet that serves as an entry point for investors into DeFi. Users can manage and store their crypto efficiently, engage in swapping and selling cryptocurrencies, and participate in staking, lending, borrowing, and yield farming.
  • Retik Wallet:一款用户友好且功能丰富的钱包,可作为投资者进入 DeFi 的切入点。用户可以有效地管理和存储他们的加密货币,参与交换和销售加密货币,并参与质押、借贷和流动性挖矿。

The continuous triumph of RETIK Finance’s token presale stands as a testament to the unwavering confidence investors have in the project’s robust foundation. Remarkably, in less than three weeks, the presale has garnered an impressive $2.4 million, reflecting a remarkable gain of over 60%. Experts in the field anticipate even more substantial gains, potentially exceeding 200%, as the project gears up for its official launch on two major exchanges.With the third presale stage ongoing at a discounted price of $0.05 per RETIK, Retik Finance is positioned at the forefront of DeFi’s next evolution. Experts predict a bullish trajectory for RETIK, with a projected value of $5. Unlike Dogecoin, which has reached its peak and faces challenges to maintain its momentum, RETIK Finance is on an upward trajectory with untapped growth potential.

RETIK Finance 代币预售的持续成功证明了投资者对该项目坚实基础的坚定信心。值得注意的是,在不到三周的时间里,预售就获得了令人印象深刻的 240 万美元,涨幅超过 60%。随着该项目准备在两大主要交易所正式推出,该领域的专家预计收益将更加可观,可能超过 200%。 随着第三次预售阶段的进行,每个 RETIK 的折扣价为 0.05 美元,Retik Finance 的定位是DeFi 下一步发展的最前沿。专家预测 RETIK 的看涨轨迹为 5 美元。与已经达到顶峰并面临维持势头的挑战的狗狗币不同,RETIK Finance 正处于上升轨道,增长潜力尚未开发。

>>>> Click Here To Buy RETIK Tokens <<<<

>>>> 点击此处购买 RETIK 代币

Shiba Inu (SHIB) – The “Dogecoin Killer”


Often referred to as the “Dogecoin killer,” Shiba Inu (SHIB) has made waves in the cryptocurrency community. SHIB’s rise from a meme-inspired token to a significant market capitalization behemoth has been nothing short of impressive. While SHIB has shown significant market movements akin to Dogecoin, its unique community and ambitious goals set it apart.SHIB’s ecosystem includes tokens like Leash and Bone, each with its distinct use case. The leash is an experiment in creating a non-collateralized token, while Bone serves as a governance token for the ShibaSwap decentralized exchange. SHIB’s community, known as the “Shiba Army,” is highly engaged and passionate, contributing to its continued growth and development.Despite its astronomical market cap, SHIB continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem. With developments like ShibaSwap and the launch of the Layer 2 scaling solution Shibarium, SHIB aims to solidify its position in the cryptocurrency market.

柴犬 (SHIB) 通常被称为“狗狗币杀手”,它在加密货币社区中掀起了波澜。 SHIB 从一个受迷因启发的代币崛起为一个重要的市值庞然大物,令人印象深刻。虽然 SHIB 表现出了类似于狗狗币的重大市场走势,但其独特的社区和雄心勃勃的目标使其与众不同。SHIB 的生态系统包括 Leash 和 Bone 等代币,每种代币都有其独特的用例。 Leash 是创建无抵押代币的实验,而 Bone 则充当 ShibaSwap 去中心化交易所的治理代币。 SHIB 的社区被称为“柴犬军团”,高度参与和热情,为其持续增长和发展做出了贡献。尽管其市值达到天文数字,SHIB 仍在不断创新和扩展其生态系统。通过 ShibaSwap 等发展以及 Layer 2 扩展解决方案 Shibarium 的推出,SHIB 旨在巩固其在加密货币市场的地位。

Polygon (MATIC) – Scaling Ethereum

Polygon (MATIC) – 扩展以太坊

Polygon (MATIC) has gained recognition for its role as a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum network. As Ethereum faces challenges with congestion and high transaction costs, Polygon offers scalable solutions that could lead to widespread adoption and growth.

