首页 > 资讯新闻 > Meme Moguls (MGLS) 的目标是全年实现令人印象深刻的价格轨迹,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Floki (FLOKI) 在看跌压力下挣扎

Meme Moguls (MGLS) Aims for an Impressive Price Trajectory Throughout the Year While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Floki (FLOKI) Struggles Amid Bearish Pressure

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 的目标是全年实现令人印象深刻的价格轨迹,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Floki (FLOKI) 在看跌压力下挣扎

发布: 2024/01/30 17:06 阅读: 341



Meme Moguls (MGLS) 的目标是全年实现令人印象深刻的价格轨迹,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Floki (FLOKI) 在看跌压力下挣扎

Following the commencement of this year, meme coins, in general, haven’t been doing outstandingly well, unlike other altcoins such as SEI token and Arbitrum. However, in anticipation of the major altcoin price move this year, meme coins like Dogecoin and Floki are set to join in the rally. Meme Moguls, on the other hand, has already recorded a 90% ROI.

今年开始后,与 SEI 代币和 Arbitrum 等其他山寨币不同,Meme 币总体表现并不算出色。然而,由于预计今年山寨币价格将出现重大波动,Dogecoin 和 Floki 等模因币也将加入涨势。另一方面,Meme Moguls 的投资回报率已经达到 90%。

While Dogecoin price and the performance of Floki have been dulling lately, these two cryptos still have enough potential to reaffirm their position as top crypto coins in the meme community. Meme Moguls is poised to 100x in 2024.

尽管狗狗币的价格和 Floki 的表现最近一直表现不佳,但这两种加密货币仍然有足够的潜力来重申其作为 meme 社区顶级加密货币的地位。 Meme Moguls 预计到 2024 年将增长 100 倍。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Struggle With Bearish Pressure May Last Till The End of Q1

For most of 2023, Dogecoin battled with bearish pressures that pushed the price of Dogecoin to as low as $0.58 in late October. After making that price dip, Dogecoin resisted and began to move up, eventually entering a brief bull phase that saw DOGE at the price of  $0.10.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 与看跌压力的斗争可能会持续到第一季度末在 2023 年的大部分时间里,狗狗币都在与看跌压力作斗争,导致狗狗币的价格在 10 月底低至 0.58 美元。价格下跌后,狗狗币抵抗并开始上涨,最终进入短暂的牛市阶段,狗狗币的价格为 0.10 美元。

However, Dogecoin price immediately dipped again, losing a whopping 16.48% in the past 30 days and 2.63% in the last seven days. Dogecoin seems like it will make its way to $0.1 in no time. However, it only has these recent fluctuations to battle with.

然而,狗狗币价格立即再次下跌,过去 30 天暴跌 16.48%,最近 7 天暴跌 2.63%。狗狗币似乎很快就会涨到 0.1 美元。然而,它只能应对最近的波动。

Should Dogecoin make it to the range of $1 before the end of Q1, Dogecoin may potentially reach $0.8$, surpassing its ATH of $0.7316 over two years ago.

如果狗狗币在第一季度末之前达到 1 美元的区间,狗狗币可能会达到 0.8 美元,超过两年前的最高峰值 0.7316 美元。

Floki (FLOKI) Faces Wild Fluctuations That May Reduce Its Price Below Yearly Support Threshold

Floki has been able to stay above its yearly support threshold of $0.00001132. However, if the current wild fluctuations with the FLOKI coin continue, the price might drop below the level of support and possibly further.

Floki (FLOKI) 面临剧烈波动,可能会将其价格降至年度支撑阈值以下 Floki 一直能够保持在 0.00001132 美元的年度支撑阈值之上。然而,如果 FLOKI 代币当前的剧烈波动继续下去,价格可能会跌破支撑位,甚至可能进一步跌破。

Floki is currently maintaining over a 150% increase from its price this time last year. However, considering how volatile FLOKI price has been recently, the coin has lost over 23% in the past 30 days and 7% in the last seven days.

Floki 目前的价格较去年同期上涨了 150% 以上。然而,考虑到 FLOKI 价格最近的波动性,该代币在过去 30 天内下跌了 23% 以上,在过去 7 天内下跌了 7%。

This loss in the value of the FLOKI coin is accentuated by its sharp rise to a few peak prices above $0.000032 in the past few weeks, before going down to its current range of $0.000028 to $0.000030.

FLOKI 币的价值损失因过去几周价格急剧上涨至 0.000032 美元以上的几个峰值而加剧,然后又跌至当前 0.000028 美元至 0.000030 美元的范围。

Meme Moguls (MGLS) Token Will Experience Exponential Growth That Will Skyrocket Its Price

The best cryptocurrency to invest in may be hard to choose. However, you can review the potential of Meme Moguls (MGLS) to become one as it introduces a Play-to-Earn (P2E) platform with memes.

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 代币将经历指数级增长,其价格将飙升 投资的最佳加密货币可能很难选择。然而,您可以回顾 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 成为其中之一的潜力,因为它引入了带有 meme 的 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 平台。

Industry experts predict a remarkable 100x growth for the decentralized marketplace’s native token, MGLS, in 2024. Meme Moguls’ native token, $MGLS, aims to combine entertainment with profit by creating meme-style stocks and games, offering users an engaging way to earn.

行业专家预测,到 2024 年,去中心化市场的原生代币 MGLS 将实现 100 倍的惊人增长。Meme Moguls 的原生代币 $MGLS 旨在通过创建 Meme 风格的股票和游戏,将娱乐与利润结合起来,为用户提供一种有吸引力的赚钱方式。

Built on the Ethereum foundation, MGLS provides diverse investment options, including access to meme-inspired assets, staking opportunities, and NFT assets. Players can craft their portfolios, engaging in strategic trading within a virtual environment, starting with $100,000 in virtual currency.

MGLS 建立在以太坊基础上,提供多样化的投资选择,包括获得 meme 启发的资产、质押机会和 NFT 资产。玩家可以精心设计自己的投资组合,在虚拟环境中进行战略交易,起始金额为 100,000 美元的虚拟货币。

Player achievements are showcased on the Wealth Leaderboard, with anticipated payouts after trade sessions. Having achieved a major upshoot from its initial coin offering (ICO) of $0.0019, Meme Moguls is thriving in its Stage 5 presale, currently priced at $0.0036. With over a 90% increase in initial deposits, the platform has already made waves in the cryptocurrency landscape, raising over $1.9 million within weeks of the presale launch.

玩家的成就显示在财富排行榜上,并在交易结束后预期支付。 Meme Moguls 的首次代币发行 (ICO) 为 0.0019 美元,取得了重大进展,其第五阶段预售进展顺利,目前售价为 0.0036 美元。该平台的初始存款增加了 90% 以上,已经在加密货币领域掀起波澜,在预售启动后几周内筹集了超过 190 万美元。

Looking ahead, the MGLS token is strategically positioned as a standout choice among the top crypto coins to offer the best investment gains this year.

展望未来,MGLS 代币的战略定位是成为顶级加密货币中的杰出选择,以提供今年最佳的投资收益。

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