首页 > 资讯新闻 > Chiliz 和 Pushd 响应急剧上升趋势,990M 狗狗币转账价格下跌

990M Dogecoin Transfer Sinks Price as Chiliz and Pushd Respond With Sharp Uptrend

Chiliz 和 Pushd 响应急剧上升趋势,990M 狗狗币转账价格下跌

发布: 2024/01/20 22:33 阅读: 465



Chiliz 和 Pushd 响应急剧上升趋势,990M 狗狗币转账价格下跌

A whale moved almost $80 million worth of Dogecoin (DOGE) out of the coin, causing the Dogecoin (DOGE) price to dip, underscoring the inherent volatility in cryptocurrencies. In the meantime, sports and entertainment blockchain Chiliz (CHZ) has doubled since October and the new e-commerce platform Pushd (PUSHD) is gaining strength on its presale.

一只鲸鱼从代币中转移了价值近 8000 万美元的狗狗币 (DOGE),导致狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格下跌,凸显了加密货币固有的波动性。与此同时,体育和娱乐区块链 Chiliz (CHZ) 自 10 月份以来已经翻了一番,新的电子商务平台 Pushd (PUSHD) 的预售势头也越来越强劲。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Whale activity wobbles price.


Supply and demand is a fundamental economic concept, and when a whale moved $80 million from the doge ecosystem, the Dogecoin (DOGE) price took a tumble. Initially criticized for having no intrinsic value, Dogecoin has cemented itself as a legitimate cryptocurrency with a market cap of almost $12 billion. That a single whale can hold 990 million DOGE, is a testament that even the highest of the high rollers believe in the meme coin phenomenon. 

供给和需求是一个基本的经济概念,当一头鲸鱼从狗狗生态系统中转移 8000 万美元时,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格就会暴跌。狗狗币最初因没有内在价值而受到批评,但现在它已经巩固了自己作为合法加密货币的地位,市值近 120 亿美元。一条鲸鱼可以容纳 9.9 亿个 DOGE,这证明即使是最高的豪客也相信模因币现象。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is here to stay. As long as it is underpinned by figures such as Elon Musk, Dogecoin will continue giving spectacular returns despite the occasional blip. 


Chiliz (CHZ): sports’ own blockchain comes into its own

Chiliz (CHZ):体育运动自己的区块链发挥作用

Chiliz (CHZ) has always focused itself as a blockchain focused on sports and entertainment, and fan coins for massive ones like Paris St Germain, Barcelona FC, Galatasaray, Man City, Tottenham Hotspur, and Inter Milan all sport their fan coins on the Chiliz network. CHZ is now expanding to more than just ‘coin’ – it is now a fully-fledged Web3 blockchain dedicated to sports and entertainment.  

Chiliz (CHZ) 始终将自己定位为专注于体育和娱乐的区块链,巴黎圣日耳曼、巴塞罗那足球俱乐部、加拉塔萨雷、曼城、托特纳姆热刺和国际米兰等大型球队的球迷币都在 Chiliz 上展示了他们的球迷币网络。 CHZ 现在正在扩展到不仅仅是“硬币”——它现在是一个致力于体育和娱乐的成熟的 Web3 区块链。

It has spurred the Chiliz price to a six-month high and the future looks bright for CHZ. 

它已将 Chiliz 价格推升至六个月高点,CHZ 的未来一片光明。

Pushd (PUSHD): 0% commission Web3 marketplace presale explodes

Pushd (PUSHD):0% 佣金 Web3 市场预售爆发

A critique of cryptocurrencies is that they cannot be readily used as ‘currencies’. Buying goods with crypto leads to limited options. But, thanks to Pushd (PUSHD), not anymore, as cryptocurrencies finally have the platform they were meant for!

对加密货币的批评是它们不能轻易用作“货币”。用加密货币购买商品会导致选择有限。但是,多亏了 Pushd (PUSHD),不再是这样了,因为加密货币终于拥有了它们应该使用的平台!

Pushd (PUSHD) is introducing a peer-to-peer e-commerce platform with all the functionality of legacy platforms like eBay and Amazon with none of the hassle. It is a fully-crypto-enabled space where sellers can set up their accounts in minutes. No registration, no KYC, no admin. Thanks to the cryptocurrency interface, users can pay in various currencies that clear instantly. No more delays waiting for PayPal to release funds.  

Pushd (PUSHD) 正在推出一个点对点电子商务平台,具有 eBay 和 Amazon 等传统平台的所有功能,没有任何麻烦。这是一个完全支持加密货币的空间,卖家可以在几分钟内设置他们的帐户。无需注册,无需 KYC,无需管理员。借助加密货币界面,用户可以使用即时清算的各种货币进行支付。不再需要等待 PayPal 释放资金。

But the biggest drawcard is that Pushd is a 0% commission platform. What you ask, is what you get, setting it above any other similar e-commerce space.  

但最大的吸引力在于 Pushd 是一个 0% 佣金的平台。你所要求的,就是你所得到的,将其置于任何其他类似的电子商务空间之上。

PUSHD already has over 18,000 sign-ups, and once its presale ends, its native token is expected to explode 50x. Why would it not? This is the opportunity the world is waiting for.

PUSHD 已经拥有超过 18,000 名注册用户,一旦预售结束,其原生代币预计将爆炸 50 倍。为什么不呢?这是世界正在等待的机会。



Investing in cryptos can be a roller coaster, but adding Dogecoin (DOGE) and Chiliz (CHZ) to a portfolio can add stability and growth. However, for massive gains, an investment in Pushd (PUSHD) should be considered.  

投资加密货币可能就像坐过山车一样,但将狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Chiliz (CHZ) 添加到投资组合中可以增加稳定性和增长。然而,为了获得巨大收益,应该考虑投资 Pushd (PUSHD)。

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website

在其官方网站上了解有关 Pushd 预售的更多信息

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