首页 > 资讯新闻 > 马斯克的 DOGE 推文可能会在 Twitter 上引发狂热;门罗币和渲染竞争对手为即将到来的反弹做好准备

Musk’s DOGE Tweet Could Spark Frenzy on Twitter; Monero & Render Competitor Poised for Upcoming Rally

马斯克的 DOGE 推文可能会在 Twitter 上引发狂热;门罗币和渲染竞争对手为即将到来的反弹做好准备

发布: 2024/02/14 06:28 阅读: 297



Space X Founder Elon Musk has helped to push Dogecoin (DOGE) prices up considerably ever since he started tweeting about the popular dog coin. Musk has bought Twitter since then and renamed it X, but he hasn’t had much to say about cryptocurrencies for some time. 

自从 Space X 创始人埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)开始在推特上发布有关流行的狗币以来,他就帮助推高了狗狗币(DOGE)的价格。此后,马斯克收购了 Twitter,并将其更名为 X,但他已经有一段时间没有对加密货币发表太多言论了。

Many Dogecoin investors are hoping a post from Musk will once again help to propel DOGE prices upward. There’s a good chance that will happen in the coming weeks, given the upcoming launch of the DOGE-1 space vessel that will insert a Dogecoin-themed satellite into lunar orbit. 

许多狗狗币投资者希望马斯克的帖子将再次帮助推动狗狗币价格上涨。鉴于 DOGE-1 太空船即将发射,该太空船将把狗狗币主题的卫星送入月球轨道,因此未来几周很有可能发生这种情况。

While DOGE might be one of the best meme coins to invest in, there are safer and potentially more profitable alternatives like InQubeta (QUBE). InQubeta isn’t dependent on hype to help grow its value – the popular NFT project looks to open up access to investment opportunities focused on artificial intelligence (AI). 

虽然 DOGE 可能是最值得投资的模因币之一,但还有更安全且可能更有利可图的替代品,例如 InQubeta (QUBE)。 InQubeta 并不依赖炒作来帮助其价值增长——这个受欢迎的 NFT 项目旨在开辟专注于人工智能 (AI) 的投资机会。

Other AI-focused cryptocurrencies like Render (RNDR) are also expected to enjoy considerable growth in 2024. Render’s network allows miners to monetize unused processing power by renting it out to those who need it. 

其他专注于人工智能的加密货币,如 Render (RNDR) 预计也会在 2024 年实现可观的增长。Render 的网络允许矿工通过将未使用的处理能力出租给需要的人来货币化。

Monero (XMR) is another altcoin to watch right now as some analysts say it is poised for a bull run after prices have been volatile for over a year. 


InQubeta (QUBE) is set to offer some of the best NFTs to invest in

InQubeta (QUBE) 将提供一些最好的 NFT 投资

The InQubeta project is built on the Ethereum (ETH) network, so it shares its parent blockchain’s efficiency and functionality. It introduces an inventive investment process that involves AI startups selling non-fungible tokens (NFT) that offer equity or rewards. 

InQubeta 项目建立在以太坊 (ETH) 网络上,因此它共享其父区块链的效率和功能。它引入了一种创造性的投资流程,其中涉及人工智能初创公司销售提供股权或奖励的不可替代代币(NFT)。

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

借助 Memecoins 的魔力,将数亿变成数百万 – 想想 $BONK,但规模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 IDO 阶段。立即加入 NuggetRush!这种创新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与现实世界的金矿开采融为一体。尽快加入,享受当前 ICO 价格!

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These tokens are purchased by investors using InQubeta’s native currency and governance token, QUBE. The NFTs sold by AI startups on the blockchain are fractionalized into smaller units to make them more affordable for the average investor. 

这些代币由投资者使用 InQubeta 的原生货币和治理代币 QUBE 购买。人工智能初创公司在区块链上出售的 NFT 被分成更小的单位,以使普通投资者更负担得起。

Equity-based NFTs appreciate as their makers expand their market share, much like stocks, and some offer investors rewards like profit sharing. There’s lots of liquidity on the InQubeta network since any ERC20 coins (NFTs) acquired can be resold at any time. 

