首页 > 资讯新闻 > 专家表示,Pandoshi(PAMBO)将取代狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)

Pandoshi (PAMBO) Will Replace Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), Say Experts


发布: 2024/02/11 21:32 阅读: 501



The meme coin market has long been dominated by two major players – Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). However, a new contender is on the verge of disrupting the status quo.


Pandoshi is a new meme coin project that champions decentralization, privacy, and monetary freedom. Its creators were inspired by the ideologies of Bitcoin pioneer Satoshi Nakamoto.

Pandoshi 是一个新的模因币项目,倡导去中心化、隐私和货币自由。它的创建者受到比特币先驱中本聪意识形态的启发。

Dissecting Pandoshi

The Pandoshi ecosystem already consists of several products, including its native PandaChain blockchain, PandoshiSwap decentralized exchange (DEX), and the recently launched Pandoshi Wallet app. Pandoshi also plans to offer crypto debit cards, play-to-earn games, an educational platform, and more in the future.

剖析 PandoshiPandoshi 生态系统已经由多种产品组成,包括其原生的 PandaChain 区块链、PandoshiSwap 去中心化交易所(DEX)以及最近推出的 Pandoshi 钱包应用程序。 Pandoshi 还计划在未来提供加密借记卡、玩赚钱游戏、教育平台等。

PAMBO, Pandoshi’s utility token, powers transactions across its ecosystem. The token employs a deflationary model, where 80% will eventually leave circulation.

PAMBO 是 Pandoshi 的实用代币,为整个生态系统的交易提供动力。该代币采用通货紧缩模型,其中 80% 最终将退出流通。

Why Could Pandoshi Outperform Dogecoin and Shiba Inu?

Experts argue that Pandoshi offers greater utility and long-term viability compared to the more established Dogecoin and Shiba Inu projects. Here’s why:

为什么 Pandoshi 能够超越狗狗币和柴犬?专家认为,与更成熟的狗狗币和柴犬项目相比,Pandoshi 提供了更大的实用性和长期生存能力。原因如下:

Comprehensive Product Suite


Unlike Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, which function primarily as currencies/stores of value, Pandoshi is building an entire suite of decentralized products for payments, trading, finance, and more. This expands its use cases.

与狗狗币和柴犬主要作为货币/价值储存手段不同,Pandoshi 正在构建一整套用于支付、交易、金融等的去中心化产品。这扩展了它的用例。

Strong Tokenomics


Pandoshi has implemented a buy and burn mechanism that reduces circulating token supply over time, conferring scarcity. Dogecoin has an inflationary model with an uncapped supply. Shiba Inu, on the other hand, is deflationary, but with a very high token supply exceeding 500 trillion SHIB.

Pandoshi 实施了一种购买和销毁机制,随着时间的推移,流通的代币供应量会减少,从而带来稀缺性。狗狗币有一个通货膨胀模型,供应量不受限制。另一方面,Shiba Inu 是通货紧缩的,但代币供应量非常高,超过 500 万亿个 SHIB。

Innovative Platform


Features like PandaChain’s layer-2 architecture, EVM compatibility, zkEVM for privacy, and bridges set Pandoshi’s blockchain apart from those of DOGE and SHIB. This innovation raises its profile.

PandaChain 的第 2 层架构、EVM 兼容性、用于隐私的 zkEVM 以及桥等功能使 Pandoshi 的区块链与 DOGE 和 SHIB 的区块链区分开来。这项创新提升了它的形象。

Mainstream Exchange Listings


Pandoshi has confirmed listings on leading centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase. This grants it access to wider crypto audiences.

Pandoshi 已确认在 Binance 和 Coinbase 等领先的中心化交易所上市。这使其能够接触到更广泛的加密受众。

Expansive Roadmap


Unlike Dogecoin which hasn’t seen major upgrades since 2015, Pandoshi has an ambitious roadmap planned through 2024. This includes the launch of core products like the PandoshiSwap DEX.

与狗狗币自 2015 年以来就没有进行重大升级不同,Pandoshi 计划了到 2024 年的雄心勃勃的路线图。其中包括推出 PandoshiSwap DEX 等核心产品。

What Sets Pandoshi Apart?

As a next-generation meme coin, Pandoshi distinguishes itself through features like:

是什么让 Pandoshi 与众不同?作为下一代模因币,Pandoshi 通过以下功能脱颖而出:

  • PandaChain PoS blockchain with zkEVM technology
  • Pandoshi Wallet app for crypto storage/transactions
  • PandoshiSwap DEX enabling trustless P2P trading.
  • Cardoshi crypto debit cards allowing real-world spending
  • Burn mechanism reducing circulating PAMBO supply.

Pandoshi’s team remains focused on decentralized, community-driven development.

采用 zkEVM 技术的 PandaChain PoS 区块链用于加密存储/交易的 Pandoshi 钱包应用程序PandoshiSwap DEX 实现去信任的 P2P 交易。Cardoshi 加密借记卡允许现实世界的支出燃烧机制减少循环 PAMBO 供应。Pandoshi 的团队仍然专注于去中心化、社区驱动的开发。

The Bottom Line

While Dogecoin retains first-mover advantage and Shiba Inu boasts branding flair, Pandoshi brings more firepower in terms of real-world utility. Its emphasis on innovation, comprehensive roadmap, and anti-inflationary tokenomics lead experts to forecast its eventual rise to dominance over older meme coin incumbents. 


As the project gains momentum ahead of its 2024 milestones, Pandoshi appears poised to solidify itself as the next top meme cryptocurrency – making major inroads against Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Its capacity to serve as an all-encompassing ecosystem for payments, finance, gaming and beyond propels its potential.

随着该项目在 2024 年里程碑之前获得动力,Pandoshi 似乎准备巩固自己作为下一个顶级模因加密货币的地位——在与狗狗币和柴犬的竞争中取得重大进展。它作为支付、金融、游戏等领域的全方位生态系统的能力推动了其潜力。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

点击此处参加 Pandoshi 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):

有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息,请访问以下链接:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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