首页 > 资讯新闻 > Meme 爱好者忽视了 Shiba Inu 和 Bonk,因为这个新的 P2E Memecoin NuggetRush (NUGX)

Meme enthusiasts overlook Shiba Inu and Bonk for this new P2E Memecoin, NuggetRush (NUGX)

Meme 爱好者忽视了 Shiba Inu 和 Bonk,因为这个新的 P2E Memecoin NuggetRush (NUGX)

发布: 2024/02/03 06:22 阅读: 789



Meme 爱好者忽视了 Shiba Inu 和 Bonk,因为这个新的 P2E Memecoin NuggetRush (NUGX)

  • NuggetRush has emerged as a new favourite, edging past SHIB and BONK.
  • NuggetRush 已超越 SHIB 和 BONK,成为新宠。

  • Bonk has seemingly peaked, while Shiba Inu has little room for growth.
  • Bonk 似乎已经达到顶峰,而 Shiba Inu 的增长空间很小。

  • NuggetRush, an emerging P2E meme coin, is tipped for a 7,000% rally after its launch.
  • NuggetRush 是一种新兴的 P2E meme 代币,预计推出后将上涨 7,000%。

Memecoins aren’t only a vital part of the crypto landscape but also one of the most promising sectors. As such, investors are always riding its intensely volatile wave, seeking staggering gains. 

Memecoin 不仅是加密货币领域的重要组成部分,也是最有前途的领域之一。因此,投资者总是乘着剧烈波动的浪潮,寻求惊人的收益。

With rags-to-riches stories common within this niche, enthusiasts have been overlooking Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Bonk (BONK) for NuggetRush (NUGX), a new P2E memecoin. As a top ICO, it boasts staggering upside potential, positioning it as one of the best altcoins to invest in today.

由于白手起家的故事在这个领域很常见,爱好者们一直忽视了 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Bonk (BONK),而选择了 NuggetRush (NUGX),这是一种新的 P2E memecoin。作为顶级 ICO,它拥有惊人的上涨潜力,使其成为当今最值得投资的山寨币之一。

NuggetRush (NUGX): outperforming Bonk and Shiba Inu

NuggetRush (NUGX):表现优于 Bonk 和 Shiba Inu

NuggetRush (NUGX) has emerged as a top pick among meme enthusiasts and investors. It combines the best Features of memes and adds them to gaming, contributing to its strong appeal. As a result, the presale has been stirring up quite a buzz, selling out fast.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 已成为模因爱好者和投资者的首选。它结合了模因的最佳功能并将其添加到游戏中,从而增强了其强大的吸引力。因此,预售引起了不小的轰动,很快就被抢购一空。

While it integrates memetic Features, it is more than just a meme—it is a P2E memecoin. This makes it stand out from the typical cat coins or dog coins in the meme ecosystem. Hence, it has been hailed as the best new crypto to invest in now. 

虽然它集成了模因特征,但它不仅仅是一个模因——它是一个 P2E 模因币。这使得它从模因生态系统中典型的猫币或狗币中脱颖而出。因此,它被誉为现在最好的投资新加密货币。

As a P2E token, one of its real-world applications will include being the in-game currency. It will also be used to mint NFTs on the marketplace, along with being the governance token.

作为 P2E 代币,其现实应用之一将包括成为游戏内货币。它还将用于在市场上铸造 NFT,并作为治理代币。

The P2E game, which will be built around gold mining, will involve players going on exciting quests. Gamers will have to create a mining team, which can either consist of other players or select in-game characters that double as NFT collectibles. Interestingly, NFTs can be staked with up to a 20% APY.

这款 P2E 游戏将围绕金矿开采展开,玩家将参与激动人心的任务。游戏玩家必须创建一个挖矿团队,该团队可以由其他玩家组成,也可以选择兼作 NFT 收藏品的游戏内角色。有趣的是,NFT 的质押金额最高可达 20%。

The ICO is in round 5, and a token costs only $0.018. Yet to launch, you can become an early adopter and position yourself for staggering gains. According to experts, it will experience a 7,000% rally after its launch, likely surpassing Shiba Inu and Bonk. To partake in the presale, click the link below.

ICO 已进入第 5 轮,代币价格仅为 0.018 美元。在发布之前,您可以成为早期采用者并为自己定位以获得惊人的收益。据专家预测,其上市后涨幅将达到7000%,很可能超过Shiba Inu和Bonk。要参与预售,请点击下面的链接。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): low upside potential


Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the market’s top altcoins. It is currently the second-most popular meme coin, behind Dogecoin (DOGE). Its appeal primarily lies in its blend of memes and utility, placing it among the list of meme coins with potential.


This is evident in its thriving ecosystem, which houses utility-backed projects like Shibarium and ShibaSwap. Further, Shiba Inu’s token burn mechanism—which reduces supply—is another appeal.

这在其蓬勃发展的生态系统中显而易见,该生态系统包含 Shibarium 和 ShibaSwap 等公用事业支持的项目。此外,柴犬的代币销毁机制(减少供应)是另一个吸引力。

However, despite this, investors have been overlooking Shiba Inu due to its low growth potential. As one of the top crypto coins, its room for growth pales in comparison to newer and more promising narratives or meme coins.


Bonk (BONK): at its peak


Bonk (BONK) was the talk of the crypto town last year. Several rags-to-riches stories were recounted, with many crypto millionaires created. If you had held the Solana-based dog-inspired token in 2023, you would have likely seen astounding gains.

Bonk(BONK)是去年加密小镇的热门话题。讲述了几个白手起家的故事,创造了许多加密货币百万富翁。如果您在 2023 年持有基于 Solana 的、以狗为灵感的代币,您可能会看到惊人的收益。

However, since its bull run the previous year, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. According to analysts, Bonk has peaked, meaning it will likely decline rather than rally. With newer and shinier meme coins emerging, there has been a shift in sentiment, with many overlooking it.


Its low upside potential means it isn’t as compelling as it used to be. Nevertheless, if you are seeking considerable gains, Bonk is still a good crypto to buy.

它的上升潜力较低,意味着它不再像以前那样引人注目。尽管如此,如果您正在寻求可观的收益,Bonk 仍然是一个值得购买的不错的加密货币。



The explosive growth potential of NuggetRush has seen it become a fan favourite among investors and enthusiasts at the expense of Shiba Inu and Bonk. Poised to skyrocket, you can position yourself now in anticipation of its surge. To partake in the presale, click the link below.

NuggetRush 的爆炸性增长潜力使其成为投资者和爱好者的最爱,而 Shiba Inu 和 Bonk 则受到了影响。做好了飙升的准备,您现在可以为自己的上涨做好准备。要参与预售,请点击下面的链接。

For more information about the NUGX presale and how you can purchase the memecoin, visit the NuggetRush Presale Website.

有关 NUGX 预售以及如何购买 memecoin 的更多信息,请访问 NuggetRush 预售网站。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/meme-enthusiasts-overlook-shiba-inu-and-bonk-for-this-new-p2e-memecoin-nuggetrush-nugx-tbt78701.html



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