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Could Memeinator Be The Next Big Cryptocurrency for 2024?

Memeinator 会成为 2024 年下一个大型加密货币吗?

发布: 2023/12/02 06:05 阅读: 466



Memeinator 会成为 2024 年下一个大型加密货币吗?

One new project is looking like it’ll outstrip all others in the race to become the next big cryptocurrency in 2024. Standing out as a unique investment opportunity is the brand-new meme coin project, Memeinator.

一个新项目看起来将在 2024 年成为下一个大型加密货币的竞争中超越所有其他项目。全新的模因币项目 Memeinator 是一个独特的投资机会。

After launching its crypto presale on 27th September, Memeinator has already raised an incredible $1.5m. This underlines its credentials to become the next big cryptocurrency to go viral ahead of the new year. Rather than relying on rehashing increasingly tired dog or frog-inspired memes, Memeinator is bringing a revolutionary new approach to the meme coin sector that could redefine the landscape for future coins.

在 9 月 27 日启动加密货币预售后,Memeinator 已经筹集了令人难以置信的 150 万美元。这突显了其成为新年前病毒式传播的下一个大型加密货币的资格。 Memeinator 没有依赖于重复日益疲惫的狗或青蛙启发的模因,而是为模因硬币领域带来了一种革命性的新方法,可以重新定义未来硬币的格局。

Here’s why crypto experts are unanimous in their predictions that Memeinator could become the next big cryptocurrency to explode on the market next year.

这就是为什么加密货币专家一致预测 Memeinator 可能成为明年市场上爆发的下一个大型加密货币。

What is Memeinator, and how does it work?

什么是 Memeinator,它是如何工作的?

Memeinator, sent from the year 2077, has set itself ambitious aims. Firstly, to eradicate the tiresome, no-value Dogecoin and Pepe Coin rip-offs infesting the meme coin market from existence. Secondly, to become the next $1 billion crypto project by market cap.

Memeinator 从 2077 年发出,为自己设定了雄心勃勃的目标。首先,要根除充斥着迷因币市场的令人厌烦的、毫无价值的狗狗币和佩佩币盗版行为。其次,成为下一个市值 10 亿美元的加密项目。

The meme coin market has become a race to the bottom in the past year, with an endless supply of no-value coins hitting the market in the wake of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu’s success in 2021. Memeinator is arriving on the market aiming to stop this market saturation, leaving no stone unturned in its bid to destroy weak meme coins. Taking its lead from the Terminator movie franchise, it is keen to wish subpar coins “hasta la vista.”

在过去的一年里,Meme 币市场已经成为一场逐底竞争,随着狗狗币和柴犬在 2021 年取得成功,无价值的币源源不断地涌入市场。Memeinator 即将进入市场,旨在阻止这种情况的发生市场饱和,千方百计地摧毁疲弱的模因币。借鉴《终结者》系列电影的经验,它热衷于希望低于标准的硬币“早日康复”。

Among the features that mark Memeinator as a long-term investment opportunity compared to other meme coins is the AI-powered Memescanner tool. It scans the internet for useless meme coins and dynamically feeds them in character form into the platform’s first-person shoot-em-up game, Meme Warfare. Here, users embody Memeinator to seek and destroy these character coins, consigning them to the dustbin of shitcoins and creating an environment where a select few can prosper.

与其他 Meme 币相比,Memeinator 具有长期投资机会的特点之一是人工智能驱动的 Memescanner 工具。它会扫描互联网上无用的模因硬币,并将它们以角色形式动态输入到该平台的第一人称射击游戏 Meme Warfare 中。在这里,用户扮演 Memeinator 来寻找并销毁这些角色币,将它们扔进垃圾币的垃圾箱,并创造一个让少数人能够繁荣的环境。

Along with Meme Warfare, Memeinator’s development team is busily working on an exciting special-edition NFT project exclusively for holders of the native MMTR token. On top of that, there is a new merch store, a referral program, plans for token staking and yield farming opportunities will increase the utility available to coin holders.

除了 Meme Warfare 之外,Memeinator 的开发团队正在忙于专门为原生 MMTR 代币持有者开发一个激动人心的特别版 NFT 项目。最重要的是,还有一个新的商品商店、推荐计划、代币质押计划和流动性挖矿机会,将增加代币持有者的实用性。

Taking flight with the MMTR token ICO

通过 MMTR 代币 ICO 起飞

There are several reasons behind the robust start to Memeinator’s crypto ICO, including the heavy investment in a marketing campaign driving viral content. This outstanding video trailer shows what MMTR token holders can look forward to. It illustrates Memeinator’s commitment to pushing itself forward to become the next big cryptocurrency in the final months of 2023 and the early stages of 2024.

Memeinator 加密货币 ICO 的强劲启动背后有几个原因,其中包括对推动病毒式内容的营销活动的大量投资。这个出色的视频预告片展示了 MMTR 代币持有者的期待。它表明了 Memeinator 致力于在 2023 年最后几个月和 2024 年初成为下一个大型加密货币的承诺。

Please embed the above video in the post at this point, do not just post the link.


Fans familiar with the Terminator films will not have missed that Memeinator announced its impending crypto presale on Judgment Day, 29th August, precipitating a 29-day countdown to the MMTR token launch. The 29-stage ICO finally kicked off at the end of September, with each MMTR token valued at just $0.01.

