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From Meme to Mainstream: The Top Trending Meme Coins Taking the World by Storm

从 Meme 到主流:风靡全球的热门 Meme 币

发布: 2024/02/16 06:28 阅读: 206



The cryptocurrency market has witnessed a surge in the popularity of meme coins. Dogecoin (DOGE) leads the charge with a remarkable market cap of over $11 billion. However, there are other new meme coins that boast new tech features and other innovations that are gaining popularity.

加密货币市场见证了模因币的受欢迎程度激增。狗狗币 (DOGE) 以超过 110 亿美元的惊人市值引领潮流。然而,还有其他新的模因硬币拥有新技术功能和其他创新,越来越受欢迎。

In this article, meticulously crafted based on reputable Web3 sources, we’ll uncover the trending meme coins that enthusiasts have their eyes on. We’ll delve into their histories, key features, and fan base to better understand their rising popularity.

在这篇基于信誉良好的 Web3 资源精心撰写的文章中,我们将揭开爱好者们关注的流行模因币。我们将深入研究他们的历史、主要特征和粉丝群,以更好地了解他们日益增长的受欢迎程度。

2024 年 2 月最热门 Meme 币

  1. ApeMax (APEMAX)
  2. 猿最大 (APEMAX)

Launched in May 2023, ApeMax is gaining popularity because of its “Boost-to-earn” staking protocol. It also does away with high minimums and lock-in periods during its ongoing presale, which is set to conclude on February 21. 

ApeMax 于 2023 年 5 月推出,因其“Boost-to-earn”质押协议而越来越受欢迎。它还在正在进行的预售期间取消了较高的最低限额和锁定期,预售将于 2 月 21 日结束。

ApeMax buyers can utilize their coins immediately, allowing them to “boost” their preferred Web3 entities via staking. The meme coin features a layer of gamification in its novel voting system, allowing users to earn additional token rewards through boosting. 

ApeMax 买家可以立即使用他们的代币,从而允许他们通过质押“增强”他们喜欢的 Web3 实体。 Meme 币在其新颖的投票系统中具有游戏化层,允许用户通过提升获得额外的代币奖励。

To date, ApeMax has more than 10,500 token holders and sold almost 10 billion tokens. After its presale, a listing on Uniswap is scheduled for February 22.

迄今为止,ApeMax 拥有超过 10,500 名代币持有者,并销售了近 100 亿枚代币。预售后,Uniswap 定于 2 月 22 日上市。

  1. Pepe (PEPE)
  2. 胡椒(胡椒)

Inspired by the famous Pepe the Frog meme, Pepe Coin has carved out a unique niche within the meme coin domain. The community involvement and the distinctive branding of Pepe have propelled its popularity among individuals seeking a meme coin with an edgy appeal.

受著名的 Pepe the Frog meme 的启发,Pepe Coin 在 meme 硬币领域开辟了独特的利基市场。 Pepe 的社区参与和独特品牌推动了它在寻求具有前卫吸引力的模因硬币的个人中的受欢迎程度。

  1. PepeFork (PORK)
  2. 佩佩叉(猪肉)

Pepe Fork has generated a lot of buzz because of its total supply of nearly 421 trillion tokens. PORK is available on various trading platforms and seeks to tap into niche meme cultures to attract wider participation.

Pepe Fork 因其总供应量接近 421 万亿枚而引起了广泛关注。 PORK 可在各种交易平台上使用,并寻求利用利基模因文化来吸引更广泛的参与。

  1. Coq Inu (COQ)
  2. 公鸡 (COQ)

Born out of the Avalanche (AVAX) platform, Coq Inu is leaning towards community and fairness. With a large coin supply and initial liquidity on Avalanche, Coq Inu brings a unique perspective to the meme coin landscape.

Coq Inu 脱胎于 Avalanche (AVAX) 平台,偏向社区和公平。凭借 Avalanche 上的大量代币供应和初始流动性,Coq Inu 为模因代币领域带来了独特的视角。

  1. Bone ShibaSwap
  2. 骨柴犬交换

Acting as the governance token on the ShibaSwap platform, Bone ShibaSwap amplifies the impact of the Shiba Inu ecosystem. It highlights the growing role of meme coins in the decentralized finance (DeFi) arena.

作为 ShibaSwap 平台上的治理代币,Bone ShibaSwap 放大了 Shiba Inu 生态系统的影响。它突显了模因币在去中心化金融(DeFi)领域中日益重要的作用。

  1. Baby Doge Coin
  2. 宝贝总督硬币

Baby Doge stands out in the meme coin community with its innovative transaction fee approach, which rewards its holders by redistributing half of the fees from transactions. Its presence on decentralized exchanges has drawn attention for its distinctive method of marketing.

