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Netflix Director’s Wild Dogecoin Gamble Pays off Big-Time

Netflix 导演疯狂的狗狗币赌博获得了丰厚回报

发布: 2023/11/24 06:01 阅读: 639

原文作者:Coin Edition


Netflix 导演疯狂的狗狗币赌博获得了丰厚回报

  • Director Carl Erik Rinsch spent $4 million from a Netflix series budget to trade on DOGE.
  • 导演 Carl Erik Rinsch 从 Netflix 剧集预算中花费了 400 万美元在 DOGE 上进行交易。

  • After losing a lot of money to speculative trading, the director made millions in profit from the meme coin.
  • 在投机交易中损失惨重后,这位导演从米姆币中赚取了数百万美元的利润。

  • Rinsch is now filing a confidential arbitration action against Netflix for $14 million.
  • Rinsch 目前正在对 Netflix 提起保密仲裁诉讼,索赔 1400 万美元。

The director of the Netflix science fiction series “Conquest,” Carl Erik Rinsch, reportedly spent $4 million of the show’s budget on Dogecoin (DOGE) and achieved a substantial gain through this endeavor. This was after the 46-year-old director secured a $61.2 million production contract from the streaming company.

据报道,Netflix 科幻连续剧《征服》的导演卡尔·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 将剧中 400 万美元的预算花在了狗狗币 (DOGE) 上,并通过这一努力获得了可观的收益。此前,这位 46 岁的导演从流媒体公司获得了价值 6120 万美元的制作合同。

According to a report published by The New York Times yesterday, Netflix had spent $44.3 million on Rinsch’s show by March 2020. The director, however, later informed the company that he required more money or else production would be halted. Netflix then approved the request and awarded Rinsch another $11 million.

据《纽约时报》昨日发布的报道,截至 2020 年 3 月,Netflix 已在林奇的节目上花费了 4430 万美元。然而,导演后来通知公司,他需要更多资金,否则制作将停止。 Netflix 随后批准了这一请求,并另外奖励了 Rinsch 1100 万美元。

It would later be revealed that none of the money received was used to produce the series. Court records and financial data from Rinsch’s divorce show that he instead used $10.5 million from the 2020 funding round from Netflix to engage in spec…

后来透露,收到的所有资金都没有用于制作该系列节目。法庭记录和 Rinsch 离婚的财务数据显示,他反而使用 Netflix 2020 年融资中的 1050 万美元来从事特定业务……

The post Netflix Director’s Wild Dogecoin Gamble Pays off Big-Time appeared first on Coin Edition.

Netflix 导演的狂野狗狗币赌博大获成功的帖子首先出现在 Coin Edition 上。


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