首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币市场大幅崩盘,PEPE 下跌,ADA 停滞; BlockDAG 上涨 1680%

PEPE Dips and ADA Stalls as Crypto Market Sees Huge Crash; BlockDAG Climbs 1680%

加密货币市场大幅崩盘,PEPE 下跌,ADA 停滞; BlockDAG 上涨 1680%

发布: 2024/08/28 02:05 阅读: 379

原文作者:The Coin Republic


加密货币市场大幅崩盘,PEPE 下跌,ADA 停滞; BlockDAG 上涨 1680%

Cryptocurrency Update: Market Crash and BlockDAG's Resilience

加密货币更新:市场崩溃和 BlockDAG 的弹性

Declining Market: August's Cryptocurrency Crash


August witnessed the worst market crash of 2024, sending Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies plummeting. Fears of recession, global conflicts, and major market corrections precipitated this sharp decline. The gains accrued during the preceding bull market evaporated, with total market value depreciating by 20%.

8 月见证了 2024 年最严重的市场崩盘,导致比特币和其他加密货币暴跌。对经济衰退、全球冲突和重大市场调整的担忧促成了这一急剧下跌。上一轮牛市期间积累的收益蒸发,总市值下跌了20%。

Cardano (ADA) and PEPE Face Challenges

卡尔达诺(ADA)和 PEPE 面临挑战

Amidst the market turmoil, Cardano (ADA) has encountered significant setbacks. Its growth has stalled, and development efforts have diminished by 75% within a month. PEPE, too, has faced difficulties, with its price languishing nearly 40% below its peak.

在市场动荡中,卡尔达诺(ADA)遭遇了重大挫折。它的增长已经停滞,开发力度在一个月内减少了 75%。 PEPE 也面临着困难,其价格比峰值低了近 40%。

BlockDAG Bucks the Trend

BlockDAG 逆势而行

Despite the market volatility, BlockDAG has demonstrated resilience. Its 45-stage presale defies the negative trend prevailing in the market. Since its initial offering, BlockDAG's price has surged by an impressive 1600%. With $67.9 million raised in its presale, BlockDAG holds the potential to reach $1 this year, offering current investors a possible 5800% return on investment.

尽管市场波动,BlockDAG 仍表现出了韧性。其 45 阶段的预售与市场上普遍存在的负面趋势相悖。自首次发行以来,BlockDAG 的价格已飙升了 1600%,令人印象深刻。 BlockDAG 在预售中筹集了 6790 万美元,今年有望达到 1 美元,为当前投资者提供可能 5800% 的投资回报率。

Cardano's Stagnation


Cardano's expansion has plateaued, with the number of ADA wallets remaining stagnant at 4.45 million for almost a year. While competitors like Solana continue to attract new users, Cardano's development has declined dramatically. ADA's price has also suffered, dropping approximately 23% in the last 30 days.

卡尔达诺的扩张已趋于稳定,ADA 钱包的数量近一年来一直停滞在 445 万个。尽管 Solana 等竞争对手不断吸引新用户,但 Cardano 的发展却急剧下滑。 ADA 的价格也受到影响,在过去 30 天内下跌了约 23%。

PEPE Price Trajectory

PEPE 价格轨迹

PEPE is currently trading at 38.29% below its all-time high. Despite the recent dip, it has shown notable growth year-to-date. August 2024 could prove pivotal for PEPE's pricing, as it teeters on the brink of reaching $0.000010. If momentum wanes, the price could descend to $0.0000060. Looking ahead to the third quarter of 2024, PEPE has the potential to rise to $0.000012 if the bullish trend persists or fall to $0.0000070 in a bearish scenario.

PEPE 目前的交易价格比历史高点低 38.29%。尽管最近有所下降,但今年迄今仍显示出显着的增长。 2024 年 8 月可能对 PEPE 的定价至关重要,因为它徘徊在 0.000010 美元的边缘。如果势头减弱,价格可能会跌至 0.0000060 美元。展望 2024 年第三季度,如果看涨趋势持续,PEPE 有可能上涨至 0.000012 美元,或者在看跌情况下跌至 0.0000070 美元。

BlockDAG's High Potential

BlockDAG 的巨大潜力

The recent market crash has taken a toll on most cryptocurrencies, leaving investors apprehensive. However, avoiding crypto out of fear is not a solution. Instead, astute investors seek out coins that can weather market fluctuations.


BlockDAG emerges as a strong contender in this regard. Its Block & DAG design addresses three major challenges—speed, security, and decentralization—that even established players like Bitcoin and Ethereum struggle with. With transaction speeds ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 TPS, BlockDAG is exceptionally fast. Furthermore, its innovative crypto payment card allows users to seamlessly transact using cryptocurrencies.

BlockDAG 在这方面成为了强有力的竞争者。它的 Block & DAG 设计解决了速度、安全性和去中心化这三大挑战,即使是像比特币和以太坊这样的老牌玩家也难以应对这些挑战。 BlockDAG 的交易速度从 10,000 到 15,000 TPS 不等,速度非常快。此外,其创新的加密支付卡允许用户使用加密货币无缝进行交易。

BlockDAG's impressive presale and continuous advancements position it to potentially reach $1 per coin in the coming months. Investors who participate in batch 22 have the opportunity to secure a potential ROI of 5800%. However, time is of the essence as this batch nears sellout, with some buyers investing as much as $2.4 million.

BlockDAG 令人印象深刻的预售和持续的进步使其有可能在未来几个月内达到每枚代币 1 美元。参与第 22 批的投资者有机会获得 5800% 的潜在投资回报率。然而,时间至关重要,因为这批产品已接近售罄,一些买家投资高达 240 万美元。



The cryptocurrency market remains in turmoil, and 2024 has been a challenging year for numerous assets. Cardano (ADA) faces an uncertain future with declining growth and development activity. PEPE, too, grapples with market volatility.

加密货币市场仍处于动荡之中,2024 年对于众多资产来说是充满挑战的一年。卡尔达诺(ADA)面临着增长和开发活动下降的不确定未来。 PEPE 也在努力应对市场波动。

In this turbulent landscape, BlockDAG stands out with its strength and resilience. Its carefully planned presale and impressive fundraising demonstrate its potential. At its current price of $0.0178 per coin, BlockDAG is poised to potentially reach $1 this year, offering a potential 5800% ROI to early adopters.

在这个动荡的格局中,BlockDAG 以其实力和韧性脱颖而出。其精心策划的预售和令人印象深刻的筹款活动证明了其潜力。以目前每枚代币 0.0178 美元的价格计算,BlockDAG 今年有望达到 1 美元,为早期采用者提供潜在 5800% 的投资回报率。

Investors should act swiftly as batch 22 approaches sellout. By securing their investment now, they can take advantage of BlockDAG's potential growth and secure a significant return on investment.

第 22 批即将售罄,投资者应迅速采取行动。通过立即获得投资,他们可以利用 BlockDAG 的潜在增长并获得可观的投资回报。


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