基于股票的 NFT 会随着其制造商扩大市场份额而升值,就像股票一样,而且有些 NFT 会向投资者提供利润分享等奖励。 InQubeta 网络上有大量的流动性,因为获得的任何 ERC20 代币 (NFT) 都可以随时转售。

AI is already redefining the way the world works and the changes it causes will open up new investment opportunities. InQubeta democratizes access to such prospects, sending capital to AI startups while giving investors opportunities to earn profits. 

人工智能已经在重新定义世界的运作方式,它引起的变化将带来新的投资机会。 InQubeta 使此类前景变得民主化,向人工智能初创公司提供资金,同时为投资者提供赚取利润的机会。

About $1.5 trillion is anticipated to flow into AI-focused companies by 2030, positioning InQubeta for considerable growth. 

预计到 2030 年,大约 1.5 万亿美元将流入专注于人工智能的公司,这使得 InQubeta 能够实现可观的增长。

Dogecoin (DOGE) will likely surge soon


DOGE is currently trading around the $0.07 mark, but prices broke the $0.10 resistance level at the end of 2023. The launch of the DOGE-1 vessel should surely lead to a few mentions from Elon Musk and that should push prices upward. However, the surge could come back crashing down just as quickly. 

DOGE 目前的交易价格约为 0.07 美元大关,但价格在 2023 年底突破了 0.10 美元的阻力位。DOGE-1 船的推出肯定会引起埃隆·马斯克的几次提及,这应该会推动价格上涨。然而,飙升的速度可能会很快回落。

Render (RNDR) is expected to see exponential price increases


RNDR investors are up 116% in the last year thanks to its rapidly expanding user base. Its network allows miners and others with unused GPUs to monetize it by renting it out to those who need more computing power. 

由于用户群迅速扩大,RNDR 投资者去年增长了 116%。它的网络允许矿工和其他拥有未使用 GPU 的人通过将其出租给那些需要更多计算能力的人来货币化。

Like InQubeta (QUBE), Render is hosted on the Ethereum network, giving it a secure, transparent, and efficient ecosystem. 

与 InQubeta (QUBE) 一样,Render 托管在以太坊网络上,为其提供了一个安全、透明和高效的生态系统。

Bull patterns forming on Monero (XMR) price charts

门罗币 (XMR) 价格图表上形成的牛市模式

XMR prices have declined by over 20% in the past week, but bull patterns are now forming on price charts after support was tested at $97.2. Prices are now back at $130.88 and this might be the start of a major bull run. 

过去一周,XMR 价格下跌了 20% 以上,但在测试 97.2 美元的支撑位后,价格图表上目前正在形成牛市模式。价格现在回到 130.88 美元,这可能是一次大牛市的开始。



RNDR, XMR, and QUBE are three of the best altcoins to invest in today given their growth projections for 2024. DOGE prices might surge as hype is generated, but they will likely come back down just as fast as was the case in 2021. 

鉴于 RNDR、XMR 和 QUBE 对 2024 年增长的预测,它们是当今最值得投资的三种山寨币。随着炒作的产生,DOGE 价格可能会飙升,但它们可能会像 2021 年的情况一样快速回落。

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Being in its ICO stage, NuggetRush offers a prime opportunity for early investors to get in at potentially lower prices
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正处于 ICO 阶段,NuggetRush 为早期投资者提供了以潜在较低价格进入的绝佳机会 Memecoin 市场中独特的玩赚钱游戏平台 该平台在不寻常的游戏环境中将手工和金矿开采与加密货币相结合,提供独特且身临其境的体验 通过鼓励成员之间的实体聚会来培育强大的社区 NFT 与知名人物的整合

The post Musk’s DOGE Tweet Could Spark Frenzy on Twitter; Monero & Render Competitor Poised for Upcoming Rally appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

马斯克的 DOGE 推文可能会在 Twitter 上引发狂热;门罗币和渲染竞争对手为即将到来的反弹做好了准备,首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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