首页 > 资讯新闻 > 由于狗狗币和 XRP 面临逆风,NuggetRush 预售获得吸引力

NuggetRush presale gains traction as Dogecoin and XRP face headwinds

由于狗狗币和 XRP 面临逆风,NuggetRush 预售获得吸引力

发布: 2024/01/15 06:11 阅读: 587



由于狗狗币和 XRP 面临逆风,NuggetRush 预售获得吸引力

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  • Dogecoin (DOGE) holders expect a recovery in Q1 2024.
  • 狗狗币 (DOGE) 持有者预计 2024 年第一季度会出现复苏。

  • XRP is now trading below $0.60 amid its recent bearish momentum.
  • 由于近期的看跌势头,XRP 目前交易价格低于 0.60 美元。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) is a gaming adventure where players can win gold and other NFT rewards.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款游戏冒险游戏,玩家可以赢得金币和其他 NFT 奖励。

Dogecoin (DOGE) could see renewed interest as analysts predict a resurgence of the meme coin craze. XRP has fallen to the $0.58 range amid continued bearish sentiment.

由于分析师预测模因硬币热潮将卷土重来,狗狗币(DOGE)可能会重新引起人们的兴趣。由于持续的看跌情绪,XRP 已跌至 0.58 美元区间。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is gaining traction among investors seeking to recover their losses. It offers a mining game built on the Ethereum blockchain. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 在寻求挽回损失的投资者中越来越受欢迎。它提供了一个基于以太坊区块链的挖矿游戏。

NuggetRush sells over 145 million tokens

NuggetRush 售出超过 1.45 亿枚代币

NuggetRush is a blockchain-based mining adventure game offering play-to-earn experiences. 

NuggetRush 是一款基于区块链的挖矿冒险游戏,提供边玩边赚钱的体验。

As one of the first to focus on resource extraction, NuggetRush allows players to set up virtual mining operations to excavate valuables like gold.

作为最早专注于资源开采的游戏之一,NuggetRush 允许玩家建立虚拟采矿作业来挖掘黄金等贵重物品。

In the game, extracted resources can be sold on the NuggetRush marketplace for cash rewards. Completing mining quests also provides players with NFTs and funds as incentives. A player’s earning potential depends partly on mining efficiency, with higher efficiency unlocking greater rewards.

在游戏中,提取的资源可以在 NuggetRush 市场上出售以获得现金奖励。完成挖矿任务还可以为玩家提供 NFT 和资金作为激励。玩家的收入潜力部分取决于挖矿效率,效率越高,奖励就越大。

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However, NuggetRush evens access by enabling all participants to upgrade their operations’ productivity by hiring more skilled workers and obtaining better gear on the internal marketplace. Players may also generate proceeds through exchanging NFT assets on this exchange.

然而,NuggetRush 使所有参与者能够通过雇用更多技术工人并在内部市场上获得更好的装备来提高其运营生产力,从而实现了访问平衡。玩家还可以通过在该交易所交换 NFT 资产来产生收益。

Additionally, NuggetRush facilitates NFT staking to allow asset holding while producing attractive yield payouts over time. Altogether, these features aim towards an inclusive structure for wealth-building.  

此外,NuggetRush 促进 NFT 质押,以允许资产持有,同时随着时间的推移产生有吸引力的收益支出。总而言之,这些特征旨在建立包容性的财富建设结构。

While still in presale ahead of the full launch, NuggetRush has already raised over $1.6 million from selling 145 million NUGX tokens. 

虽然在全面发布之前仍处于预售阶段,NuggetRush 已经通过销售 1.45 亿个 NUGX 代币筹集了超过 160 万美元。

Currently, in round four, NUGX is available for $0.015.

目前,在第四轮中,NUGX 的售价为 0.015 美元。

Dogecoin could reclaim $0.10

狗狗币可以收回 0.10 美元

Meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu gained significant popularity in 2023 despite the overall downturn in the crypto market. 

尽管加密市场整体低迷,狗狗币和柴犬等 Meme 币在 2023 年还是大受欢迎。

Dogecoin’s market capitalization reached around $12 billion by the end of the year, partly due to the increased competition from BONK meme coin.

到年底,狗狗币的市值达到约 120 亿美元,部分原因是来自 BONK meme 币的竞争加剧。

DOGE rose from $0.08561 on Dec. 3 to $0.09358 by Dec. 27. 

DOGE 从 12 月 3 日的 0.08561 美元上涨至 12 月 27 日的 0.09358 美元。

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However, its upward momentum slowed at the beginning of 2024 and dropped to $0.08137 by Jan. 7.

然而,其上涨势头在 2024 年初放缓,到 1 月 7 日跌至 0.08137 美元。

Several analysts anticipate a potential resurgence in meme coin activity, driven by the popularity of BONK, PEPE, and dogwifhat. BONK had become the third-largest meme coin by market capitalization in late 2023.

一些分析师预计,在 BONK、PEPE 和 Dogwifhat 的流行推动下,模因币活动可能会复苏。 2023 年底,BONK 已成为市值第三大模因币。

If meme coin activity picks up, it could increase demand for DOGE. This could push prices by 25.8% to $0.10237. 

如果模因币活动增加,可能会增加对 DOGE 的需求。这可能会使价格上涨 25.8% 至 0.10237 美元。

XRP falls below $0.60

XRP 跌破 0.60 美元

Despite a broader crypto market rally, XRP is under pressure due to its ongoing legal case with the SEC. 

尽管加密货币市场出现更广泛的上涨,但 XRP 由于与 SEC 正在进行的法律诉讼而面临压力。

The dispute centers on determining XRP’s regulatory status.

争议的焦点在于确定 XRP 的监管地位。

On Dec. 1, XRP traded at $0.6237 but fell 1.4% to $0.6149 by Dec. 31. The decline continued with a 6% drop to $0.5779 on Jan. 8.

12 月 1 日,XRP 交易价格为 0.6237 美元,但到 12 月 31 日下跌 1.4%,至 0.6149 美元。1 月 8 日,跌势继续,下跌 6%,至 0.5779 美元。

Analysts attribute XRP’s lagging performance primarily to uncertainty surrounding litigation outcomes. Some experts advise a potential settlement could aid XRP. Others believe a favorable court judgment may spur a rally.

分析师将 XRP 的滞后表现主要归因于诉讼结果的不确定性。一些专家建议,潜在的和解可能会对瑞波币有所帮助。其他人则认为,有利的法院判决可能会刺激股市反弹。

Yet, with the case continuing, some XRP holders expect prices to fall 26.7% to $0.4232 in Q1 2024, citing persistent headwinds.

然而,随着案件的继续,一些 XRP 持有者以持续的不利因素为由,预计 2024 年第一季度价格将下跌 26.7% 至 0.4232 美元。

Read more: Nike dives into video game wearables, explores NFT fashion

了解更多:Nike 进军视频游戏可穿戴设备,探索 NFT 时尚

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