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NuggetRush: The Newcomer Joining Giants like Bitcoin and Dogecoin


发布: 2023/11/03 15:29 阅读: 343





  • BlackRock confirms that its iShares Bitcoin (BTC) Spot ETF is still under review.
  • 贝莱德确认其 iShares 比特币 (BTC) 现货 ETF 仍在审查中。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) loses $2.3 billion in 2023 as the meme coin industry suffers massive losses.
  • 由于迷因币行业遭受巨额损失,狗狗币 (DOGE) 在 2023 年将损失 23 亿美元。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) offers a way to earn money while supporting the informal mining industry.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供了一种在支持非正规采矿业的同时赚钱的方式。

The crypto market is still recovering from rumors that BlackRock’s Bitcoin (BTC) ETF applications had been approved. After confirming it was false, the BTC price lost the gains it made following the rumors. Elsewhere, Dogecoin (DOGE) has suffered the most in terms of meme coin price losses in 2023. However, meme coin investors are turning to NuggetRush (NUGX) as it offers potential for strong real-world utilities and high earning potential. 

加密货币市场仍在从贝莱德比特币 ETF 申请已获批准的传言中恢复。在证实该消息为假消息后,比特币价格失去了谣言带来的涨幅。在其他地方,Dogecoin (DOGE) 在 2023 年 Meme 币价格损失方面损失最大。然而,Meme 币投资者正在转向 NuggetRush (NUGX),因为它提供了强大的现实世界实用程序和高盈利潜力。

Could it become a good crypto to buy now? Let’s discuss.


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The NuggetRush Mining Game Offers New Utilities for Meme Coins

NuggetRush 挖矿游戏为 Meme 硬币提供了新的实用程序

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a Web3 game that combines the thrill of mining adventures with increased rewards and earning capabilities. The game lets players build a mining empire by collaborating with other players and professional miners. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款 Web3 游戏,它将采矿冒险的快感与增加的奖励和赚钱能力结合在一起。该游戏让玩家通过与其他玩家和职业矿工合作来建立一个采矿帝国。

NuggetRush’s (NUGX) blockchain ICO is still in Round 1 of its presale, currently trading at $0.010. However, its popularity is expected to push NUGX up by 20% to $0.012 by Round 2 of its presale. In addition, more players are joining the project because of the free token claim when its presale is over.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 的区块链 ICO 仍处于预售的第一轮,目前交易价格为 0.010 美元。然而,其受欢迎程度预计将推动 NUGX 在第二轮预售中上涨 20% 至 0.012 美元。此外,由于预售结束后可领取免费代币,越来越多的玩家加入该项目。

Built on Ethereum, the game allows players to flex their thinking and decision-making skills while maximizing their mining profits. Players start by building custom NFTs and gradually building a team with various mining skills. In-game rewards on NuggetRush (NUGX) include character and rare RUSHGEM NFTs that can be traded for real-world gold.

该游戏基于以太坊构建,允许玩家灵活思考和决策技能,同时最大化采矿利润。玩家首先构建定制的 NFT,并逐渐建立一支具有各种挖矿技能的团队。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 的游戏内奖励包括角色和稀有的 RUSHGEM NFT,可以用来兑换现实世界的黄金。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is all about building a global community. It allows players to work together, and trade assets in a safe environment. The platform lets players stake NFTs, and earn a passive income. The NFTs can represent in-game items, like mining equipment. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 致力于建立一个全球社区。它允许玩家一起工作,并在安全的环境中交易资产。该平台允许玩家质押 NFT,并赚取被动收入。 NFT 可以代表游戏中的物品,例如采矿设备。

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Dogecoin Lost in 2023 – Will The Rally Continue?

狗狗币在 2023 年失利——涨势会继续吗?

DOGE had a great start to the last quarter of 2023. People love memetokens because they give a feeling of membership in a community. However, DOGE has been under pressure in 2023. 

DOGE 在 2023 年最后一个季度有了一个良好的开端。人们喜欢模因代币,因为它们给人一种社区成员的感觉。然而,DOGE在2023年一直面临压力。

With memecoins finding a supportive market over the past few years, 2024 could be the year to see DOGE trade over $0.10. We may even see DOGE ETFs and more hit the marketplace. 

随着 memecoin 在过去几年找到了一个支持性的市场,2024 年 DOGE 的交易价格可能会超过 0.10 美元。我们甚至可能会看到 DOGE ETF 等产品上市。

Dogecoin was white hot in 2021 during the DeFi boom. The token is up from the lows it hit in 2023. While any memecoin has limited uses, DOGE has the support of people like Elon Musk. As 2024 approaches, DOGE could be a great asset to hold. 

狗狗币在 2021 年 DeFi 热潮期间一度白热化。该代币从 2023 年触及的低点开始上涨。虽然任何 memecoin 的用途都有限,但 DOGE 得到了埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 等人的支持。随着 2024 年的临近,DOGE 可能成为一项值得持有的重要资产。

BlackRock Denies Bitcoin ETF Approval: What’s Next for BTC?

贝莱德拒绝批准比特币 ETF:比特币的下一步是什么?

On October 16, 2023, there were rumors that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had approved BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF applications. 


Many analysts believed that the rumor could push BTC back to the $30,000 zone. For reference, since the start of October, BTC has struggled to cross the $27,000 zone. More precisely, BTC was trading at $27,983 on October 1. 

许多分析师认为,该传闻可能会推动 BTC 重返 30,000 美元区域。作为参考,自 10 月初以来,BTC 一直难以突破 27,000 美元区域。更准确地说,10 月 1 日 BTC 的交易价格为 27,983 美元。

BlackRock had been one of the main companies leading the drive for spot Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs. However, the excitement caused by the rumor soon ended as BlackRock confirmed that its Bitcoin Spot ETF application was still under review.

贝莱德一直是推动现货比特币 (BTC) ETF 发展的主要公司之一。然而,随着贝莱德证实其比特币现货 ETF 申请仍在审查中,该传闻引起的兴奋很快就结束了。

Bitcoin has been the subject of controversy in recent weeks as many are eagerly anticipating the approval of Bitcoin ETFs. 

最近几周,比特币一直是争议的话题,因为许多人热切期待比特币 ETF 的批准。

Experts say the crypto market will get more institutional patronage once the Spot Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs are approved. If that happens, BTC could end the year trading at $31,500, rising by 17.2% from its current valuation.

专家表示,一旦现货比特币 (BTC) ETF 获得批准,加密货币市场将获得更多机构支持。如果这种情况发生,BTC 年底的交易价格可能会达到 31,500 美元,较当前估值上涨 17.2%。

With Web3 gaining traction, there is every reason to think that tokens like BTC, DOGE and NUGX can rally in the coming year! 

随着 Web3 越来越受欢迎,我们有充分的理由相信 BTC、DOGE 和 NUGX 等代币可以在来年反弹!

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

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The post NuggetRush: The Newcomer Joining Giants like Bitcoin and Dogecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

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