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Ne͏w Meme Co͏ins͏ To Buy Now, Mond͏ay,͏ Aug͏u͏s͏t 19 – Base Dawg͏z, S͏undog͏,͏ Pa͏rago͏n͏, Popepe


发布: 2024/08/19 21:06 阅读: 570

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News



Some meme coins are expanding beyond simple tokens, offering comprehensive ecosystems with DeFi tools. These projects aim to provide real utility and value beyond their meme status. Innovative features like AI integration and GameFi elements are becoming more common.
The meme coin market remains highly speculative, with potential for rapid gains and losses. New coins often use creative marketing strategies to stand out in the crowded space. Investors should carefully research projects and consider their long-term viability before investing.

一些 meme 币正在超越简单的代币,提供带有 DeFi 工具的综合生态系统。这些项目旨在提供超越其模因地位的真正实用性和价值。 AI 集成和 GameFi 元素等创新功能正变得越来越普遍。模因币市场仍然具有高度投机性,有可能快速收益和损失。新硬币经常使用创造性的营销策略在拥挤的空间中脱颖而出。投资者在投资前应仔细研究项目并考虑其长期生存能力。

New Meme Coins To Buy Now
SUNDOG’s fair launch and generous token distribution demonstrate its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Paragon combines meme token potential with game-changing utility tools for next-generation trading. The project’s leadership team brings experience from multiple billion-dollar crypto ventures.

立即购买新 Meme 币 SUNDOG 的公平发布和慷慨的代币分配表明了其对可访问性和包容性的承诺。 Paragon 将 meme 代币的潜力与改变游戏规则的实用工具结合起来,用于下一代交易。该项目的领导团队带来了多个价值数十亿美元的加密货币企业的经验。

Base Dawgz revolutionizes crypto with its innovative multi-chain approach using Wormhole technology. Users can seamlessly interact across Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. POPEPE capitalizes on the success of POPCAT, positioning itself as the next big opportunity.

Base Dawgz 通过使用虫洞技术的创新多链方法彻底改变了加密技术。用户可以在以太坊、Solana、币安智能链和 Avalanche 之间无缝交互。 POPEPE 利用 POPCAT 的成功,将自己定位为下一个重大机遇。

SUNDOG has emerged as the premier dog meme on the TRON blockchain. This fair-launch meme coin, introduced on Sunpump, brings a lighthearted and fun energy to the TRON ecosystem. SUNDOG’s mission is to spread sunshine, enjoyment, and affection throughout the TRON community.

1. SUNDOG ($SUNDOG)SUNDOG 已成为 TRON 区块链上首屈一指的狗模因。这款在 Sunpump 上推出的公平发行模因币为 TRON 生态系统带来了轻松有趣的能量。 SUNDOG的使命是在整个TRON社区传播阳光、快乐和情感。

Built on the TRON blockchain, SUNDOG leverages the network’s speed and efficiency. The project has recently made waves with its upcoming listing on HTX’s perpetual futures market. To celebrate this milestone, SUNDOG has announced a generous 100,000 USDT reward pool for community members.

SUNDOG 基于 TRON 区块链构建,充分利用网络的速度和效率。该项目最近因即将在 HTX 永续期货市场上市而引起轰动。为了庆祝这一里程碑,SUNDOG 宣布为社区成员提供 100,000 USDT 的丰厚奖励池。

In a bold move, SUNDOG plans to distribute $1,000,000 worth of tokens to 500,000 TRX holders. This airdrop, starting August 19th, showcases SUNDOG’s commitment to community engagement. As one of the new meme coins in the market, SUNDOG has quickly garnered attention and partnerships.

SUNDOG 计划向 50 万 TRX 持有者分发价值 1,000,000 美元的代币,这是一项大胆的举措。此次空投于 8 月 19 日开始,体现了 SUNDOG 对社区参与的承诺。作为市场上新的模因币之一,SUNDOG 迅速获得了关注和合作伙伴关系。

SUNDOG has formed alliances with notable platforms such as DexTools, CoinMarketCap, BiKing, and HTX. These partnerships have contributed to SUNDOG’s growing visibility and liquidity in the crypto space. Consequently, the token has seen impressive price action, currently trading at $0.08193.
SUNDOG’s recent performance has been remarkable, with a substantial 66.51% increase in value. This growth demonstrates the increasing interest in SUNDOG among crypto enthusiasts and investors. As SUNDOG continues to evolve, it aims to solidify its position as TRON’s flagship meme coin.

