首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格下跌,新 Meme Crypto ICO“Meme Kombat”接近 50 万大关

As Pepe And Dogecoin Price Drop New Meme Crypto ICO ‘Meme Kombat’ Approaches Half Million Mark

随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格下跌,新 Meme Crypto ICO“Meme Kombat”接近 50 万大关

发布: 2023/10/13 12:16 阅读: 990

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post As Pepe And Dogecoin Price Drop New Meme Crypto ICO ‘Meme Kombat’ Approaches Half Million Mark appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格下跌,新 Meme Crypto ICO“Meme Kombat”接近 50 万大关的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

The cryptocurrency market continues to face uncertainty, with the total market capitalization decreasing around 2% this past week to $1.05 trillion. 

加密货币市场继续面临不确定性,上周总市值下降约 2% 至 1.05 万亿美元。

Leading cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum are also struggling, with BTC down 3% while ETH dropped 5% over the last 7 days. Both are now trading below key support levels that have turned into resistance at $27k and $1.6k respectively.

领先的加密货币比特币和以太坊也陷入困境,过去 7 天内 BTC 下跌 3%,ETH 下跌 5%。目前,两者均低于关键支撑位,该支撑位已分别转变为阻力位 27,000 美元和 1,600 美元。

Pepe, Dogecoin Price Drop Test Investor Patience


As the overall crypto market faces bearish sentiment, meme coin leader Dogecoin is testing its investors’ patience. According to prominent crypto analyst Altcoin Sherpa, Dogecoin is not looking positive technically or fundamentally at the moment.

由于整个加密货币市场面临看跌情绪,模因币领头羊狗狗币正在考验投资者的耐心。据著名加密货币分析师山寨币夏尔巴 (Altcoin Sherpa) 称,狗狗币目前在技术或基本面上看起来并不乐观。

“Not seeing any movement on this one, it’s at a key 0.057 area but I don’t see any reason to buy this one right now. Been a while since I looked at this chart, ugly stuff,” noted Sherpa about DOGE’s technical setup.

“没有看到这个价格有任何变动,它处于关键的 0.057 区域,但我认为现在没有任何理由购买这个价格。我已经有一段时间没有看过这张图表了,丑陋的东西,”夏尔巴在谈到 DOGE 的技术设置时说道。

On-chain data from Santiment also shows Dogecoin hitting 2-month lows in terms of social volume, with levels not seen since August. This indicates fading interest and chatter around DOGE, which is generally a bearish sign.

Santiment 的链上数据还显示,狗狗币的社交量触及 2 个月低点,为 8 月份以来的最高水平。这表明围绕 DOGE 的兴趣和讨论正在减弱,这通常是一个看跌信号。

In the 4-hour timeframe, we see a decrease in the DOGE price, and this downtrend is likely to continue until reaching support around $0.057. This is where the lower trendline is located, so the possibility of a bounce higher may emerge around this level.

在 4 小时时间范围内,我们看到 DOGE 价格下跌,并且这种下跌趋势可能会持续下去,直到达到 0.057 美元附近的支撑位。这是较低趋势线所在的位置,因此在该水平附近可能会出现反弹走高的可能性。

The bearish breakout from the Descending Triangle pattern, in the direction of the existing downtrend, opens up downside risk towards $0.053 next for DOGE. Momentum is also bearish, with the MACD line below the signal line while the RSI is below 45.

在现有下降趋势的方向上,从下降三角形形态的看跌突破,开启了 DOGE 下一步走向 0.053 美元的下行风险。动能也看跌,MACD 线低于信号线,而 RSI 低于 45。

Key support and resistance levels to watch for Dogecoin are:


  • Support: $0.060, broke below, next $0.053
  • 支撑位:0.060 美元,跌破,接下来 0.053 美元

  • Resistance: $0.070, then $0.100
  • 阻力位:0.070 美元,然后是 0.100 美元

Overall, Dogecoin faces ongoing price struggles amid broader crypto market uncertainty. Investor enthusiasm continues to wane as DOGE struggles to regain bullish momentum. Unless the meme coin can reclaim key support turned resistance, further declines may occur.

总体而言,在更广泛的加密市场不确定性中,狗狗币面临着持续的价格斗争。随着 DOGE 努力恢复看涨势头,投资者的热情继续减弱。除非模因币能够收回关键支撑位(转为阻力位),否则可能会出现进一步下跌。

Similarly the Pepe price is down 10% in the past month, retracing the entirety of its late September rally. 

