首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2023 年莱特币交易量将超过 1.8 亿笔——未来几周涨幅前三的交易

Litecoin Transactions Surpass 180 Million In 2023 – Top 3 Gainers for The Coming Weeks

2023 年莱特币交易量将超过 1.8 亿笔——未来几周涨幅前三的交易

发布: 2023/10/22 15:02 阅读: 297

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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莱特币交易量在 2023 年将突破 1.8 亿笔——未来几周的前三名交易额首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest and the best altcoins in the crypto market. As it celebrated its 12th anniversary on October 13, it surpassed 180 million transactions a day before. However, in the current bear market, experts have pinpointed the top 3 gainers for the coming weeks. Let’s understand why NuggetRush (NUGX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Arbitrum (ARB) are their picks. 

莱特币(LTC)是加密市场上最古老、最好的山寨币之一。 10 月 13 日,该公司庆祝成立 12 周年,前一天交易量突破 1.8 亿笔。然而,在当前的熊市中,专家们已经确定了未来几周涨幅最大的三大股票。让我们了解为什么他们选择 NuggetRush (NUGX)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Arbitrum (ARB)。



  • NuggetRush (NUGX) combines 100% profitability with innovative gameplay. 
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 将 100% 的盈利能力与创新的游戏玩法结合在一起。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) is predicted to rise above $0.063 after a downturn. 
  • 狗狗币 (DOGE) 预计在经历低迷后将升至 0.063 美元以上。

  • Arbitrum’s (ARB) ecosystem growth is set to drive it past $0.98
  • Arbitrum (ARB) 生态系统的增长将推动其价格突破 0.98 美元。

NuggetRush Rewards Early Investors With 100% Profitability

NuggetRush 以 100% 的盈利能力奖励早期投资者

The innovative NuggetRush (NUGX) is a blockchain-based, play-to-earn game that combines GameFi with real-world utility. The players on NuggetRush can build their own mining facilities. These mining facilities can be built with other NuggetRush players or mining experts available on the platform. 

创新的 NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款基于区块链的边玩边赚钱的游戏,将 GameFi 与现实世界的实用程序相结合。 NuggetRush 上的玩家可以建造自己的采矿设施。这些采矿设施可以与平台上的其他 NuggetRush 玩家或采矿专家一起建造。

The players can also develop their character NFTs and stake them on the platform to earn high APY. The NuggetRush platform also has rare NFTs, such as RUSHGEMS. These can be traded for real gold that will be delivered to the player’s doorstep. 

玩家还可以开发自己的角色NFT并将其质押在平台上以获得高APY。 NuggetRush 平台还有稀有的 NFT,例如 RUSHGEMS。这些可以交易成真正的黄金,这些黄金将被送到玩家家门口。

The NUGX token is built on the Ethereum network with a total supply of 500,000,000. The Round 1 presale of the NUGX token is being conducted by NuggetRush right now. The price of NUGX at this point is $0.010, set to surge to $0.020 per token during the presale alone. This translates to a return of 100% to the current NUGX buyers. 

NUGX 代币建立在以太坊网络上,总供应量为 500,000,000。 NuggetRush 目前正在进行 NUGX 代币的第一轮预售。目前 NUGX 的价格为 0.010 美元,仅在预售期间就将飙升至每枚 0.020 美元。这意味着当前 NUGX 买家获得 100% 的回报。

Considering these numbers, experts claim that NUGX is the best crypto to buy for smart investors during October.

考虑到这些数字,专家声称 NUGX 是聪明投资者在 10 月份购买的最佳加密货币。


>>立即购买 NUGX 代币

Ferrari Accepts Dogecoin, Experts Predict Upsurge in The DOGE Price


The meme coins have been the hardest hit in the current bear market, and Dogecoin (DOGE) is not an exception. In recent weeks, the Dogecoin (DOGE) token only witnessed a relief surge in the last week of September and early October. This surge was caused by a letter from the US Congress to the SEC on September 26. As a result, the Dogecoin (DOGE) price rose to $0.063 on October 2. 

米姆币在当前的熊市中受到的打击最为严重,狗狗币(DOGE)也不例外。最近几周,狗狗币(DOGE)代币仅在 9 月最后一周和 10 月初出现了缓解性飙升。这次飙升是由美国国会9月26日致SEC的一封信引起的。结果,狗狗币(DOGE)价格在10月2日上涨至0.063美元。

However, this surge was only a short-term bounce as the crypto markets turned bearish once more. As a result, Dogecoin (DOGE) price is down 7.9% to reach $0.058 by October 17. Despite the downturn, experts foresee Dogecoin (DOGE) to be one of the top altcoins in the coming weeks. 

然而,随着加密货币市场再次转为看跌,这种飙升只是短期反弹。因此,到 10 月 17 日,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格下跌 7.9%,达到 0.058 美元。尽管经济低迷,但专家预计狗狗币 (DOGE) 将在未来几周内成为顶级山寨币之一。

The reason behind this optimism is one of the most prominent car makers, Ferrari, accepting Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment. This announcement came amid the price dump on October 14. Thus, experts foresee Dogecoin to bounce from the current levels and surge past $0.063 in the coming weeks. 

这种乐观情绪背后的原因是最著名的汽车制造商之一法拉利接受狗狗币(DOGE)作为付款方式。这一公告是在 10 月 14 日价格暴跌期间发布的。因此,专家预计狗狗币将从当前水平反弹,并在未来几周内飙升至 0.063 美元以上。

Arbitrum Predicted to Reclaim Lost Gains Amid Coinbase Wallet Integration

Arbitrum 预计将在 Coinbase 钱包整合中收复失地

Just like Dogecoin (DOGE), Arbitrum (ARB) also witnessed a surge during the crypto market relief rally. The price of the Arbitrum (ARB) token surged to $0.98 on October 3 before entering into a correction once again. Since then, the Arbitrum (ARB) token is down by 20% to trade at $0.78 by October 17. 

就像狗狗币(DOGE)一样,Arbitrum(ARB)在加密货币市场缓解反弹期间也出现了飙升。 Arbitrum (ARB) 代币的价格于 10 月 3 日飙升至 0.98 美元,然后再次进入回调。此后,到 10 月 17 日,Arbitrum (ARB) 代币下跌了 20%,交易价格为 0.78 美元。

Despite this downturn, the Arbitrum ecosystem has continued to expand. Superposition, the DeFi-native-Layer 3 network on Arbitrum, went live on October 9. This was followed by Stackit.Finance launch on Arbitrum on October 10. 

尽管经济低迷,Arbitrum 生态系统仍在继续扩张。 Arbitrum 上的 DeFi 原生第 3 层网络 Superposition 于 10 月 9 日上线。随后 Stackit.Finance 于 10 月 10 日在 Arbitrum 上发布。

Yet, the biggest good news for the Arbitrum (ARB) token was its integration into the Coinbase Wallet on October 12. This would allow DEX trading on the Arbitrum (ARB) token with zero Coinbase fees.

然而,Arbitrum (ARB) 代币最大的好消息是它于 10 月 12 日集成到 Coinbase 钱包中。这将允许在 Arbitrum (ARB) 代币上进行 DEX 交易,且 Coinbase 费用为零。

Naturally, these developments have prompted experts to turn bullish on the ARB token despite the recent dip. They foresee the ARB token to reclaim lost gains in the coming weeks and rise to $0.98 and beyond. 

当然,这些事态发展促使专家们转而看好 ARB 代币,尽管最近出现了下跌。他们预计 ARB 代币将在未来几周内收回损失的收益,并上涨至 0.98 美元及以上。

Visit NuggetRush Presale 

访问 NuggetRush 预售


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