首页 > 资讯新闻 > 现场报道:SpaceX 将从加州发射搭载 22 颗星链卫星的猎鹰 9 号火箭

Live coverage: SpaceX to launch Falcon 9 rocket from California carrying 22 Starlink satellites

现场报道:SpaceX 将从加州发射搭载 22 颗星链卫星的猎鹰 9 号火箭

发布: 2023/12/08 15:26 阅读: 364

原文作者:Spaceflight Now


现场报道:SpaceX 将从加州发射搭载 22 颗星链卫星的猎鹰 9 号火箭

A Falcon 9 rocket is scheduled to liftoff from the West Coast with another batch of satellites for SpaceX’s Starlink network at 12:03 a.m. PST Friday (2:03 a.m. EST / 0803 UTC).

猎鹰 9 号火箭计划于太平洋标准时间周五中午 12:03(美国东部标准时间凌晨 2:03 / 世界标准时间 0803)从西海岸升空,搭载 SpaceX 星链网络的另一批卫星。

The Starlink 7-8 mission will liftoff from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California and depart on a south-easterly direction, targeting a 183×178 mile (295×286 km) orbit, inclined at 53 degrees to the equator.

星链 7-8 任务将从加利福尼亚州范登堡太空部队基地的 4E 号航天发射场发射,向东南方向出发,目标轨道为 183×178 英里(295×286 公里),与赤道倾斜 53 度。

Spaceflight Now will provide live coverage of Falcon 9 liftoff in our Launch Pad Live stream.

Spaceflight Now 将在我们的发射台直播中直播猎鹰 9 号升空的情况。

The first stage booster, making its 13th flight, previously launched the NROL-87, NROL-85, SARah-1, SWOT, Transporter-8, Transporter-9 missions. Plus six previous Starlink delivery missions. After completing its burn, the first stage will land on the drone ship ‘Of Course I still Love You’ stationed about 400 miles downrange (644km) in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California.

第一级助推器进行了第 13 次飞行,此前曾执行过 NROL-87、NROL-85、SARah-1、SWOT、Transporter-8、Transporter-9 任务。加上之前的六次星链传送任务。完成燃烧后,第一阶段将降落在“当然我仍然爱你”号无人船上,该船驻扎在下加利福尼亚州海岸附近的太平洋下游约 400 英里(644 公里)处。

If all goes according to plan, deployment of the 22 Starlink satellites will occur just over an hour after launch. This will be the 40th launch for a batch of the V2 Mini Starlink model since it was introduced earlier this year. This new version is much larger than the previous V1.5 satellites and is equipped with upgraded antennae and larger solar panels, and are capable of delivering four times more bandwidth.

如果一切按计划进行,22 颗星链卫星的部署将在发射后一个多小时内完成。这将是 V2 Mini Starlink 型号自今年早些时候推出以来第 40 次推出。这个新版本比之前的 V1.5 卫星大得多,并配备了升级的天线和更大的太阳能电池板,能够提供四倍的带宽。

SpaceX recently announced earlier this year it had signed up over two million subscribers in more than 60 countries for its Starlink internet service. Since 2019 it has launched 5,559 satellites according to statistics compiled by Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who maintains a space flight database. Of those satellites 5,186 remain in orbit and 5,147 appear to be working normally.

SpaceX 今年早些时候宣布,其 Starlink 互联网服务已在 60 多个国家签约超过 200 万订户。根据哈佛-史密森天体物理中心天文学家乔纳森·麦克道尔 (Jonathan McDowell) 编制的统计数据,自 2019 年以来,它已发射了 5,559 颗卫星,该中心维护着一个太空飞行数据库。其中 5,186 颗卫星仍在轨道上,5,147 颗似乎工作正常。


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