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Are Meme Coins Scams? Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Elonator Address Dichotomy of the Meme Coin Market

Meme 硬币是骗局吗?狗狗币、柴犬和 Elonator 解决了 Meme 币市场的二分法

发布: 2023/08/25 22:30 阅读: 295

原文作者:Crypto News Land


Can meme coins pass the ‘trust fall’ with the investor genies?


Well, with the dichotomy of the meme coin market, ranging from skyrocketing gains to plummeting dreams, the uncertainty around this question remains rigid. In this article let’s delve into the Marvel of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) as a testament to answer this uncertainty. As transparency and trust prevail, Elonator (ETOR) is resonating with positive vibes as a trustworthy project that awaits to join the $million club. This newbie has passed the ‘trust fall’ way before its launch.

好吧,由于模因币市场的二分法,从飞涨的收益到暴跌的梦想,围绕这个问题的不确定性仍然是僵化的。在本文中,让我们深入研究狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)的奇迹,作为回答这种不确定性的证明。随着透明度和信任的盛行,Elonator (ETOR) 作为一个值得信赖的项目正在引起积极的共鸣,等待加入百万美元俱乐部。这个新手在推出之前已经度过了“信任下降”阶段。

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Amidst the Howls, DOGE Woofs $Millions!

在一片嚎叫声中,DOGE 发出了数百万美元的巨额奖金!

Starting as a joke, Dogecoin’s journey moonshot due to its massive community engagement and celebrity endorsements. Through hashtags, memes, and online camaraderie, they successfully drew the digital whale Elon Musk into their fold. This has clasped its craws as well. A single tweet from Elon Musk could cause more price swings than a playground seesaw in the case of DOGE. Back in 2021, when Musk gave a nod to dogecoin, its price rocketed up over 50%. But then, during a live, he simply labeled it a ‘hustle,’ and the price plummeted dropping 30% in under an hour. 

从一个笑话开始,狗狗币的旅程由于其大规模的社区参与和名人的认可而实现了登月之旅。通过主题标签、模因和在线友情,他们成功地将数字巨头埃隆·马斯克吸引到了他们的怀抱中。这也抓住了它的爪子。就 DOGE 而言,埃隆·马斯克的一条推文所引起的价格波动可能比操场上的跷跷板还要大。早在 2021 年,当马斯克认可狗狗币时,其价格就飙升了 50% 以上。但后来,在现场直播中,他简单地将其标记为“喧嚣”,价格在不到一个小时内暴跌了 30%。

On the other hand, the woofing success of Glauber Contessoto as he burst the cocoon of the millionaire club stays as a strong testament to showcase the trustworthy potential of this meme king. Sharing with CNBC, he unveiled channeling almost $180,000 into the meme-inspired cryptocurrency. DOGE, with such dogecoin millionaires, stays strong amidst the howling meme coin scams.  Elonator, a novel meme coin, has initiated its journey by involving the Elon Musk Philic community to incorporate his identity into the coin’s fundamentals.

另一方面,格劳伯·孔特索托(Glauber Contessoto)在破除百万富翁俱乐部的茧时所取得的成功,仍然有力地证明了这位模因之王值得信赖的潜力。他在接受 CNBC 采访时透露,他已向这种受模因启发的加密货币投入了近 18 万美元。 DOGE,拥有如此多的狗狗币百万富翁,在嚎叫的模因币骗局中保持强势。 Elonator 是一种新颖的模因币,通过埃隆·马斯克爱好者社区的参与,将他的身份融入到币的基本原理中,开启了它的旅程。

Shiba Inu Barks to Fame!


In an interview, Tommy and Jimmy disclosed to CNN that their modest investment of a few hundred dollars in Shiba Inu had skyrocketed to a staggering $700,000. They invested when the coin was valued at only a fraction of a cent, but their fortunes transformed when a knowledgeable crypto-savvy friend foresaw its potential, altering the course of their lives. Such whopping $million stories have taken SHIB to fame. Elonator, with a transparent and trustworthy framework, has already packed for a moonshot similar to SHIB.

