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Musk Speculation Drives Dogecoin Surge; Arbitrum and The Graph’s Prospects Soar

马斯克的投机推动狗狗币飙升; Arbitrum 和 The Graph 前景广阔

发布: 2024/02/15 06:06 阅读: 444



Dogecoin (DOGE) might be the best meme coin to invest in right now as some analysts expect speculation from SpaceX founder Elon Musk could push prices to the highest they’ve been since the 2022 crash. 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 可能是目前最值得投资的模因币,因为一些分析师预计 SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克的猜测可能会将价格推至 2022 年崩盘以来的最高水平。

InQubeta (QUBE) is also getting lots of attention these days and some analysts believe it’s the best cryptocurrency to buy right now because of its massive growth potential. It aims to democratize access to artificial intelligence investment by providing an alternative to mainstream investment avenues. InQubeta investors have earned 220% profits so far as the presale has raised over $9.4 million.

InQubeta(QUBE)最近也受到了广泛关注,一些分析师认为,由于其巨大的增长潜力,它是目前最好购买的加密货币。它旨在通过提供主流投资途径的替代方案来实现人工智能投资的民主化。到目前为止,InQubeta 的预售已筹集超过 940 万美元,投资者已获得 220% 的利润。

Arbitrum (ARB) is another good crypto investment to make right now, as its prices have grown 18% in the past seven days. It hosts a layer two scaling solution that uses optimistic rollups to improve the performance of the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. 

Arbitrum (ARB) 是目前另一项不错的加密货币投资,其价格在过去 7 天内上涨了 18%。它托管第二层扩展解决方案,该解决方案使用乐观汇总来提高以太坊(ETH)区块链的性能。

The Graph (GRT) is another AI-focused cryptocurrency that provides an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum. Its investors have enjoyed 15% gains in the past week.

The Graph (GRT) 是另一种专注于人工智能的加密货币,它提供了用于查询以太坊等网络的索引协议。过去一周,其投资者获得了 15% 的收益。

InQubeta (QUBE) has the potential to be one of the best DeFi projects ever created 

InQubeta (QUBE) 有潜力成为有史以来最好的 DeFi 项目之一

The InQubeta project solves one of the biggest challenges people looking to invest in AI face: getting access to investment opportunities. Many mainstream investment firms have capricious entry requirements that disqualify a large fraction of the global population. 

InQubeta 项目解决了寻求人工智能投资的人们所面临的最大挑战之一:获得投资机会。许多主流投资公司的准入要求反复无常,导致全球很大一部分人丧失资格。

InQubeta takes on this issue head-on by providing an alternative that doesn’t come with illogical requirements. Anyone can invest in AI through InQubeta, freeing up the flow of capital into the industry. 

InQubeta 正面解决了这个问题,提供了一种不带有不合逻辑要求的替代方案。任何人都可以通过InQubeta投资人工智能,从而释放资本流入该行业的机会。

The AI industry has grown substantially in the past several years and investments have gone from $12 billion to $120 billion. More than $1.5 trillion more is expected to be directed into AI by 2030, positioning InQubeta for long-term growth as it provides a more accessible and efficient investment space than mainstream alternatives. 

过去几年,人工智能行业大幅增长,投资从 120 亿美元增加到 1200 亿美元。到 2030 年,预计将有超过 1.5 万亿美元投入人工智能领域,这使 InQubeta 能够实现长期增长,因为它提供了比主流替代方案更容易获得和更高效的投资空间。

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

借助 Memecoins 的魔力,将数亿变成数百万 – 想想 $BONK,但规模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 IDO 阶段。立即加入 NuggetRush!这种创新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与现实世界的金矿开采融为一体。尽快加入,享受当前 ICO 价格!

