首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着 PancakeSwap 的反弹,市场热潮吸引了投资者关注 Meme Moguls

As PancakeSwap bounces, market buzz attracts investors to Meme Moguls

随着 PancakeSwap 的反弹,市场热潮吸引了投资者关注 Meme Moguls

发布: 2023/12/27 20:04 阅读: 854



随着 PancakeSwap 的反弹,市场热潮吸引了投资者关注 Meme Moguls

  • Investors eye Meme Moguls amid bullish forecast for crypto
  • 投资者对加密货币的乐观预测关注 Meme Moguls

  • PancakeSwap (CAKE) price is up 17% in 24 hours after a massive token burn.
  • 在大规模代币销毁后,PancakeSwap (CAKE) 价格在 24 小时内上涨了 17%。

  • Meme Moguls (MGLS) is now in stage 3 of its presale, with increasing investor attention likely to push its price higher post launch.
  • Meme Moguls (MGLS) 目前正处于预售的第三阶段,投资者的关注度不断增加,可能会推高其上市后的价格。

As the crypto market savours the December gifts with price gains across major altcoins, one of the notable performers has been PancakeSwap (CAKE). Meanwhile, the fear of missing out on a potentially 100x token has savvy traders increasingly interested in Meme Moguls (MGLS).

随着加密货币市场享受 12 月的礼物,主要山寨币的价格上涨,PancakeSwap (CAKE) 是表现最出色的参与者之一。与此同时,由于担心错过潜在 100 倍的代币,精明的交易者对 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 越来越感兴趣。

PancakeSwap’s 60% surge in a week: What’s behind it?


Among tokens to skyrocket in recent days is PancakeSwap (CAKE), the largest decentralised exchange (DEX) platform in the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. The native governance token has seen a remarkable bounce in its value over the past week.

最近几天飙升的代币包括 PancakeSwap (CAKE),它是币安智能链生态系统中最大的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 平台。过去一周,原生治理代币的价值出现了显着反弹。

As data from CoinGecko shows, CAKE has gained nearly 60% in the past seven days to trade above $3.72, levels last seen in April 2023. One notable factor amidst these gains for PancakeSwap has been the DEX platform’s token burns. One of the biggest burns happened this week.

CoinGecko 的数据显示,CAKE 在过去 7 天内上涨了近 60%,交易价格超过 3.72 美元,上次达到 2023 年 4 月的水平。 PancakeSwap 上涨的一个值得注意的因素是 DEX 平台的代币销毁。本周发生了最严重的烧伤之一。

On December 26, PanckeSwap incinerated more than 10 million CAKE tokens worth about $34 million. Not only has this reduced its circulating supply significantly, it has also added to the likely buy pressure as investors eye potential bull market gains.

12 月 26 日,PanckeSwap 焚烧了超过 1000 万个 CAKE 代币,价值约 3400 万美元。这不仅大大减少了其流通供应量,而且还增加了投资者关注潜在牛市收益时可能的购买压力。

The massive burn illustrates PancakeSwap’s deflation approac. This could also include a reduction of its maximum supply from 750 million to 450 million CAKE tokens as recently proposed. The community is thus excited about the future of CAKE, currently ranked 81st among largest cryptocurrencies with a market cap of $920 million.

大规模的烧钱说明了 PancakeSwap 的通货紧缩方法。这还可能包括最近提议的将最大供应量从 7.5 亿个 CAKE 代币减少到 4.5 亿个。因此,社区对 CAKE 的未来感到兴奋,CAKE 目前在最大的加密货币中排名第 81 位,市值为 9.2 亿美元。

If the project continues to implement the weekly CAKE burns, the impact of a diminishing supply could combine with other market catalysts to propel CAKE price higher. The room for growth is there with the token’s value having reached highs of $43.96 during the last bull market.

如果该项目继续实施每周 CAKE 销毁,供应减少的影响可能与其他市场催化剂相结合,推动 CAKE 价格走高。该代币的价值在上一次牛市期间达到了 43.96 美元的高位,因此存在增长空间。

Meme Moguls (MGLS) creates buzz ahead of its launch

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 在推出前引起轰动

Amid the broader crypto market delight in key developments including regulation, one of the new projects attracting huge interest from investors is Meme Moguls.

在更广泛的加密货币市场对监管等关键发展的喜悦中,吸引投资者巨大兴趣的新项目之一是 Meme Moguls。

This is an innovative meme-based assets’ marketplace that could see ordinary traders unleash their inner mogul capabilities as they earn a place among the new crop of crypto millionaires.


Powered by MGLS, Meme Moguls is a platform that will offer its token holders the opportunity to be part of a community-driven project. Holding MGLS and participating in the project’s ecosystem will offer earning avenues such as staking, trading and gamified world with exclusive NFTs.

Meme Moguls 由 MGLS 提供支持,是一个为其代币持有者提供参与社区驱动项目的机会的平台。持有 MGLS 并参与该项目的生态系统将提供盈利途径,例如质押、交易和具有独家 NFT 的游戏化世界。

On Meme Moguls, anyone can polish on their meme-picking strategies as they compete against the best in the market. The ecosystem offers lucrative rewards across its features, which include a crypto casino, exchange trading platform, metaverse (Mogul Land) and fantasy trader.

在 Meme Moguls 上,任何人都可以在与市场上最好的竞争者竞争时完善他们的模因选择策略。该生态系统通过其功能提供了丰厚的回报,其中包括加密货币赌场、交易所交易平台、元宇宙(Mogul Land)和幻想交易者。

Should you buy Meme Moguls (MGLS) during its presale?

您应该在预售期间购买 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 吗?

The Meme Moguls presale has stormed to stage 3, with increased investor interest observable in the rising amount allocated to buying MGLS. The traction comes amid a resurgence in meme coins, with recent spikes for Bonk, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin notable.

Meme Moguls 预售已进入第三阶段,投资者对 MGLS 购买金额的兴趣不断增加。随着迷因币的复苏,最近邦克币、柴犬币和狗狗币的飙升引人注目。

The project’s tokenomics, which highlights a 60% allocation for the community and zero buy and sell tax, has the trading community thrilled. MGLS is currently priced at $0.0025, offering a potentially bargain base for investors. Could this token bring the meme sector to the next level? 

该项目的代币经济学强调 60% 的分配给社区以及零买卖税,令交易社区兴奋不已。 MGLS 目前的定价为 0.0025 美元,为投资者提供了潜在的讨价还价基础。这个代币能否将模因领域提升到一个新的水平?

A moment’s pause to consider the next move in the crypto market can see one turn a seemingly unfancied token into a 10x, 50x or even 100x or higher asset.

暂停片刻考虑加密货币市场的下一步行动可以看到一个看似不受欢迎的代币变成了 10 倍、50 倍甚至 100 倍或更高的资产。

Investors know this and often hunt for new gems in the murky waters that crypto presales can be, particularly ahead of a potentially explosive bull market. But it’s also why due diligence is paramount before any investment decision, and that includes Meme Moguls.

投资者知道这一点,并且经常在加密货币预售的黑暗水域中寻找新的宝石,尤其是在潜在爆炸性牛市之前。但这也是为什么在做出任何投资决策之前,尽职调查至关重要,Meme Moguls 也不例外。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/as-pancakeswap-bounces-market-buzz-attracts-investors-to-meme-moguls-tbt74879.html



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