首页 > 资讯新闻 > Notcoin 价格预测 – 尽管比特币下跌,$NOT 加密货币仍上涨 18%

Notcoin Price Prediction – $NOT Crypto Climbs 18% Despite Bitcoin’s Drop

Notcoin 价格预测 – 尽管比特币下跌,$NOT 加密货币仍上涨 18%

发布: 2024/07/09 00:03 阅读: 719

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Notcoin 价格预测 – 尽管比特币下跌,$NOT 加密货币仍上涨 18%

Despite broader market challenges, Notcoin exhibits resilience with a notable 18% increase over the past week, approaching significant price targets.

尽管市场面临更广泛的挑战,Notcoin 仍表现出韧性,过去一周显着上涨 18%,接近重要的价格目标。

The coin's appeal lies not only in its technical merits, such as a strong total circulating supply and low market cap, but also in its strategic positioning within the play-to-earn (P2E) sector. Notcoin has ventured into the Web3 arena by introducing Telegram mini-applications integrating blockchain technology.

该代币的吸引力不仅在于其技术优势,例如强大的总流通供应量和较低的市值,还在于其在玩游戏(P2E)领域的战略定位。 Notcoin 通过推出集成区块链技术的 Telegram 迷你应用程序,进军 Web3 领域。

Initially launched as a Telegram mini-app in January, Notcoin has swiftly amassed a global community of 40 million users. To bolster its capabilities, Notcoin has partnered with Helika, a renowned gaming accelerator specializing in Web3 gaming solutions.

Notcoin 最初于 1 月份作为 Telegram 迷你应用程序推出,现已迅速积累了拥有 4000 万用户的全球社区。为了增强其能力,Notcoin 与专门从事 Web3 游戏解决方案的著名游戏加速器 Helika 合作。

Notcoin and Helika Gaming Forge Path for Telegram Game Development

Notcoin 和 Helika Gaming 打造 Telegram 游戏开发之路

Notcoin's recent announcement highlighted the significant impact of its Mini Apps on Telegram, which have quickly become a dominant force. Teaming up with Helika Gaming, Notcoin aims to expand its accelerator program tailored for game developers, fostering innovation in gaming applications integrated into Telegram.

Notcoin 最近的声明凸显了其迷你应用程序对 Telegram 的重大影响,Telegram 已迅速成为主导力量。 Notcoin 与 Helika Gaming 合作,旨在扩展其为游戏开发者量身定制的加速器计划,促进集成到 Telegram 中的游戏应用程序的创新。

This collaboration leverages Helika's extensive expertise in the Web3 gaming sector, supported by a substantial $50 million funding from Helika Accelerate. The initiative targets game studios, mobile app developers, and indie creators, aiming to boost innovation and growth.

此次合作充分利用了 Helika 在 Web3 游戏领域的丰富专业知识,并得到了 Helika Accelerate 高达 5000 万美元的资金支持。该计划针对游戏工作室、移动应用开发商和独立创作者,旨在促进创新和增长。

Notcoin and Helika are also launching a new game accelerator and hosting the Notcoin Gaming Contest to inspire creativity among game studios within Helika's network for the Telegram platform.

Notcoin 和 Helika 还推出了新的游戏加速器并举办 Notcoin 游戏竞赛,以激发 Helika 网络内针对 Telegram 平台的游戏工作室的创造力。

This strategic move by Notcoin aims to diversify Telegram's gaming offerings and attract a broader audience through incentivized game development. The first round of applications for the Telegram Gaming Accelerator program begins next week, marking a pivotal step in this initiative.

Notcoin 的这一战略举措旨在使 Telegram 的游戏产品多样化,并通过激励性游戏开发吸引更广泛的受众。 Telegram 游戏加速器计划的第一轮申请将于下周开始,这标志着该计划的关键一步。

While Notcoin strives for stability and growth despite market turbulence, a new entrant in the meme coin space, Pepe Unchained, offers high-risk, high-reward opportunities that attract adventurous investors seeking significant returns in the expanding meme coin sector.

虽然 Notcoin 在市场动荡的情况下仍致力于稳定和增长,但 Meme 币领域的新进入者 Pepe Unchained 提供了高风险、高回报的机会,吸引了那些在不断扩张的 Meme 币领域寻求巨额回报的冒险投资者。


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