Polygon (MATIC) 因其作为以太坊网络的第 2 层扩展解决方案的作用而获得认可。由于以太坊面临拥堵和高交易成本的挑战,Polygon 提供了可扩展的解决方案,可能会导致广泛采用和增长。

Key features of Polygon include:

Polygon 的主要功能包括:

  • Enhanced Scalability: Polygon can process hundreds of transactions per second (tps), significantly outpacing Ethereum’s current capacity of approximately 15 tps. This enhanced scalability makes it an attractive solution for developers and users seeking faster and cheaper transactions.
  • 增强的可扩展性:Polygon 每秒可以处理数百笔交易 (tps),​​大大超过了以太坊当前约 15 tps 的容量。这种增强的可扩展性使其成为寻求更快、更便宜交易的开发人员和用户的有吸引力的解决方案。

  • Polygon PoS (Proof of Stake) Chain: Polygon has introduced its PoS chain, which is EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible. This compatibility allows developers to seamlessly migrate their Ethereum-based projects to Polygon, reducing the burden of high gas fees and congestion.
  • Polygon PoS(权益证明)链:Polygon 推出了与 EVM(以太坊虚拟机)兼容的 PoS 链。这种兼容性使开发人员能够将基于以太坊的项目无缝迁移到 Polygon,从而减轻高额汽油费和拥堵的负担。

  • Diverse Ecosystem: Polygon boasts a diverse ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and projects, including DeFi protocols, NFT marketplaces, and gaming platforms. This diversity contributes to its growing adoption and user base.
  • 多元化的生态系统:Polygon 拥有多元化的去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 和项目生态系统,包括 DeFi 协议、NFT 市场和游戏平台。这种多样性有助于其不断增长的采用率和用户群。

If Polygon continues to attract developers and users, it has the potential to achieve significant growth in the cryptocurrency market.


>>>> Click Here To Buy RETIK Tokens <<<<

>>>> 点击此处购买 RETIK 代币

Aave – Revolutionizing Lending

Aave – 彻底改变贷款

Aave is an open-source, non-custodial lending system built on the Ethereum network. It offers users the ability to earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings by making deposits and provides a platform for taking out loans in cryptocurrency against collateralized assets.

Aave 是一个建立在以太坊网络上的开源、非托管借贷系统。它为用户提供了通过存款赚取加密货币利息的能力,并提供了一个以抵押资产为抵押获得加密货币贷款的平台。

Key features of Aave include:

Aave 的主要功能包括:

  • Decentralization: Aave operates as a decentralized platform, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries like banks. Smart contracts facilitate direct communication between lenders and borrowers, automating loan agreements’ provisions.
  • 去中心化:Aave 作为去中心化平台运营,消除了对银行等传统中介机构的需求。智能合约促进贷款人和借款人之间的直接沟通,使贷款协议的条款自动化。

  • Wide Asset Support: Aave supports over 17 different cryptocurrencies, including popular altcoins like USDC and major tokens like ETH and stablecoins. This diverse asset support attracts a broad user base.
  • 广泛的资产支持:Aave 支持超过 17 种不同的加密货币,包括 USDC 等流行的山寨币以及 ETH 和稳定币等主要代币。这种多样化的资产支持吸引了广泛的用户群。

  • Lending and Borrowing: Users can lend their assets to earn interest or borrow assets by providing collateral. This flexibility appeals to both investors and borrowers in the cryptocurrency space.
  • 借贷:用户可以借出资产赚取利息,也可以通过提供抵押品借入资产。这种灵活性对加密货币领域的投资者和借款人都有吸引力。

With a current market capitalization of approximately $15.8 billion, Aave has already made significant strides in the DeFi sector. As the DeFi market continues to expand and mature, Aave could position itself as a leading player, potentially matching the market cap of Dogecoin.

Aave 目前的市值约为 158 亿美元,已经在 DeFi 领域取得了重大进展。随着 DeFi 市场的不断扩大和成熟,Aave 可以将自己定位为领先者,有可能与狗狗币的市值相匹配。

Bonk – The Solana Meme Token

Bonk – Solana Meme 代币

Bonk is a meme token built on the Solana blockchain, featuring an adorable Shiba Inu mascot. Launched in December 2022 as a Christmas airdrop to the Solana community, Bonk quickly gained notoriety for its sense of community, humour, and rapid price appreciation.

Bonk 是一种建立在 Solana 区块链上的模因代币,以可爱的柴犬吉祥物为特色。 Bonk 于 2022 年 12 月作为对 Solana 社区的圣诞节空投推出,很快因其社区意识、幽默感和快速的价格升值而声名狼藉。

Key attributes of Bonk include:

Bonk 的主要属性包括:

  • Solana’s Scalability: Bonk leverages Solana’s scalability and speed to enable fast and cost-effective transactions. A percentage of transaction fees is automatically burned, reducing the total supply and potentially increasing value over time.
  • Solana 的可扩展性:Bonk 利用 Solana 的可扩展性和速度来实现快速且经济高效的交易。一定比例的交易费用会自动销毁,从而减少总供应量,并可能随着时间的推移增加价值。

  • Community Engagement: Bonk’s community, known as the “Bonkers,” actively participates in governance and decision-making, fostering a strong sense of ownership and involvement.
  • 社区参与:Bonk 的社区被称为“Bonkers”,积极参与治理和决策,培养强烈的主人翁意识和参与意识。

  • Exchange Listings: Bonk’s listing on prominent centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase has further boosted its visibility and market capitalization.
  • 交易所上市:Bonk在币安、Coinbase等知名中心化交易所上市,进一步提升了其知名度和市值。

In recent months, Bonk has experienced substantial price surges, with a 500% increase in the last 30 days alone. This growth, coupled with its strong community and listing on major exchanges, positions Bonk as a formidable contender in the meme coin arena.

