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Newly Rising Altcoins Of The Market; Analysed


发布: 2024/07/03 01:07 阅读: 884

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Newly Rising Altcoins Of The Market; Analysed


BTC has barely succeeded in recovering to the $61K mark, but altcoins like TON, SOL, and DOT are adding new gains despite the market conditions.

BTC 勉强成功恢复至 6.1 万美元大关,但 TON、SOL 和 DOT 等山寨币尽管市场状况不佳,但仍在增加新的涨幅。



Pooja Khardia


Published: 02 Jul, 2024 | 03:51:53 PM GMT

发布日期:2024 年 7 月 2 日 |下午 03:51:53(格林威治标准时间)

July 1 has been quite favoring for the altcoins as their global market cap has witnessed quite a surge, but today did not follow the same trend to perfection. However, the current market situation was enough to surge a few altcoins that were following a downtrend with the shift in investor sentiments. According to the fear and greed index, the market sentiments are at 49, a neutral zone, but it is better than an earlier score of 44.

7 月 1 日对山寨币相当有利,因为它们的全球市值大幅飙升,但今天并没有遵循同样的趋势达到完美。然而,当前的市场形势足以让一些随着投资者情绪的转变而下跌的山寨币飙升。根据恐惧和贪婪指数,市场情绪为49,处于中性区域,但好于之前的44分。

The stories of altcoins rally are out in the market, but before that, check out today’s rising cryptos after battling declines.


Toncoin (TON)

东币 (TON)

Toncoin is now just 3% away from its all-time high of $8.25, set in the middle of June. However, like other altcoins, Toncoin also faced a decline after its rallying days, but that has changed today. In the last 24 hours, the TON price has hiked by 4% and is currently at $8.00, beating Dogecoin on the best cryptos list with its high market capitalization.

Toncoin 目前距离 6 月中旬创下的历史高点 8.25 美元仅差 3%。然而,与其他山寨币一样,Toncoin 在上涨几天后也面临下跌,但今天情况发生了变化。在过去 24 小时内,TON 价格上涨了 4%,目前为 8.00 美元,凭借高市值击败狗狗币跻身最佳加密货币排行榜。

Polkadot (DOT)


Polkadot price has been struggling since its March rally, where the price rose to $11.54. From the last few months, it followed a downtrend, with value declining as low as $5.6 by June end. But this week, it has made quite a comeback, trading at $6.39 after a 9% hike. Though it is still under a 10% loss over the month’s stats, the rise is worth counting.

自 3 月份上涨至 11.54 美元以来,Polkadot 的价格一直在挣扎。从过去几个月开始,它一直呈下降趋势,到 6 月底价值已跌至 5.6 美元。但本周,它大幅卷土重来,上涨 9% 后,交易价格为 6.39 美元。尽管与本月统计数据相比仍低于 10%,但涨幅值得统计。

Solana (SOL)

索拉纳 (太阳)


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