首页 > 资讯新闻 > Memeinator 预售正式达到 250 万美元:你现在应该投资这个项目吗?

Memeinator’s presale officially hits $2.5M: Should you invest in the project now?

Memeinator 预售正式达到 250 万美元:你现在应该投资这个项目吗?

发布: 2023/12/27 19:30 阅读: 983



Memeinator 预售正式达到 250 万美元:你现在应该投资这个项目吗?

Key takeaways


  • The cryptocurrency market has been consolidating in recent days, with BTC still below $43k.

    最近几天,加密货币市场一直在盘整,BTC 仍低于 4.3 万美元。

  • Memeinator’s presale has officially crossed the $2.5 million barrier as stage ten moves on smoothly. 

    随着第十阶段的顺利进行,Memeinator 的预售已正式突破 250 万美元大关。

Bitcoin consolidates around $42k

比特币盘整于 4.2 万美元左右

Bitcoin and other leading altcoins have been underperforming in the last 24 hours. The poor performance comes as the market consolidates following a positive start to the week. 

过去 24 小时内,比特币和其他领先的山寨币表现不佳。表现不佳之际,市场在本周开局良好后开始盘整。

At press time, the price of Bitcoin stands at $42,65, down by less than 1% in the last 24 hours. Other major altcoins are also trading in the red zone. Memecoins including Dogecoin have also been underperforming. 

截至发稿,比特币价格为 42.65 美元,过去 24 小时内下跌不到 1%。其他主要山寨币也在红色区域进行交易。包括狗狗币在内的模因币也表现不佳。

What is Memeinator?


Although the broader crypto market is underperforming today, Memeinator’s presale continues to surge ahead. Memeinator is a Web3 project that is launching as a meme token. 

尽管如今更广泛的加密货币市场表现不佳,但 Memeinator 的预售继续大幅增长。 Memeinator 是一个以 meme 代币形式启动的 Web3 项目。

The project aims to help content creators generate better content. This will be achieved by changing how people change and use memes. Memeinator intends to leverage the hype around meme coins by providing users with numerous use cases.

该项目旨在帮助内容创作者生成更好的内容。这将通过改变人们改变和使用模因的方式来实现。 Memeinator 打算通过为用户提供大量用例来利用围绕 Meme 币的炒作。

According to their roadmap, Memeinator’s primary focus will be to target and destroy worthless memes, ensuring that there is a higher level of quality content available to users. 

根据他们的路线图,Memeinator 的主要重点将是瞄准并摧毁毫无价值的模因,确保用户可以获得更高水平的优质内容。

It is an exciting meme coin project because it offers real-world utility to users. Memeinator will leverage AI and blockchain technology to identify worthless memes, allowing users to know and steer clear of them.

这是一个令人兴奋的模因币项目,因为它为用户提供了现实世界的实用性。 Memeinator 将利用人工智能和区块链技术来识别毫无价值的表情包,让用户了解并避开它们。

The whitepaper has detailed information on how the team intend to build Memeinator to become a billion-dollar market cap project. The whitepaper contains various strategies the team will deploy over the coming months and years. 

白皮书详细介绍了团队打算如何将 Memeinator 打造成为市值数十亿美元的项目。该白皮书包含团队将在未来几个月和几年内部署的各种策略。

The Memeinator presale is currently in its tenth stage and has raised more than $2.5 million so far. In the first presale stage, the MMTR was sold for $0.01, but it has been increased to $0.014 in the current stage. The price will rise to $0.0485 by the end of the presale, giving early investors a whopping 132% ROI at listing. 

Memeinator 预售目前处于第十阶段,迄今已筹集超过 250 万美元。在首个预售阶段,MMTR 的售价为 0.01 美元,但现阶段已提高至 0.014 美元。预售结束时价格将升至 0.0485 美元,为早期投资者带来高达 132% 的上市投资回报率。

Memeinator’s presale raises over $2.5 million

Memeinator 的预售筹集了超过 250 万美元

The Memeinator presale continues to attract more investors and its tenth stage is close to an end. The development team has raised more than $2.5 million of the $2.8 million target it set for the current stage. 

Memeinator 预售持续吸引更多投资者,其第十阶段已接近尾声。开发团队目前阶段设定的 280 万美元目标已筹集超过 250 万美元。

At the moment, Memeinator’s MMTR token can only be purchased using ETH, USDT and USDC stablecoins. Furthermore, the token is available to users on the Ethereum and BNChain blockchains. 

目前,Memeinator 的 MMTR 代币只能使用 ETH、USDT 和 USDC 稳定币购买。此外,该代币可供以太坊和 BNChain 区块链上的用户使用。

Click here to read more about the Memeinator presale.

单击此处了解有关 Memeinator 预售的更多信息。

Why is the Memeinator project valuable?

为什么 Memeinator 项目有价值?

The Memeinator presale is moving fast thanks to the influx of investors into the project. It offers real-world utility and activities on the network would be powered by its native MMTR token. 

由于投资者涌入该项目,Memeinator 预售进展迅速。它提供现实世界的实用性,网络上的活动将由其本机 MMTR 代币提供支持。

Memeinator will offer utility to degens, crypto natives, and speculators. The team believes that Memeinator’s use cases go beyond the crypto space, as its services would be available to content creators. 

Memeinator 将为 degens、加密货币原住民和投机者提供实用程序。该团队认为 Memeinator 的用例超出了加密货币领域,因为其服务将可供内容创作者使用。

With the help of AI, Memeinator users can analyze and evaluate memes across the internet. Thus, allowing them to identify lower-quality memes and replace or destroy them. 

在人工智能的帮助下,Memeinator 用户可以分析和评估互联网上的模因。因此,允许他们识别低质量的模因并替换或销毁它们。

Per the whitepaper, MMTR token holders will enjoy numerous incentives thanks to its excellent features. The token has deflationary mechanisms and rewards for holders. The team has also allocated 20% of the tokens for marketing, centralized exchange listing and liquidity. 

根据白皮书,MMTR 代币持有者将因其卓越的功能而享受众多激励措施。该代币具有通货紧缩机制和对持有者的奖励。团队还分配了 20% 的代币用于营销、集中交易所上市和流动性。

Is the Memeinator a good buy? 

Memeinator 值得购买吗?

It is the investor’s decision to determine projects that are worthy. However, Memeinator could be one of the leading meme coins in the near future. With the right level of adoption, Memeinator could reach its billion-dollar market cap in the coming years. 

确定有价值的项目是投资者的决定。然而,Memeinator 可能在不久的将来成为领先的模因币之一。如果采用率适当,Memeinator 的市值可能会在未来几年达到十亿美元。

By leveraging AI and blockchain, Memeinator will deploy two of the leading global technologies to provide solutions to content creators. Currently, its MMTR token is still in presale and could record a massive value increase once it gets listed on cryptocurrency exchanges.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/memeinator-s-presale-officially-hits-2-5m-should-you-invest-in-the-project-now-tbt74873.html



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