同样,Pepe 价格在过去一个月下跌了 10%,回吐了 9 月底的全部涨幅。

New Meme Coin ICO Generates Buzz

新 Meme Coin ICO 引发热议

As Pepe and Dogecoin continue to drop in price, a new meme coin ICO is generating substantial buzz and attracting investor attention. Meme Kombat (MK) is being hailed by crypto experts as one of the top meme coins to buy right now.

随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 的价格持续下跌,新的 Meme 币 ICO 引起了巨大的轰动并吸引了投资者的关注。 Meme Kombat (MK) 被加密专家誉为目前最值得购买的 Meme 代币之一。

With an innovative approach combining meme power and Play2Earn features with elements of GambleFi, Meme Kombat aims to become a leading next-generation meme coin. The ICO has already raised close to $500,000, showing strong early interest.

Meme Kombat 采用创新方法,将 Meme 力量、Play2Earn 功能与 GambleFi 元素相结合,旨在成为领先的下一代 Meme 代币。 ICO 已筹集近 500,000 美元,显示出强烈的早期兴趣。

How Meme Kombat Works

Meme Kombat 的工作原理

Meme Kombat operates as a gaming platform that merges staking, betting, and rewards within a meme-themed battle environment. Here’s an overview of its key aspects:

Meme Kombat 作为一个游戏平台运营,在以 Meme 为主题的战斗环境中融合了质押、投注和奖励。以下是其关键方面的概述:

  • Staking and Betting: Users can stake $MK tokens and bet on meme battles, with chances to earn rewards.
  • 质押和投注:用户可以质押 $MK 代币并在 meme 战斗上投注,有机会获得奖励。

  • Participation: Participants can buy and stake $MK tokens in order to bet on battles and potentially win more tokens plus other prizes.
  • 参与:参与者可以购买并质押 $MK 代币,以便对战斗进行投注,并有可能赢得更多代币和其他奖品。

  • Battles: The platform centers around battles between memes, where users bet on their chosen meme to win.
  • 战斗:该平台以模因之间的战斗为中心,用户押注自己选择的模因获胜。

1 $MK = $0.1667 in the ICO, currently.

目前 ICO 中 1 $MK = $0.1667。

The presale launch represents the starting point for Meme Kombat, making 50% of the total $MK supply available. Presale buyers can stake their coins immediately and earn an impressive 112% APY during this period.

预售的启动代表了 Meme Kombat 的起点,提供了 MK 总供应量的 50%。预售买家可以立即质押他们的代币,并在此期间赚取令人印象深刻的 112% 年化收益。

Meme Kombat Tokenomics

Meme Kombat 代币经济学

The tokenomics of Meme Kombat are structured to encourage active participation in the ecosystem while retaining stability. A full 50% of the total token supply is being offered in the presale event to provide a solid starting foundation for the project. By allocating half of the tokens to early adopters, Meme Kombat aims to bootstrap a robust community from the outset.

Meme Kombat 的代币经济结构旨在鼓励积极参与生态系统,同时保持稳定性。预售活动中提供了代币供应总量的 50%,为项目提供了坚实的启动基础。通过将一半的代币分配给早期采用者,Meme Kombat 旨在从一开始就引导一个强大的社区。

An additional 30% of the Meme Kombat tokens are reserved for staking rewards and battle prizes. Setting aside such a substantial portion for incentives helps maintain the vitality of the platform by compensating users for engagement. Through compelling staking and battle rewards powered by this allocation, Meme Kombat can cultivate an active userbase essential for growth.

另外 30% 的 Meme Kombat 代币被保留用于质押奖励和战斗奖品。留出如此大的一部分用于激励措施有助于通过补偿用户的参与来维持平台的活力。通过这种分配所提供的引人注目的质押和战斗奖励,Meme Kombat 可以培养对增长至关重要的活跃用户群。

To encourage trading and liquidity, 10% of the token supply is paired with liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges. With exchange partnerships, Meme Kombat tokens gain broader accessibility and exposure. The increased liquidity also provides stability for the project, while enabling users to more easily trade the $MK token.

为了鼓励交易和流动性,10% 的代币供应与去中心化交易所的流动性池配对。通过与交易所合作,Meme Kombat 代币获得了更广泛的可访问性和曝光度。增加的流动性还为项目提供了稳定性,同时使用户能够更轻松地交易 $MK 代币。

The remaining 10% of tokens are utilized for community initiatives, AirDrops, and other efforts to reward users. Engaging and growing its community is a priority for Meme Kombat, so retaining tokens to incentivize users helps expand its reach.

剩余 10% 的代币用于社区计划、AirDrops 和其他奖励用户的活动。吸引和发展社区是 Meme Kombat 的首要任务,因此保留代币来激励用户有助于扩大其影响力。

The Meme Kombat team recently announced an update to the tokenomics, increasing the total supply by a factor of 10 to 120 million $MK tokens. This adjustment provides more available supply for investors during the ongoing presale event.

