首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着价格飙升,新模因币比利达到了关键里程碑

New memecoin Billy hits key milestone as price soars


发布: 2024/07/03 00:02 阅读: 896




Billy Price has emerged as a promising contender in the meme coin realm since its launch in June.

自 6 月推出以来,Billy Price 已成为模因硬币领域的一个有前途的竞争者。

Investors speculate that Billy Price could follow the success of other dog-themed meme coins. After a low of $0.021 on June 24th, its value rebounded to an all-time high of $0.1320, resulting in a valuation of $115 million. This places it second only to Michi among Pump.fun tokens.

投资者推测比利·普莱斯可能会效仿其他以狗为主题的模因硬币的成功。在 6 月 24 日触及 0.021 美元的低点后,其价值反弹至 0.1320 美元的历史高点,估值达到 1.15 亿美元。这使得它在 Pump.fun 代币中仅次于 Michi。

Billy Price's meteoric rise is part of a larger trend in the dominance of meme coins in the cryptocurrency market. The combined market capitalization of meme coins tracked by CoinGecko has skyrocketed to over $51 billion, surpassing the value of established companies like Monster Beverage and MetLife.

比利·普莱斯的迅速崛起是模因币在加密货币市场中占据主导地位的更大趋势的一部分。 CoinGecko 追踪的 meme 币的总市值已飙升至超过 510 亿美元,超过了 Monster Beverage 和 MetLife 等老牌公司的价值。

The surge in meme coins has prompted the launch of numerous tokens, including MOTHER and DADDY. Billy aims to establish itself as a leading force in the space.

模因币的激增促使许多代币的推出,包括 MOTHER 和 DADDY。 Billy 的目标是将自己打造成该领域的主导力量。

Despite its success, Billy Price faces potential threats. Insiders may engage in token sales, as witnessed in cases like Beercoin and Water, where significant price declines occurred. The volatility and speculative nature of meme coins make them prone to manipulation due to undisclosed information and vague project details.


However, examples of thriving meme coins like Pepe, Dogwifhat, and Floki demonstrate their potential for significant growth and market dominance.

然而,Pepe、Dogwifhat 和 Floki 等蓬勃发展的模因币的例子表明了它们显着增长和市场主导地位的潜力。


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