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Here’s what the investment process looks like on the InQubeta network:

InQubeta 网络上的投资流程如下:

  • AI startups secure funding for projects by making and selling reward or equity-based ERC20 coins. Investors can think of these non-fungible tokens as the blockchain version of stocks
  • 人工智能初创公司通过制作和销售奖励或基于股权的 ERC20 代币来确保项目资金。投资者可以将这些不可替代的代币视为区块链版的股票

  • Tokens are listed on the NFT marketplace where investors read about their makers and make purchases with QUBE
  • 代币在 NFT 市场上上市,投资者可以在其中了解其制造商并通过 QUBE 进行购买

  • Investors can hold on to their ERC20 coins for as long as they wish or resell them on the marketplace for profits whenever they choose. They can also hold on to QUBE and earn profits as its value grows
  • 投资者可以根据自己的意愿持有 ERC20 代币,也可以随时在市场上转售以获取利润。他们还可以持有 QUBE 并随着其价值的增长赚取利润

Dogecoin (DOGE) prices could soar in coming weeks


Dogecoin prices will likely soar as the DOGE-1 spacecraft lifts off in the coming months. The upcoming launch of the DOGE-1 space vessel is virtually guaranteed to lead to Musk writing about the first dog coin on X, formerly Twitter, since the vessel will insert a DOGE-themed satellite into lunar orbit. 

随着 DOGE-1 航天器在未来几个月升空,狗狗币的价格可能会飙升。即将发射的 DOGE-1 太空船几乎肯定会导致马斯克在 X(以前的 Twitter)上写下第一枚狗币,因为该船将把一颗以 DOGE 为主题的卫星送入月球轨道。

Musk has also discussed plans to launch a peer-to-peer payment system on X and given his affinity for DOGE, the large number he’s purchased, and the fast transaction times coupled with the low fees Dogecoin blockchain offers, it wouldn’t be surprising if X’s payment system is based on it. That would lead to substantial growth if that occurs.

马斯克还讨论了在 X 上推出点对点支付系统的计划,考虑到他对 DOGE 的喜爱、他购买的大量资金、快速的交易时间以及狗狗币区块链提供的低费用,这并不奇怪如果X的支付系统是基于它的。如果发生这种情况,将导致大幅增长。

Arbitrum (ARB) surges 18% in the past week

Arbitrum (ARB) 过去一周飙升 18%

ARB prices are once again trending upward and highs that were set earlier in January will likely be reclaimed soon. It has emerged as one of the more popular scaling solutions on the Ethereum network. 

ARB 价格再次呈上升趋势,一月份早些时候创下的高点可能很快就会恢复。它已成为以太坊网络上更流行的扩展解决方案之一。

The Graph (GRT) poised for price growth

The Graph (GRT) 价格上涨

The increasing use of The Graph blockchain has led to prices rising 15% in the past week. Its indexing protocol has emerged as a useful solution in the cryptocurrency space and that should lead to more growth, especially if the highly anticipated Bitcoin (BTC) boom occurs. 

The Graph 区块链的使用不断增加,导致价格在过去一周上涨了 15%。其索引协议已成为加密货币领域的有用解决方案,这应该会带来更多增长,特别是如果发生备受期待的比特币(BTC)繁荣。



QUBE, GRT, and ARB are three of the best crypto investments you can make right now given their growth potential. InQubeta will likely enjoy the most growth given the investor interest it has already been able to generate and the alternative investment medium it provides. 

鉴于其增长潜力,QUBE、GRT 和 ARB 是您目前可以进行的三种最佳加密货币投资。考虑到它已经能够引起投资者的兴趣以及它提供的另类投资媒介,InQubeta 可能会享受最大的增长。

DOGE prices could surge soon due to speculation, but prices could come back down just as quickly. 


Visit InQubeta Presale 

访问 InQubeta 预售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社区

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Being in its ICO stage, NuggetRush offers a prime opportunity for early investors to get in at potentially lower prices
A unique play-to-earn gaming platform in the memecoin market
The platform combines artisanal and gold mining with cryptocurrencies in an unusual gaming context, offering a distinctive and immersive experience
Fosters a strong community by encouraging physical meetups among members
NFT Integration with Prominent Characters

正处于 ICO 阶段,NuggetRush 为早期投资者提供了以潜在较低价格进入的绝佳机会 Memecoin 市场中独特的玩赚钱游戏平台 该平台在不寻常的游戏环境中将手工和金矿开采与加密货币相结合,提供独特且身临其境的体验 通过鼓励成员之间的实体聚会来培育强大的社区 NFT 与知名人物的整合

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后马斯克的投机推动狗狗币飙升; Arbitrum 和 The Graph 的前景飙升首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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