Baby Doge 凭借其创新的交易费用方法在模因币社区中脱颖而出,该方法通过重新分配交易费用的一半来奖励其持有者。它在去中心化交易所的存在因其独特的营销方式而引起了人们的关注。

  1. Floki (FLOKI)
  2. 弗洛基 (FLOKI)

Named after Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, Floki has captured the imagination of buyers with its ambitious plans to transcend the meme coin status. Floki’s metaverse integration and NFT initiatives have garnered attention.

Floki 以埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的柴犬 (Shiba Inu) 命名,以其超越模因硬币地位的雄心勃勃的计划吸引了买家的想象力。 Floki 的元宇宙整合和 NFT 举措引起了关注。

Meme 币的魅力及其受欢迎的原因

Meme coins have gained popularity due to their lighthearted nature, innovative attributes, and ability to foster communities. Their decentralized nature empowers developers and artists to create unique projects, while their communities drive their successes. ApeMax’s Boost-to-Earn concept exemplifies this by having a token-earning reward system via staking. 

模因币因其轻松的性质、创新的属性和培育社区的能力而广受欢迎。它们的去中心化性质使开发人员和艺术家能够创建独特的项目,而他们的社区则推动他们的成功。 ApeMax 的 Boost-to-Earn 概念通过通过质押建立代币赚取奖励系统来体现这一点。

Furthermore, their accessibility and affordability, often marked by lower price tags, make meme coins more approachable for new crypto enthusiasts entering the market.


How Meme Coins Impact the Broader Crypto Market

Meme 币如何影响更广泛的加密货币市场

Meme coins have had a notable impact on the wider cryptocurrency market through various means:

Meme 币通过多种方式对更广泛的加密货币市场产生了显着影响:

  • Increased market awareness: Some initiatives have brought forth a general heightened interest in the cryptocurrency realm with captivating themes and functionalities.
  • 提高市场意识:一些举措以其吸引人的主题和功能引起了人们对加密货币领域的普遍兴趣。

  • Market volatility and dynamics: The swift fluctuations in the prices of meme coins can affect the general mood of the market, as well as the volumes of trade.
  • 市场波动和动态:模因币价格的快速波动会影响市场的总体情绪以及交易量。

  • Innovation and variety: The distinctive functionalities and strategies of meme coins bring new ideas to the world of cryptocurrencies. For example, ApeMax innovates with the world’s first “Boost-to-Earn” staking protocol.
  • 创新和多样性:模因币独特的功能和策略为加密货币世界带来了新的想法。例如,ApeMax 创新推出了世界上第一个“Boost-to-Earn”质押协议。

关于 2024 年最热门 Meme 币的最终想法

The excitement about what will be the next meme coin to make it big in 2024 is undeniable. New competitors are emerging, aiming to innovate and affect market dynamics. This article highlighted some of the hottest meme coins of 2024, including ApeMax, Coq Inu, PepeFork, and more.

不可否认,人们对 2024 年下一个大放异彩的模因币将感到兴奋。新的竞争对手不断涌现,旨在创新并影响市场动态。本文重点介绍了 2024 年一些最热门的模因币,包括 ApeMax、Coq Inu、PepeFork 等。

Before deciding to buy any coins, it’s important for individuals to do their own research, understand the volatility of any cryptocurrency, and consider the risks. Please note that this article is not a financial guide.
If you’re curious about ApeMax, visit the official website for details on buyer eligibility and more detailed information.

在决定购买任何代币之前,个人必须进行自己的研究,了解任何加密货币的波动性并考虑风险。请注意,本文不是财务指南。如果您对 ApeMax 感到好奇,请访问官方网站了解有关买家资格的详细信息和更多详细信息。

Disclaimer: This sponsored content is not endorsed by CaptainAltcoin, which takes no responsibility for its accuracy or quality. We advise readers to do their own research before interacting with any featured companies. The information provided is not financial or legal advice. Neither CaptainAltcoin nor any third party recommends buying or selling any financial products. Investing in crypto assets is high-risk; consider the potential for loss. CaptainAltcoin is not liable for any damages or losses from using or relying on this content.

免责声明:此赞助内容未经 CaptainAltcoin 认可,CaptainAltcoin 对其准确性或质量不承担任何责任。我们建议读者在与任何特色公司互动之前先进行自己的研究。所提供的信息不是财务或法律建议。 CaptainAltcoin 或任何第三方均不建议购买或出售任何金融产品。投资加密资产具有高风险;考虑潜在的损失。 CaptainAltcoin 对因使用或依赖此内容而造成的任何损害或损失不承担任何责任。

The post From Meme to Mainstream: The Top Trending Meme Coins Taking the World by Storm appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

帖子从 Meme 到主流:最热门的 Meme 硬币席卷全球,首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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