近几个月来,Bonk 的价格大幅上涨,仅过去 30 天就上涨了 500%。这种增长,加上其强大的社区和在主要交易所的上市,使 Bonk 成为模因币领域的强大竞争者。

>>>> Click Here To Buy RETIK Tokens <<<<

>>>> 点击此处购买 RETIK 代币

Fusionist – The Endurance Blockchain’s Native Coin

Fusionist – Endurance 区块链的原生代币

Fusionist (ACE) is the native coin of the Endurance blockchain, designed specifically for social media and gaming applications. Endurance prioritizes efficiency and affordability, ensuring seamless interactions in social media and gaming without major delays.

Fusionist (ACE) 是 Endurance 区块链的原生代币,专为社交媒体和游戏应用程序而设计。 Endurance 优先考虑效率和负担能力,确保社交媒体和游戏中的无缝交互,而不会出现重大延迟。

Key highlights of Fusionist (ACE) and the Endurance blockchain include:

Fusionist (ACE) 和 Endurance 区块链的主要亮点包括:

  • In-Game Utility: ACE is used for in-game purchases, item acquisition, and incentives within various games, notably the flagship AAA web3 game, Fusionist.
  • 游戏内实用程序:ACE 用于各种游戏中的游戏内购买、物品获取和激励,特别是旗舰 AAA web3 游戏 Fusionist。

  • Staking Rewards: Users can earn passive income by staking their ACE tokens, contributing to network security and governance.
  • 质押奖励:用户可以通过质押 ACE 代币来赚取被动收入,为网络安全和治理做出贡献。

  • Tokenomics: Fusionist employs token-burning mechanisms to reduce supply and potentially increase value over time, similar to other successful cryptocurrencies.
  • 代币经济学:Fusionist 采用代币销毁机制来减少供应,并可能随着时间的推移增加价值,类似于其他成功的加密货币。

Fusionist (ACE) has recently gained attention due to its listing on Binance and the subsequent surge in its valuation. With a market cap exceeding $248 million, Fusionist aims to challenge the market cap of Dogecoin and establish a strong presence in the cryptocurrency space.

Fusionist(ACE)近期因在币安上市以及随后估值飙升而受到关注。 Fusionist 的市值超过 2.48 亿美元,其目标是挑战狗狗币的市值,并在加密货币领域建立强大的影响力。



While Dogecoin (DOGE) remains a beloved meme-inspired cryptocurrency, there are several contenders in the crypto sphere with the potential to surpass its market capitalization. Retik Finance (RETIK), with its innovative DeFi ecosystem, leads the pack as a standout candidate for significant growth.Shiba Inu (SHIB), Polygon (MATIC), Aave, Bonk, and Fusionist are also formidable players in the cryptocurrency market, each with its unique features and strengths. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, these coins could potentially challenge the dominance of Dogecoin and carve out their path to success. Investors should conduct thorough research and due diligence before considering any cryptocurrency investment, keeping in mind the inherent volatility and risks associated with the crypto market.

虽然狗狗币(DOGE)仍然是一种受人们喜爱的模因启发的加密货币,但加密领域有几个竞争者有可能超越其市值。 Retik Finance (RETIK) 凭借其创新的 DeFi 生态系统,成为实现显着增长的杰出候选者。Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Polygon (MATIC)、Aave、Bonk 和 Fusionist 也是加密货币市场中的强大参与者,每个都以其独特的特点和优势。随着加密货币市场的不断发展,这些硬币可能会挑战狗狗币的主导地位并开辟成功之路。投资者在考虑任何加密货币投资之前应进行彻底的研究和尽职调查,并牢记与加密货币市场相关的固有波动性和风险。

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

点击此处参加 Retik Finance 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的更多信息:

Website: https://retik.com/


Whitepaper: https://retik.com/retik-whitepaper.pdf


Linktree: https://linktr.ee/retikfinance


The post List of 6 coins that can be bigger than Dogecoin (DOGE) appeared first on Crypto News Land.

比狗狗币(DOGE)更大的 6 种货币的帖子列表首先出现在 Crypto News Land 上。


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