熟悉《终结者》电影的粉丝不会错过 Memeinator 宣布即将在 8 月 29 日审判日进行加密货币预售,这也为 MMTR 代币发行进入了 29 天倒计时。共 29 阶段的 ICO 终于在 9 月底启动,每个 MMTR 代币的价值仅为 0.01 美元。

This price will increase by around 6% throughout each presale phase, eventually reaching $0.049 when MMTR is ready to launch on crypto exchanges. Those investors who reserved their tokens in the first presale stage can see a staggering 390% gain on their initial investment before MMTR lists on exchanges. This demonstrates that Memeinator’s claim to be the outstanding investment opportunity of 2023 isn’t without merit.

该价格将在每个预售阶段增加约 6%,最终在 MMTR 准备在加密货币交易所推出时达到 0.049 美元。那些在第一预售阶段预留代币的投资者可以在 MMTR 在交易所上市之前看到其初始投资的惊人 390% 收益。这表明 Memeinator 声称是 2023 年杰出投资机会的说法并非没有道理。

For many, that kind of return on investment is enough incentive to get on board. Yet, Memeinator is offering presale investors even more. Memeinator has allocated 7.5% of its presale tokens for competitions and giveaways, with the first prize offering a truly interstellar experience. Memeinator is teaming up with Virgin Galactic to offer one lucky presale investor the trip of a lifetime with a flight into space worth $250,000.

对于许多人来说,这种投资回报足以激励他们加入。然而,Memeinator 为预售投资者提供了更多。 Memeinator 将预售代币的 7.5% 用于竞赛和赠品,一等奖将提供真正的星际体验。 Memeinator 正在与维珍银河合作,为一位幸运的预售投资者提供一次一生难忘的太空之旅,价值 25 万美元。

To stay up to date with the MMTR ICO and avoid FOMO, sign up to our mailing list.

要了解 MMTR ICO 的最新动态并避免 FOMO,请注册我们的邮件列表。

Can Memeinator break the $1 billion market cap barrier?

Memeinator 能否突破 10 亿美元市值大关?

The magic number for investors and crypto experts to look out for is $1. With a total fixed supply of 1 billion MMTR tokens, once the coin value hits this milestone, Memeinator will have achieved its target of hitting a $1 billion cap. While this is a tall order, analysts are optimistic about the prospects of MMTR given the early price performance of Pepe Coin, a coin with zero inherent value still fresh in the mind.

投资者和加密货币专家需要关注的神奇数字是 1 美元。凭借 10 亿枚 MMTR 代币的固定供应量,一旦代币价值达到这一里程碑,Memeinator 将实现其达到 10 亿美元上限的目标。虽然这是一项艰巨的任务,但鉴于佩佩币(一种内在价值为零的硬币)的早期价格表现,分析师对 MMTR 的前景仍持乐观态度。

Some bullish analysts are forecasting a $1 valuation for the coin, which would mean 100x returns for the earliest-stage investors before 2025, while more conservative estimates are that MMTR will hit $0.50 and the halfway point toward its target.

一些看涨分析师预测该代币的估值为 1 美元,这意味着 2025 年前早期投资者的回报将达到 100 倍,而更保守的估计是 MMTR 将达到 0.50 美元,即其目标的一半。

Either way, with a bull market expected to hit in the aftermath of next year’s scheduled Bitcoin (BTC) halving event, crypto experts are confident that Memeinator will deliver on its promise and become the next big cryptocurrency to go viral.

无论哪种方式,随着明年预定的比特币 (BTC) 减半事件之后牛市预计将到来,加密货币专家相信 Memeinator 将兑现其承诺,成为下一个病毒式传播的大型加密货币。

Will Memeinator be the next big cryptocurrency?

Memeinator 会成为下一个大型加密货币吗?

The timing of the Memeinator presale event is perfect. With the crypto winter of 2022 firmly in the history books and an expected return to bullish market conditions in 2025, Memeinator is riding the crest of the wave of meme coin popularity at the ideal time while changing opinions on what investors should expect from meme coins in the future.

Memeinator预售活动的时机非常完美。随着 2022 年的加密货币冬天牢牢地载入史册,以及预计 2025 年将恢复看涨的市场状况,Memeinator 在理想的时间乘上了 Meme 币流行浪潮的顶峰,同时改变了投资者对 Meme 币的期望的看法。未来。

The MMTR token is currently available at only $0.014 in stage 7 of its crypto ICO, and with 250% gains still up for grabs, there’s no questioning the quality of this exciting investment opportunity. 

目前,MMTR 代币在其加密货币 ICO 第 7 阶段的售价仅为 0.014 美元,250% 的收益仍有待争夺,毫无疑问,这一令人兴奋的投资机会的质量。

Memeinator is set up for an extremely bright future with its unusual narrative, high utility, outstanding tokenomics, and burgeoning grassroots community. So, if you’re seeking a game-changing crypto investment, look no further than Memeinator and its crypto presale.

Memeinator 以其不同寻常的叙事、高实用性、出色的代币经济学和蓬勃发展的草根社区,为极其光明的未来而设立。因此,如果您正在寻求改变游戏规则的加密投资,Memeinator 及其加密预售就是您的最佳选择。

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

要购买 Memeinator (MMTR),请访问 Memeinator 官方网站。


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