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Are Meme Coin Kings Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) ‘Late for the Party’?

Meme Coin Kings 狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)“迟到了”吗?

发布: 2023/11/11 02:19 阅读: 914



While the wider crypto market has seen strong rebounds over the past few weeks, popular meme coins Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) seem to be lagging behind. Unable to break key resistance levels, doubts are emerging on whether these formerly high-flying tokens are too ‘late for the party’ in the current altcoin recovery.


Shiba Facing Critical Support


After minimal price gains since October, SHIB has struggled to break above resistance around $0.00000084. Last week ended on a bearish note for SHIB, and this week has seen an additional 3% drop so far. With predominantly bearish short-term price action, SHIB risks losing the small 4% gains made earlier this week.

自 10 月份以来价格小幅上涨后,SHIB 一直难以突破 0.00000084 美元附近的阻力位。上周 SHIB 以看跌告终,本周迄今为止又下跌了 3%。由于短期价格走势主要看跌,SHIB 可能会失去本周早些时候 4% 的小幅涨幅。

SHIB is now approaching critical support, which was broken on November 5th. Holding this support could mean a potential upside turn next week for SHIB. However, failing to hold could see the downtrend accelerate.

SHIB 目前正接近 11 月 5 日突破的关键支撑位。保持这一支撑可能意味着 SHIB 下周可能出现上行走势。然而,如果未能守住,可能会导致下跌趋势加速。

DOGE Breakout Could Spark Meme Rally

DOGE 突破可能引发 Meme 集会

Dogecoin has faced similar challenges breaking above stubborn resistance at $0.076. Despite a bullish weekly close last week, DOGE has dropped the last two days. However, DOGE appears to be breaking out of a descending trend channel.

狗狗币也面临着类似的挑战,突破 0.076 美元的顽强阻力位。尽管上周收盘看涨,但 DOGE 过去两天却下跌。然而,DOGE 似乎正在突破下降趋势通道。

With DOGE returning to retest the top of this channel, a successful weekly close above it could indicate a trend reversal. This could spark a more sustained rally for DOGE after months of rangebound price action.

随着 DOGE 重新测试该通道的顶部,每周成功收盘于该通道上方可能表明趋势反转。经过数月的价格区间波动后,这可能会引发狗狗币更持续的反弹。

A breakout for Dogecoin could have ripple effects across other meme-based cryptos. As one of the most prominent faces of this subset of altcoins, a DOGE breakout could signal that meme mania is back in play more broadly.

狗狗币的突破可能会对其他基于模因的加密货币产生连锁反应。作为这一山寨币子集最突出的面孔之一,DOGE 的突破可能标志着迷因狂热在更广泛的范围内卷土重来。

Meme Coins Late to the Party?


While major altcoins like Ethereum, Cardano, Chainlink, and Avalanche have posted 20-40% gains in recent weeks, SHIB and DOGE have failed to participate significantly. This raises doubts on whether the glory days are behind these former high-flyers.

虽然以太坊、Cardano、Chainlink 和 Avalanche 等主要山寨币最近几周上涨了 20-40%,但 SHIB 和 DOGE 未能大幅上涨。这让人怀疑这些曾经雄心勃勃的人的辉煌岁月是否已经过去。

his is not the first time meme coins have joined the bull run late. The last crypto bull market started around 2020, but DOGE did not spike wildly until April 2021. SHIB had a similar delayed surge in October 2021. We could see history repeat itself in this cycle too.

这并不是模因币第一次迟到加入牛市。上一次加密货币牛市始于 2020 年左右,但 DOGE 直到 2021 年 4 月才大幅飙升。SHIB 在 2021 年 10 月也出现了类似的延迟飙升。我们也可以看到历史在这个周期中重演。

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However, crypto markets remain turbulent and fast-moving. The potential DOGE breakout demonstrates conditions could quickly shift in favor of meme coins if technical resistance gives way. As past vertical rallies show, meme token prices can move violently and without much warning. It may be too early to count them out completely despite recent underperformance.

然而,加密货币市场仍然动荡且快速变化。 DOGE 的潜在突破表明,如果技术阻力消失,情况可能会迅速转向有利于模因币的方向。正如过去的垂直上涨所示,meme 代币价格可能会在没有太多警告的情况下剧烈波动。尽管最近表现不佳,但现在将它们完全排除在外可能还为时过早。

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The post Are Meme Coin Kings Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) ‘Late for the Party’? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Meme Coin Kings Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的帖子“聚会迟到了”吗?首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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