Meme Kombat 团队最近宣布了代币经济学的更新,将总供应量增加了 10 倍,达到 1.2 亿美元 MK 代币。此次调整为正在进行的预售活动期间的投资者提供了更多的可用供应。

Diverse betting opportunities 


Meme Kombat introduces diverse betting opportunities to engage users in different ways. One option is Player vs Player betting, where users can directly wager against each other in battles. This betting format applies to general matches as well as high-stakes championship competitions, allowing for friendly bets or bigger wagers between rivals.

Meme Kombat 引入了多样化的投注机会,以不同的方式吸引用户。一种选择是玩家对玩家投注,用户可以在战斗中直接相互投注。这种投注形式适用于一般比赛以及高风险的冠军赛,允许对手之间进行友好投注或更大的投注。

Another possibility is Player vs Game betting, where users leverage their expertise of game mechanics and events to bet against the game itself. This provides opportunities for more strategic players to analyze odds and statistics to make informed bets on battle outcomes.


For straightforward engagement, Direct betting allows users to simply place wagers on specific battles or characters without facing off against others directly. Users can choose a side to bet on and have a stake in the results as an interested spectator.


To add more nuance, Side Action betting enables wagers on dynamic battle aspects like first moves, damage dealt, or unique in-game events beyond just the end results. This provides creative betting opportunities by delving deeper into battle mechanics. Side action allows users to focus on granular details that interest them most.

为了增加更多细微差别,Side Action 投注可以对动态战斗方面进行投注,例如第一步、造成的伤害或独特的游戏内事件,而不仅仅是最终结果。这通过深入研究战斗机制提供了创造性的投注机会。侧面操作允许用户专注于他们最感兴趣的细节。

Market Analysts Bullish on Meme Kombat Potential

市场分析师看好 Meme Kombat 的潜力

Beyond its strong fundamentals, market analysts already see major potential in Meme Kombat. Crypto influencer Jacob Bury called it the next 100x meme coin, citing the 112% staking APY. Bury also backed Wall Street Memes early, which did a 3x after launch.

除了强劲的基本面之外,市场分析师已经看到了 Meme Kombat 的巨大潜力。加密货币影响者 Jacob Bury 称其为下一个 100 倍 Meme 代币,并引用了 112% 的质押 APY。伯里也很早就支持了华尔街模因,该模因推出后销量增长了 3 倍。

Michael Wrubel’s 300K subscribers also received an enthusiastic review. He highlighted Meme Kombat’s use case and branded characters as giving it “massive potential.”

Michael Wrubel 的 30 万订阅者也获得了热烈的评价。他强调了 Meme Kombat 的用例和品牌角色,认为它具有“巨大的潜力”。

With presale supply limited, potential buyers should act fast to capitalize on Meme Kombat’s possibilities. Visit memekombat.io to participate using ETH, USDT or BNB. The successful presale and analyst optimism suggest Meme Kombat is poised to make a major impact upon launching.

由于预售供应有限,潜在买家应迅速采取行动,充分利用 Meme Kombat 的可能性。访问 memekombat.io 使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 参与。成功的预售和分析师的乐观情绪表明 Meme Kombat 有望在推出后产生重大影响。

Best Meme Coin To Buy Now During Pepe & Dogecoin Price Crash?

Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格暴跌期间现在最值得购买的 Meme 币?

Dogecoin and Pepe continue to struggle with waning investor enthusiasm and a lack of direction, so our suggestion for investors is to skip the big cap meme coins for now.


As the crypto market faces ongoing volatility, Meme Kombat emerges as an exciting new opportunity harnessing the power of memes. With presale momentum already building, analysts are bullish on its prospects and fundamentals for the next crypto bull run. For investors interested in early-stage crypto projects with massive upside potential, Meme Kombat warrants attention. 

随着加密市场面临持续的波动,Meme Kombat 成为利用 meme 力量的令人兴奋的新机会。随着预售势头已经形成,分析师看好其下一次加密货币牛市的前景和基本面。对于对具有巨大上升潜力的早期加密货币项目感兴趣的投资者来说,Meme Kombat 值得关注。

Its innovative approach, blending memes, gaming, staking, and betting, provides a unique value proposition. While presale supply is limited, acting quickly allows securing $MK tokens before the full launch. To take part in the presale, visit memekombat.io.

其创新方法融合了模因、游戏、赌注和投注,提供了独特的价值主张。虽然预售供应有限,但快速行动可以在全面推出之前确保 $MK 代币的安全。要参加预售,请访问 memekombat.io。


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