首页 > 资讯新闻 > PEPE 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 飙升超过 100%:这两种 Memecoin 仍然是最后一个看涨触发点

PEPE and Dogecoin (DOGE) to Spike Over 100%: One Last Bullish Trigger Remains for the Two Memecoins

PEPE 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 飙升超过 100%:这两种 Memecoin 仍然是最后一个看涨触发点

发布: 2024/04/07 23:44 阅读: 267



Crypto analysts are calling for explosive price moves in two popular meme coins, PEPE and Dogecoin (DOGE), if specific bullish patterns play out on the charts.

加密货币分析师呼吁,如果图表上出现特定的看涨模式,两种流行的模因币 PEPE 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格将会出现爆炸性波动。

Leading the charge is prominent analyst ZAYK Charts, who believes PEPE is primed for a meteoric rise of 80-100% if it can break out from its current bullish pennant pattern. A pennant is a continuation pattern that signals a period of contracting price volatility followed by a move in the prevailing direction.

领先者是著名分析师 ZAYK Charts,他认为如果 PEPE 能够突破当前的看涨三角旗模式,PEPE 将会迅速上涨 80-100%。三角旗是一种持续形态,标志着一段时期的价格波动收缩,随后向主流方向移动。

Explosion in Meme Coin Market; How to find potential successors to $WIF, $PEPE, and $BONK?

Meme 币市场爆炸式增长;如何寻找 $WIF、$PEPE 和 $BONK 的潜在继任者?

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the ICO phase. Check out NuggetRush today! This new memecoin combines play-to-earn gaming with authentic gold mining ventures. Seize the opportunity with ongoing presale prices! Plus, prepare for $NUGX’s upcoming launch on major exchanges.

钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 ICO 阶段。今天就来看看 NuggetRush!这种新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与真实的金矿开采企业结合起来。抓住机会,享受持续的预售价格!另外,请为 $NUGX 即将在主要交易所推出做好准备。

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According to ZAYK’s chart analysis, a breakout from around the $0.000008 level could catapult PEPE’s price skyward in a powerful bullish wave. For the uninitiated, PEPE is a meme-inspired cryptocurrency that takes its name and branding from the controversial Pepe the Frog character.

根据 ZAYK 的图表分析,突破 0.000008 美元附近的水平可能会推动 PEPE 的价格在强劲的看涨浪潮中飙升。对于外行来说,PEPE 是一种受 meme 启发的加密货币,其名称和品牌源自备受争议的 Pepe the Frog 角色。

Meanwhile, David Dogecoin, a respected voice in the Dogecoin community, sees startling similarities between the current Dogecoin chart setup and the token’s legendary 2021 bull run that sent its price soaring over 600% in just two days.

与此同时,狗狗币社区中一位受人尊敬的声音戴维·狗狗币 (David Dogecoin) 发现,当前的狗狗币图表设置与该代币传奇的 2021 年牛市之间存在惊人的相似之处,当时该币的价格在短短两天内飙升了 600% 以上。

David points to what appears to be a rising wedge pattern forming on Dogecoin’s chart, which he cautions could be a “trap” before a massive breakout move. A rising wedge is a bearish pattern that begins wide at the bottom and contracts as prices rise, often resolving with a downward price break in an uptrend.


However, if the pattern fails and Dogecoin instead breaks out to the upside around the $0.20 level, David believes the meme coin could replicate its 2021 performance with a jaw-dropping spike to $0.60 in just 48 hours. Dogecoin is an open source cryptocurrency that was initially created as a lighthearted joke before gaining a cult following among investors.

然而,如果这种模式失败,狗狗币反而突破到 0.20 美元左右的上涨水平,David 相信,这款 Meme 币可能会复制 2021 年的表现,在短短 48 小时内飙升至 0.60 美元,令人瞠目结舌。狗狗币是一种开源加密货币,最初是作为一个轻松的笑话而创建的,后来赢得了投资者的狂热追随。

As meme coins continue capturing the imagination of crypto traders, all eyes will be on PEPE and Dogecoin to see if the astounding rallies forecast by these analysts come to fruition.

随着迷因币继续吸引加密货币交易者的想象力,所有人的目光都将集中在 PEPE 和狗狗币上,看看这些分析师预测的惊人反弹是否会实现。

Hunting for a small cap coin that could explode 10x? We’ve unveiled a few last week alone.
Get all our future calls by joining our FREE Telegram community.

正在寻找可以爆炸 10 倍的小盘币吗?仅上周我们就公布了一些。加入我们的免费 Telegram 社区即可获取未来所有的电话。

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正处于 ICO 阶段,NuggetRush 为早期投资者提供了以潜在较低价格进入的绝佳机会 Memecoin 市场中独特的玩赚钱游戏平台 该平台在不寻常的游戏环境中将手工和金矿开采与加密货币结合在一起,提供独特且身临其境的体验 通过鼓励成员之间的实体聚会来培育强大的社区 NFT 与知名人物的整合

The post PEPE and Dogecoin (DOGE) to Spike Over 100%: One Last Bullish Trigger Remains for the Two Memecoins appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

PEPE 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 飙升超过 100%:这两种 Memecoin 的最后一个看涨触发因素首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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