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New X Payments Account Sparks Speculation Of Possible Dogecoin Integration

新的 X 支付账户引发了对狗狗币整合的猜测

发布: 2024/01/23 07:34 阅读: 766



The recent creation of the X Payments account on the X (formerly Twitter) platform has sparked further speculation as to whether or not Dogecoin (DOGE) will be included in the project. As speculations continue, there is excitement in the air as to how inclusion will be bullish for the foremost meme coin

最近在 X(以前称为 Twitter)平台上创建的 X Payments 帐户引发了人们对狗狗币(DOGE)是否会被纳入该项目的进一步猜测。随着猜测的继续,人们对包容性将如何看好最重要的模因币感到兴奋。

Another Step Closer To Unveiling X Payments

距离推出 X Payments 又近了一步

The creation of the X Payments X account is another step in X’s plan to launch its payment service, which is expected to go live this year. The account, which was created on January 20, already has over 100,000 followers, with some respectable names in the crypto community among this figure. 

X Payments X账户的创建是X计划推出支付服务的又一步,该服务预计将于今年上线。该账户于 1 月 20 日创建,已经拥有超过 10 万粉丝,其中包括加密货币社区中一些受人尊敬的名字。

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The reason for the crypto community’s interest in the X payments isn’t farfetched as they wait to see which, if any, crypto tokens will be included in the payment platform. DOGE continues to be speculated as the most likely crypto token that will get the nod due to Elon Musk’s (who happens to own the X platform) fondness for the meme token

加密社区对 X 支付感兴趣的原因并不牵强,因为他们在等待支付平台中包含哪些加密代币(如果有的话)。由于 Elon Musk(恰好拥有 X 平台)对 meme 代币的喜爱,DOGE 继续被认为是最有可能获得认可的加密代币。

So far, neither Musk nor the X team have hinted at DOGE being likely to be included in their plans for the payment platform. While that remains the case, talks about a possible Dogecoin integration are likely to get louder in hopes that this might just convince the world’s richest man to make that move. 

到目前为止,马斯克和 X 团队都没有暗示 DOGE 可能会被纳入他们的支付平台计划中。尽管情况仍然如此,但有关狗狗币整合的讨论可能会越来越大,希望这能说服世界首富采取这一行动。

The X Payments is expected to finally take off once X acquires a money transmitter license from all states in the US. So far, the social media platform has acquired this license from 17 states in the country. 

一旦 X 获得美国所有州的货币转移许可证,X Payments 预计将最终起飞。到目前为止,该社交媒体平台已获得该国 17 个州的许可。

DOGE Already Set To Be Used In Another Of Musk’s Projects

DOGE 已准备好用于马斯克的另一个项目

In the meantime, the DOGE community can take delight in the fact that DOGE’s integration has already been confirmed in another of Musk’s groundbreaking projects. Bitcoinist had previously reported how the meme coin was going to be accepted as a payment method when the Tesla Supercharging Station in Hollywood finally launched. 

与此同时,DOGE 社区可以高兴的是,DOGE 的集成已经在马斯克的另一个开创性项目中得到了证实。 Bitcoinist 此前曾报道过,当好莱坞的特斯拉超级充电站最终推出时,模因币将如何被接受作为一种支付方式。

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DOGE’s integration into such projects is significant as it could help the crypto token gain widespread acceptance and help it gain more utility. Such a development is also likely to have a huge impact on DOGE’s price. The meme coin had rallied back when X initially announced that it was moving forward with its payment platform. 

DOGE 融入此类项目意义重大,因为它可以帮助加密代币获得广泛接受并帮助其获得更多效用。这样的发展也可能对 DOGE 的价格产生巨大影响。当 X 最初宣布正在推进其支付平台时,模因币已经反弹。

This occurrence already gives a glimpse of what could happen if DOGE is eventually included in the X payments service. At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at around $0.0826, down 3% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. 

这一事件已经让我们看到了如果 DOGE 最终被纳入 X 支付服务将会发生什么。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格约为 0.0826 美元,在过去 24 小时内下跌了 3%。

DOGE price struggles as new trading week opens up | Source: DOGEUSD on Tradingview.com

随着新交易周的开始,DOGE 价格陷入困境 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD

Featured image from Coinmarketcap, chart from Tradingview.com

精选图片来自 Coinmarketcap,图表来自 Tradingview.com


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