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PEPE and Dogecoin enthusiasts monitoring new crypto presale token

PEPE 和狗狗币爱好者监控新的加密货币预售代币

发布: 2023/12/18 06:06 阅读: 528



PEPE 和狗狗币爱好者监控新的加密货币预售代币

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


  • Rebel Satoshi rally in ongoing presale
  • 反叛中本聪集会正在进行预售

  • PEPE can reach $0.000002113 in 2024.
  • 2024 年,PEPE 可达 0.000002113 美元。

  • Dogecoin could retest $0.305 in Q1 2024.
  • 狗狗币可能会在 2024 年第一季度重新测试 0.305 美元。

The recent decline in Dogecoin (DOGE) was caused by Elon Musk’s reaction to a statement from Billy Markus, in contrast to the slight increase in PEPE. Meanwhile, market experts are tracking Rebel Satoshi, drawn by its features and growth potential. 

最近狗狗币(DOGE)的下跌是由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)声明的反应造成的,而PEPE则略有上涨。与此同时,市场专家被“叛逆中本聪”的特性和增长潜力所吸引,正在追踪它。

PEPE price prediction


PEPE is rising due to a promotional campaign, ending on Dec. 31, by Binance, encouraging users to borrow against PEPE and earn rewards. PEPE rose from $0.000001387 on Dec. 4 to $0.000001413 on Dec. 11.

PEPE 的上涨得益于币安于 12 月 31 日结束的促销活动,该活动鼓励用户以 PEPE 为抵押进行借贷并赚取奖励。 PEPE 从 12 月 4 日的 0.000001387 美元上涨至 12 月 11 日的 0.000001413 美元。

While industry experts remain optimistic about PEPE due to increased ecosystem activity, predicting the token to reach $0.0000021 by Q1 2024, some market analysts are pessimistic due to its volatility. They forecast PEPE to reach $0.000001150 by the end of the year.

尽管由于生态系统活动增加,行业专家对 PEPE 仍持乐观态度,预计该代币到 2024 年第一季度将达到 0.0000021 美元,但一些市场分析师因其波动性而持悲观态度。他们预计 PEPE 到今年年底将达到 0.000001150 美元。

Dogecoin price prediction


On Dec. 11, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, known pseudonymously as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto,” tweeted lightheartedly, taunting bearish analysts as the meme-inspired cryptocurrency hit a yearly price high of around $0.102.

12 月 11 日,狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯(化名“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)轻松地发推文,嘲笑看空分析师,因为这种受模因启发的加密货币触及了 0.102 美元左右的年度价格高点。

Elon Musk, a long-time Dogecoin proponent, applauded the tweet as DOGE remained on an uptrend despite the broader crypto market uncertainties.


However, the day following the tweet, DOGE fell 7.84% to $0.094. 

然而,推文发布后的第二天,DOGE 下跌 7.84%,至 0.094 美元。

Still, some analysts remain bullish on DOGE, anticipating the current rally could propel it to $0.305 by early 2024. 

尽管如此,一些分析师仍然看好 DOGE,预计当前的涨势可能会在 2024 年初将其推至 0.305 美元。

Others take a more cautious stance, expecting further dips potentially to $0.082 before the end of December.

其他人则采取更为谨慎的立场,预计 12 月底前可能进一步下跌至 0.082 美元。

Rebel Satoshi enters Warriors Round 2 of presale


Rebel Satoshi, a blockchain initiative aimed at rallying a community against the prevailing norms of the crypto market, has garnered significant attention among investors after completing its Early Bird Round of presale

Rebel Satoshi 是一项区块链倡议,旨在团结社区反对加密货币市场的现行规范,在完成早鸟轮预售后,引起了投资者的广泛关注。

At the core lies RBLZ, the project’s governance and community token.

其核心是 RBLZ,即该项目的治理和社区代币。

RBLZ holders can access Rebel Satoshi’s Features, including the Rebel NFT Vault, a play-to-earn (P2E) game, an NFT marketplace, and a staking program. 

RBLZ 持有者可以访问 Rebel Satoshi 的功能,包括 Rebel NFT Vault、边玩边赚 (P2E) 游戏、NFT 市场和质押计划。

Additionally, RBLZ holders enjoy tax-exempt transactions. 

此外,RBLZ 持有者还可享受免税交易。

The RBLZ presale commenced with the Early Bird Round, selling 25 million tokens at $0.010. 

RBLZ 预售从早鸟轮开始,以 0.010 美元的价格出售 2500 万枚代币。

Following this, RBLZ prices rose by 30%, reaching $0.013 at the end of the Rebels Round 1. 

此后,RBLZ 价格上涨 30%,在 Rebels 第一轮结束时达到 0.013 美元。

Rebel Satoshi is 67% through Warriors Round 2 of its presale. RBLZ is available for $0.018, helping the project raise over $500,000. Investors can buy RBLZ using Bitcoin (BTC) and 50 other cryptocurrencies.

《叛逆中本聪》在《勇士》第二轮预售中的中票率为 67%。 RBLZ 的售价为 0.018 美元,帮助该项目筹集了超过 500,000 美元。投资者可以使用比特币 (BTC) 和 50 种其他加密货币购买 RBLZ。

Analysts predict RBLZ will reach $0.025 by the presale. At this pace, early adopters will be up 150%. 

分析师预测 RBLZ 预售时将达到 0.025 美元。按照这个速度,早期采用者将增加 150%。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/pepe-and-dogecoin-enthusiasts-monitoring-new-crypto-presale-token-tbt73967.html



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