汤米和吉米在接受采访时向 CNN 透露,他们对柴犬的几百美元投资已经飙升至惊人的 70 万美元。当硬币的价值仅为一美分时,他们就进行了投资,但当一位知识渊博、精通加密货币的朋友预见到它的潜力时,他们的命运发生了变化,改变了他们的生活轨迹。这些价值数百万美元的故事让 SHIB 名声大噪。 Elonator 拥有透明且值得信赖的框架,已经准备好进行类似于 SHIB 的登月计划。

However, SHIB had its tough times as well. With the launch of the Shibarium layer 2 blockchain that scales and invites solutions, innovation, and security to the Decentralized Finance Space, SHIB managed to double the game of security. Amidst the Pump and Dump schemes, the ’ Dogecoin killer’ has harnessed trust through transparency and security measures.

然而,SHIB也有过艰难时期。随着 Shibarium 第 2 层区块链的推出,SHIB 成功地将安全性提高了一倍,该区块链可扩展并为去中心化金融空间带来解决方案、创新和安全性。在拉高和抛售计划中,“狗狗币杀手”通过透明度和安全措施利用了信任。

The Million Maker Elonator!


Elonator (ETOR) is rising as a million-dollar maker even amidst the buzzing Pump and Dump schemes. With its founders boldly stepping into the limelight through rigorous Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, Elonator showcases its dedication to openness. By revealing their identities and verifying them, the team establishes a strong foundation of trust, promising a relationship with the community built on authenticity and reliability.

即使在热闹的拉高和转储计划中,Elonator (ETOR) 仍正在崛起,成为一家价值百万美元的制造商。 Elonator 的创始人通过严格的了解你的客户 (KYC) 流程大胆地成为众人瞩目的焦点,Elonator 展示了其对开放的奉献精神。通过透露并验证他们的身份,团队建立了坚实的信任基础,承诺与社区建立基于真实性和可靠性的关系。

This transparency extends further as Elonator’s smart contracts undergo comprehensive audits by independent experts, ensuring the safety and integrity of the platform. Apart from this, ETOR also addresses various challenges enchanting the crypto market, such as limited passive income, whale dumping, crypto bot influence, volatility, and lack of utility. It offers innovative solutions like staking, lotteries, and security measures to counter these issues. Meme coins are double-edged swords, but this million-maker is getting ready for a moonshot.

随着 Elonator 的智能合约经过独立专家的全面审核,这种透明度进一步扩大,确保了平台的安全性和完整性。除此之外,ETOR 还解决了加密市场面临的各种挑战,例如有限的被动收入、鲸鱼倾销、加密机器人的影响、波动性和实用性的缺乏。它提供了创新的解决方案,例如质押、彩票和安全措施来解决这些问题。模因币是双刃剑,但这位百万创造者正准备进行登月计划。

Get ready for a Moonshot with ETOR.

准备好与 ETOR 一起进行登月计划。

To the Moon or Scam Central?


The duplexity of the meme coin market is questioned frequently. While meme coins hold the potential for gains, scam tokens lurk in the shadows. Promises of astronomical returns and celebrity endorsements often signal danger. How can you tell if a meme coin is a moonshot or a minefield? Locked liquidity, smart contract audits, and a solid community base are signs of a genuine project. The success stories of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu exclaim the same. Elonator’s commitment to transparency is a beacon in the meme coin universe.

模因币市场的双重性经常受到质疑。虽然模因币具有获利的潜力,但诈骗代币却潜伏在阴影中。天文数字回报和名人代言的承诺往往预示着危险。如何判断模因币是登月计划还是雷区?锁定的流动性、智能合约审计和坚实的社区基础是真正项目的标志。狗狗币和柴犬的成功故事也同样如此。 Elonator 对透明度的承诺是模因币宇宙中的灯塔。

Join a transparent community, Join Elonator Now!

加入透明社区,立即加入 Elonator!

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立即投资 Elonator 预售:



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帖子是 Meme 硬币骗局吗? Meme 币市场的狗狗币、柴犬和 Elonator 地址二分法首先出现在 Crypto News Land 上。


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