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New Meme Coin Crypto All-Stars Raises $330K In 2 Days

New Meme Coin Crypto All-Stars 在 2 天内筹集了 33 万美元

发布: 2024/08/14 00:07 阅读: 305

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


New Meme Coin Crypto All-Stars 在 2 天内筹集了 33 万美元

Crypto All-Stars: A New Dawn for Meme Coin Investment

加密全明星:Meme 币投资的新曙光

In a groundbreaking move, Crypto All-Stars ($STARS) has raised an impressive $330,000 within 48 hours of its presale launch. This innovative token empowers holders of popular meme coins such as Dogecoin ($DOGE), PepeCoin ($PEPECOIN), and Shiba Inu ($SHIB) to earn substantial rewards.

Crypto All-Stars ($STARS) 在预售启动后 48 小时内筹集了 330,000 美元,这是一项开创性的举措。这种创新代币使 Dogecoin ($DOGE)、PepeCoin ($PEPECOIN) 和 Shiba Inu ($SHIB) 等流行模因币的持有者能够获得丰厚的奖励。

A Passive Income Paradise for Meme Coin Enthusiasts

Meme 币爱好者的被动收入天堂

Crypto All-Stars offers a lucrative opportunity for meme coin investors, both large and small, to generate passive income from their holdings. With an annual percentage yield (APY) of 5,424%, investors can put their meme coins to work and earn significant returns.

加密全明星为模因币投资者(无论大小)提供了一个有利可图的机会,可以从其持有的资产中产生被动收入。年收益率 (APY) 为 5,424%,投资者可以将他们的 Meme 币发挥作用并获得可观的回报。

Unlock Triple Rewards with $STARS Tokens

使用 $STARS 代币解锁三重奖励

By holding $STARS tokens, investors can amplify their rewards by up to three times. This exclusive benefit elevates their earnings potential and further enhances the value of their meme coin investments.

通过持有 $STARS 代币,投资者最多可以将回报放大三倍。这种独特的好处提高了他们的收入潜力,并进一步提高了他们的模因币投资的价值。

Presale Details and First Round Nearing Completion


The $STARS presale is currently underway on the Crypto All-Stars website. At the start of the presale, the price was set at $0.00138 per token. The first round is approaching its conclusion, with the price rising to $0.0013855 for the next round.

$STARS 预售目前正在 Crypto All-Stars 网站上进行。预售开始时,价格定为每个代币 0.00138 美元。第一轮即将结束,下一轮的价格将上涨至 0.0013855 美元。

A Timely Investment in Meme Coin Correction

对 Meme 硬币修正的及时投资

Amidst the recent market correction, meme coins have experienced a downturn. However, analysts suggest that this dip may herald a future upswing. Staking meme coins with Crypto All-Stars presents a strategic move, allowing investors to ride out the correction while earning passive income.

在近期的市场调整中,meme币经历了低迷。然而,分析师表示,此次下跌可能预示着未来的上涨。将 meme 币与 Crypto All-Stars 进行质押是一项战略举措,让投资者能够安然度过调整期,同时赚取被动收入。

Introducing 'MemeVault': A Unified Staking Solution


Crypto All-Stars breaks new ground with the introduction of MemeVault, a unified staking protocol that allows investors to stake top meme coins such as $DOGE, $PEPE, $BRETT, $SHIB, and $FLOKI. This seamless platform enables users to maximize their rewards within a single, user-friendly system.

Crypto All-Stars 通过推出 MemeVault 开辟了新天地,MemeVault 是一种统一的质押协议,允许投资者质押顶级 meme 代币,例如 $DOGE、$PEPE、$BRETT、$SHIB 和 $FLOKI。这个无缝平台使用户能够在一个用户友好的系统中最大化他们的奖励。

Holding $STARS Enhances Returns

持有 $STARS 可以提高回报

By holding $STARS tokens, investors can enhance their returns by up to three times. This incentive encourages long-term holding, further bolstering the price of $STARS by reducing the circulating supply. Currently, 137 million $STARS are locked in the MemeVault, representing over 50% of the total presale funds raised.

通过持有 $STARS 代币,投资者最多可以将回报提高三倍。这种激励措施鼓励长期持有,通过减少流通供应进一步提高 $STARS 的价格。目前,MemeVault 中锁定了 1.37 亿个 $STARS,占预售筹集资金总额的 50% 以上。

Audit Credentials and Presale Participation


A rigorous audit conducted by Coinsult has confirmed the integrity of the $STARS token's smart contract. Investors can confidently participate in the presale by visiting the Crypto All-Stars website and securing their tokens using ETH, USDT, BNB, or bank card payments.

Coinsult 进行的严格审核确认了 $STARS 代币智能合约的完整性。投资者可以通过访问 Crypto All-Stars 网站并使用 ETH、USDT、BNB 或银行卡支付来保证其代币安全,放心地参与预售。

Join the Crypto All-Stars revolution today and transform your meme coin holdings into a lucrative source of passive income. Stake your meme coins, buy $STARS now, and unlock the full potential of this innovative platform.

立即加入加密全明星革命,将您持有的模因币转变为利润丰厚的被动收入来源。质押您的模因币,立即购买 $STARS,并释放这个创新平台的全部潜力。


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