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Netflix Producer Carl Erik Rinsch Faces Legal Battle After Failed Project and Dogecoin Transactions

Netflix 制片人 Carl Erik Rinsch 在项目和狗狗币交易失败后面临法律诉讼

发布: 2023/11/26 09:53 阅读: 805



Netflix 制片人 Carl Erik Rinsch 在项目和狗狗币交易失败后面临法律诉讼

Once a little-known producer, Carl Erik Rinsch found himself in a legal battle with streaming giant Netflix. This process stems from an ambitious project that never materialized due to strange events and the unexpected high profits Rinsch made from his Dogecoin transactions.

卡尔·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 曾经是一位鲜为人知的制片人,后来发现自己陷入了与流媒体巨头 Netflix 的法律诉讼中。这个过程源于一个雄心勃勃的项目,但由于奇怪的事件和林奇从他的狗狗币交易中意外获得的高额利润,该项目从未实现。

While Rinsch claims he did nothing wrong, Netflix points to unfinished production milestones that led to the failure of the project named “Conquest.”

虽然林什声称自己没有做错任何事,但 Netflix 指出,未完成的制作里程碑导致了名为“征服”的项目的失败。

Dogecoin Made Millions


Rinsch’s journey in the film and production industry emerged with a sci-fi presentation about artificial humans. Despite facing great criticism and commercial failure with the film “47 Ronin,” Rinsch’s idea found itself at the center of attention amid Hollywood’s insatiable hunger for content.

林什在电影和制作行业的旅程始于一部有关人造人的科幻片。尽管电影《47 Ronin》面临巨大的批评和商业失败,但在好莱坞对内容永无止境的渴望中,林奇的想法成为了人们关注的焦点。

With the entry of Disney, Apple, and NBCUniversal into the industry, streaming services were eagerly expanding for new projects. However, Netflix, the dominant player in the market, offered Rinsch an eight-figure deal, surpassing Amazon. The deal included millions of dollars and a rare final cut privilege, which was seen as evidence of the high risks and fierce competition in the publishing industry.

随着迪士尼、苹果和 NBCUniversal 进入该行业,流媒体服务急切地拓展新项目。然而,市场主导者 Netflix 向 Rinsch 提供了八位数的交易,超过了亚马逊。这笔交易包括数百万美元和罕见的最终剪辑特权,这被视为出版业高风险和激烈竞争的证据。

However, the project named “Conquest” quickly turned into chaos. Despite initially allocating a budget of over $55 million for the project, Rinsch couldn’t deliver a single episode. In addition to not delivering, it was revealed that Rinsch had extravagant expenses and an obsession with cryptocurrencies.

然而,这个名为“征服”的项目很快陷入混乱。尽管最初为该项目分配了超过 5500 万美元的预算,但 Rinsch 未能交付一集。除了不交付之外,据透露,林什还有奢侈的开支和对加密货币的痴迷。

Netflix’s Money into Dogecoin

Netflix 投资狗狗币

The producer used the $4 million he received from Netflix to trade the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which started as a joke project. The incredible value increase of Dogecoin allowed Rinsch to see his money reach unexpected levels.

这位制片人用他从 Netflix 收到的 400 万美元来交易加密货币狗狗币,这最初是一个玩笑项目。狗狗币令人难以置信的增值让林什看到他的钱达到了意想不到的水平。

His $4 million investment skyrocketed to over $20 million. It is also known that Rinsch thanked a Kraken representative and said, “Thanks, and may God protect crypto.”

他的 400 万美元投资猛增至超过 2000 万美元。据了解,Rinsch 对 Kraken 代表表示感谢,并表示:“谢谢,愿上帝保护加密货币。”

Netflix, which made a significant investment in “Conquest,” is now trying to recover its investment after this incident. Interestingly, despite not delivering any episodes, the company is in talks with Rinsch, who claims the contract was breached and demands $14 million in compensation. Netflix denies any responsibility and emphasizes the unfulfilled production promises by Rinsch.

在《征服》中投入巨资的 Netflix 在此次事件后目前正在努力收回投资。有趣的是,尽管没有提供任何剧集,该公司仍在与 Rinsch 进行谈判,Rinsch 声称合同被违反,并要求 1400 万美元的赔偿。 Netflix 否认承担任何责任,并强调林施未履行制作承诺。

Netflix spokesperson Thomas Cherian said:

Netflix 发言人托马斯·切里安 (Thomas Cherian) 表示:

After investing a lot of time and effort, it became apparent that Mr. Rinsch would never be able to complete the project he agreed to do, so we canceled the project.

在投入了大量的时间和精力之后,很明显,Rinsch 先生永远无法完成他同意做的项目,因此我们取消了该项目。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/netflix-producer-carl-erik-rinsch-faces-legal-battle-after-failed-project-and-dogecoin-transactions/

继续阅读:https://en.coin-turk.com/netflix- Producer-carl-erik-rinsch-faces-legal-battle-after-failed-project-and-dogecoin-transactions/


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