首页 > 资讯新闻 > Meme 币市场陷入僵局:Pepe Unchained 首周预售金额达 190 万美元

Meme Coin Market Enters Stalemate: Pepe Unchained Presale Hits $1.9M First Week

Meme 币市场陷入僵局:Pepe Unchained 首周预售金额达 190 万美元

发布: 2024/07/03 03:05 阅读: 689



Meme 币市场陷入僵局:Pepe Unchained 首周预售金额达 190 万美元

The Current Crypto Market and the Rise of Pepe Unchained

当前的加密货币市场和 Pepe Unchained 的崛起

Amidst the fluctuating crypto market, investors are faced with uncertainty. While some assets have stabilized, others continue to face bearish conditions. This volatility has sparked a debate about the optimal time to invest.


Defying the Bears: Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

反抗熊:被解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Amidst this market turmoil, a new project in the presale phase has emerged as a beacon of hope: Pepe Unchained ($PEPU). Within days of its ICO launch, PEPU has garnered substantial success, raising over $1.9 million.

在这场市场动荡中,一个处于预售阶段的新项目成为了希望的灯塔:Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)。在 ICO 推出后的几天内,PEPU 就取得了巨大的成功,筹集了超过 190 万美元的资金。

Significant Presale Success


Pepe Unchained's presale has demonstrated the project's potential. In just two weeks, it has attracted over $1.9 million in investment, indicating strong interest and confidence among investors. The presale consists of several phases with increasing token prices. Currently, PEPU tokens are available for $0.0081939 each.

Pepe Unchained 的预售证明了该项目的潜力。短短两周内,就吸引了超过190万美元的投资,显示出投资者的浓厚兴趣和信心。预售分为几个阶段,代币价格不断上涨。目前,PEPU 代币的售价为每个 0.0081939 美元。

Lucrative Staking Program


A key factor contributing to Pepe Unchained's success is its lucrative staking program. Staking is heavily promoted on the official website and offers an impressive annual percentage yield (APY) of 1036%. This makes staking an attractive option for investors. Over 95 million $PEPU tokens are currently staked, demonstrating investors' trust in the project.

Pepe Unchained 成功的一个关键因素是其利润丰厚的质押计划。官网大力推广质押,年收益率(APY)高达 1036%,令人印象深刻。这使得质押成为对投资者有吸引力的选择。目前已质押超过 9500 万美元的 PEPU 代币,这表明了投资者对该项目的信任。

Pepe Chain: Addressing Ethereum's Scalability Issues

Pepe Chain:解决以太坊的可扩展性问题

Pepe Unchained introduces a novel blockchain named "Pepe Chain." This layer-2 solution addresses the scalability limitations of popular blockchains like Ethereum. By processing transactions off-chain and bundling them for batch settlement, Pepe Chain enhances scalability and reduces transaction fees.

Pepe Unchained 推出了一种名为“Pepe Chain”的新型区块链。这个第 2 层解决方案解决了以太坊等流行区块链的可扩展性限制。 Pepe Chain 通过链下处理交易并将其捆绑进行批量结算,增强了可扩展性并降低了交易费用。

Well-Crafted Tokenomics


Pepe Unchained has a carefully designed tokenomics structure that supports its growth. The total supply of 8 billion tokens is allocated as follows:

Pepe Unchained 拥有精心设计的代币经济结构来支持其发展。 80亿枚代币的总供应量分配如下:

  • 30% for staking: Incentivizing network security
  • 20% for presale: Funding and early adoption
  • 20% for marketing: Building visibility
  • 10% for liquidity: Maintaining market stability
  • 10% for project financing: Covering development and operational costs
  • 10% for chain inventory: Supporting future expansion and innovation

Rapid Community Growth

30% 用于质押:激励网络安全 20% 用于预售:融资和早期采用 20% 用于营销:建立知名度 10% 用于流动性:维持市场稳定 10% 用于项目融资:覆盖开发和运营成本 10% 用于链库存:支持未来扩张和创新快速社区生长

Pepe Unchained has swiftly gained a strong social media following. It has attracted over 3,500 followers on X (formerly Twitter) and 2,000 subscribers on Telegram. This rapid growth reflects the project's ability to build a vibrant and engaged community.

《Pepe Unchained》迅速在社交媒体上赢得了众多追随者。它在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上吸引了超过 3,500 名关注者,在 Telegram 上吸引了 2,000 名订阅者。这种快速增长反映了该项目建立一个充满活力和参与性社区的能力。



In the midst of market volatility, Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) has positioned itself as a project with significant potential. Its improved blockchain, lower transaction fees, and $1.9 million in presale funding make it an attractive investment opportunity. As the crypto market continues to fluctuate, investors looking to maximize returns should consider early investment in Pepe Unchained.

在市场波动的情况下,Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 将自己定位为一个具有巨大潜力的项目。其改进的区块链、较低的交易费用和 190 万美元的预售资金使其成为一个有吸引力的投资机会。随着加密货币市场持续波动,寻求最大化回报的投资者应考虑早期投资 Pepe Unchained。


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