SUNDOG 已与 DexTools、CoinMarketCap、BiKing 和 HTX 等知名平台结成联盟。这些合作伙伴关系促进了 SUNDOG 在加密货币领域不断增长的知名度和流动性。因此,该代币的价格走势令人印象深刻,目前交易价格为 0.08193 美元。SUNDOG 最近的表现非常出色,价值大幅上涨 66.51%。这一增长表明加密货币爱好者和投资者对 SUNDOG 的兴趣日益浓厚。随着 SUNDOG 的不断发展,它的目标是巩固其作为 TRON 旗舰模因币的地位。

2. Paragon ($PGN)
Paragon is redefining possibilities in the crypto world by charting a course for next-generation trading. The project aims to exemplify excellence in crypto and represent the pinnacle of DeFi. It combines game-changing utility tools with the explosive potential of both emerging and established meme tokens.
Strong leadership is a cornerstone of Paragon, with its core team having been integral to multiple billion-dollar crypto projects. This experience translates into the innovative development of multiple dApps designed to help holders succeed in the volatile crypto market. Moreover, Paragon’s partnerships and roadmap ensure its ability to thrive regardless of market conditions.
Built on the Solana blockchain, Paragon leverages cutting-edge technology for its operations. This choice of blockchain allows for fast transactions and low fees, enhancing the user experience. Additionally, Solana’s scalability supports Paragon’s ambitious plans for growth and expansion in the DeFi space.

2. Paragon ($PGN)Paragon 正在通过为下一代交易制定路线来重新定义加密世界的可能性。该项目旨在体现加密技术的卓越性,并代表 DeFi 的巅峰。它将改变游戏规则的实用工具与新兴和成熟的 meme 代币的爆炸性潜力结合在一起。强大的领导力是 Paragon 的基石,其核心团队已成为多个数十亿美元加密项目不可或缺的一部分。这种经验转化为多个 dApp 的创新开发,旨在帮助持有者在波动的加密货币市场中取得成功。此外,Paragon 的合作伙伴关系和路线图确保其无论市场条件如何都能蓬勃发展。Paragon 建立在 Solana 区块链上,利用尖端技术进行运营。这种区块链的选择可以实现快速交易和低费用,从而增强用户体验。此外,Solana 的可扩展性支持 Paragon 在 DeFi 领域实现增长和扩张的雄心勃勃的计划。

Excitement is building around Paragon’s ongoing video contest, with a $3,000 prize at stake. Participants still have time to submit their best entries before the deadline on Monday, August 19th. This contest demonstrates Paragon’s commitment to community engagement and rewarding creativity among its supporters.

Paragon 正在进行的视频比赛令人兴奋不已,奖金为 3,000 美元。参赛者仍有时间在 8 月 19 日(星期一)截止日期之前提交最佳参赛作品。此次竞赛体现了 Paragon 对社区参与和奖励支持者创造力的承诺。

In a significant development, Paragon has launched Prometheus, a powerful tool for project auditing and chart analysis. The team plans to conduct live training sessions to ensure users can fully leverage this new feature. These sessions will be recorded and made available for replay within the dedicated Prometheus channel.

Paragon 推出了 Prometheus,这是一项重大进展,这是一个用于项目审计和图表分析的强大工具。该团队计划进行现场培训课程,以确保用户能够充分利用这一新功能。这些会话将被记录并可在专用的 Prometheus 频道中重播。

Paragon has forged strategic partnerships with key players in the crypto space. These include DexTools, DexScreener, Jupiter, MEXC, Raydium, and Meteora VD. Such collaborations enhance Paragon’s ecosystem and provide users with a comprehensive suite of tools and services.

Paragon 与加密货币领域的主要参与者建立了战略合作伙伴关系。其中包括 DexTools、DexScreener、Jupiter、MEXC、Raydium 和 Meteora VD。此类合作增强了 Paragon 的生态系统,并为用户提供了一整套工具和服务。

The market has responded positively to Paragon’s efforts, with its token currently trading at $0.02977. This represents a significant increase of 9.92%, reflecting growing investor confidence in the project. As Paragon continues to innovate and expand, it aims to solidify its position in the competitive DeFi landscape.

市场对 Paragon 的努力做出了积极反应,其代币目前的交易价格为 0.02977 美元。增幅高达 9.92%,反映出投资者对该项目的信心不断增强。随着 Paragon 不断创新和扩张,它的目标是巩固其在竞争激烈的 DeFi 领域的地位。

3. Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)
Base Dawgz is revolutionizing the crypto landscape with its innovative multi-chain approach. Harnessing the power of Base, this project offers a seamless experience across Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. By bridging these diverse ecosystems, Base Dawgz is redefining the boundaries of blockchain technology.

3. Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)Base Dawgz 正在以其创新的多链方法彻底改变加密货币格局。该项目利用 Base 的力量,提供跨以太坊、Solana、币安智能链和 Avalanche 的无缝体验。通过连接这些不同的生态系统,Base Dawgz 正在重新定义区块链技术的边界。

At the heart of Base Dawgz lies the advanced Wormhole and Portal Bridge technology. This cutting-edge solution tackles the long-standing challenge of blockchain interoperability head-on. As a result, users can effortlessly explore, interact, and transact across multiple chains without limitations.

Dawgz 基地的核心是先进的虫洞和传送桥技术。这一尖端解决方案正面解决了区块链互操作性的长期挑战。因此,用户可以轻松无限制地跨多个链探索、交互和交易。

Base Dawgz’s real-world applications are truly groundbreaking. Users can now navigate the decentralized world with unprecedented freedom and flexibility. Moreover, the platform’s multi-chain functionality opens up a world of possibilities for DeFi enthusiasts and crypto traders alike.
Excitement is building as Base Dawgz gears up for its official launch. While partnership details are still under wraps, the team promises collaborations that will shake up the crypto world. Stay tuned for announcements that could potentially skyrocket the value of $DAWGZ tokens.

Base Dawgz 的实际应用确实具有开创性。用户现在可以以前所未有的自由度和灵活性驾驭去中心化世界。此外,该平台的多链功能为 DeFi 爱好者和加密货币交易者打开了一个充满可能性的世界。随着 Base Dawgz 为正式发布做准备,人们的兴奋情绪正在增强。虽然合作细节仍处于保密状态,但该团队承诺合作将撼动加密世界。请继续关注可能使 $DAWGZ 代币价值飙升的公告。

Now is your chance to get in on the ground floor of this game-changing project. The Base Dawgz presale is in full swing, having already raised an impressive $2,951,888. With tokens currently priced at just $0.007784, early supporters have a unique opportunity for substantial gains.
Visit Base Dawgz Presale

现在您有机会参与这个改变游戏规则的项目。 Base Dawgz 预售正在如火如荼地进行中,已筹集到令人印象深刻的 2,951,888 美元。目前代币价格仅为 0.007784 美元,早期支持者有获得大幅收益的独特机会。访问 Base Dawgz 预售

POPEPE has burst onto the scene as a promising new entrant in the meme coin market. This token positions itself as the successor to the popular POPCAT, capitalizing on nostalgia and hype. POPEPE’s bold claim of making holders rich has caught the attention of many crypto enthusiasts.

4. POPEPE ($POPEPE)POPEPE 作为模因币市场的一个有前途的新进入者突然出现。该代币利用怀旧和炒作将自己定位为流行的 POPCAT 的继承者。 POPEPE让持有者致富的大胆主张引起了众多加密货币爱好者的关注。

Launched on the Solana platform, POPEPE benefits from fast transactions and low fees. This technological foundation provides POPEPE with a robust infrastructure for future growth and development. Moreover, Solana’s scalability offers POPEPE an advantage in the competitive meme coin landscape.

POPEPE 在 Solana 平台上推出,受益于快速交易和低廉费用。这一技术基础为 POPEPE 未来的成长和发展提供了强大的基础设施。此外,Solana 的可扩展性为 POPEPE 在竞争激烈的 meme 币领域提供了优势。

Among new meme coins, POPEPE stands out with its strategic partnerships in the crypto space. Collaborations with DexTools, DexScreener, Raydium, and Jupiter have boosted POPEPE’s visibility and liquidity. These alliances provide diverse trading options and increased accessibility for POPEPE holders.

在新的模因币中,POPEPE 因其在加密领域的战略合作伙伴关系而脱颖而出。与 DexTools、DexScreener、Raydium 和 Jupiter 的合作提高了 POPEPE 的知名度和流动性。这些联盟为 POPEPE 持有者提供了多样化的交易选择并增加了可访问性。

The market performance of POPEPE has been impressive, reflecting growing investor interest. Currently trading at $0.000004738, POPEPE has experienced a significant price increase of 14.95%. This positive trend suggests that POPEPE is gaining traction among traders and investors.

POPEPE的市场表现令人印象深刻,反映出投资者兴趣的增长。 POPEPE 目前的交易价格为 0.000004738 美元,价格大幅上涨 14.95%。这一积极趋势表明 POPEPE 正在赢得交易者和投资者的青睐。

As POPEPE continues to evolve, it aims to carve out its niche in the meme coin market. By leveraging its Solana foundation and strategic partnerships, POPEPE seeks sustained growth. With its unique approach and rising popularity, POPEPE invites crypto enthusiasts to join its journey.
Learn More

随着 POPEPE 的不断发展,它的目标是在模因币市场上开拓自己的利基市场。通过利用 Solana 基础和战略合作伙伴关系,POPEPE 寻求持续增长。凭借其独特的方式和不断上升的人气,POPEPE 邀请加密货币爱好者加入其旅程。了解更多


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