首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格不断上涨,以下是其他 3 种值得关注的 Meme 币

As Pepe and Dogecoin Prices Keep Pumping, Here are 3 Other Meme Coins to Watch

随着 Pepe 和 Dogecoin 价格不断上涨,以下是其他 3 种值得关注的 Meme 币

发布: 2023/11/02 17:57 阅读: 427



Pepe and Dogecoin are among some of the top performers this week as the crypto market continues to advance. Currently, Pepe is up a staggering 89% in the last week, while Dogecoin is also gathering momentum, up 19.8%.

随着加密货币市场的持续发展,佩佩和狗狗币是本周表现最好的加密货币之一。目前,Pepe 上周上涨了 89%,而狗狗币也势头强劲,上涨了 19.8%。

Yet even though Pepe has almost done a 2x in one week, numerous prominent smaller cap cryptos are touted to fare even better in the coming months. The top three that look set for the highest returns are Meme Kombat ($MK), Wall Street Memes ($WSM), and Sponge ($SPONGE).

然而,尽管 Pepe 在一周内几乎实现了 2 倍的增长,但许多著名的小盘加密货币被吹捧在未来几个月内表现会更好。回报率最高的前三名是 Meme Kombat ($MK)、Wall Street Memes ($WSM) 和 Sponge ($SPONGE)。

Bullish Announcement Powers Pepe to Explode With Dogecoin Following


Excitement around Pepe has again soared, which has also rallied interest in other meme coins this week. Pepe has fared as the best-performing major cryptocurrency, soaring to its highest price since mid-August.

围绕佩佩的兴奋再次飙升,这也激起了本周对其他模因币的兴趣。 Pepe 是表现最好的主要加密货币,其价格飙升至 8 月中旬以来的最高水平。

Its recent pump is due to the team announcing they will burn $6.9 trillion Pepe, worth $6 million. It also stated that a new team of advisors would join to help Pepe grow.

其最近的上涨是由于该团队宣布他们将烧掉 6.9 万亿美元的 Pepe,价值 600 万美元。它还表示将加入一个新的顾问团队来帮助佩佩成长。

This announcement proved significantly bullish because it rectified a mishap from August, where a group of alleged ex-team members stole $15 million of Pepe from the project’s multi-signature wallet.

事实证明,这一公告非常乐观,因为它纠正了 8 月份发生的一起事故,当时一群据称前团队成员从该项目的多重签名钱包中盗走了 1500 万美元的 Pepe。

The event drew significant concern from the Pepe community, with many investors losing trust and dumping their tokens.

该事件引起了 Pepe 社区的严重关注,许多投资者失去了信任并抛售了他们的代币。

However, the recent announcement has reinstilled investors’ confidence, with its price back to levels from before the funds were stolen for the first time.


Many analysts praise the Pepe team for its timely execution of the announcement. This is because they revealed it as the market pumped, so investors were more receptive to the good news.


Meanwhile, Dogecoin has also seen a considerable uptick in price this week. Yet, unlike Pepe, Dogecoin has not seen any notable fundamental advancements. Instead, its bullish price action is likely a combination of a spillover from Pepe’s pump and a reaction to events that have occurred in recent months.


One X analyst who goes by ali_charts predicted that Dogecoin is ready to rally on the higher-timeframe price chart.

一位名为 ali_charts 的 X 分析师预测,狗狗币已准备好在较长时间范围的价格图表上反弹。

The analyst noted a strong support level at $0.56 and expects Dogecoin to continue trending upward from its current price. According to the analysis, a close above $0.62 could result in an upswing to $0.7, with its highest price target at $0.084.

该分析师指出 0.56 美元的强劲支撑位,并预计狗狗币将继续从当前价格上涨。根据分析,收盘价高于 0.62 美元可能导致价格上涨至 0.7 美元,最高目标价为 0.084 美元。

Ali’s prediction results in a 40% gain from its current price. While this is still significant, newer meme coins can climb exponentially faster thanks to their lower market caps.

阿里的预测结果是其当前价格将上涨 40%。虽然这仍然很重要,但由于市值较低,较新的模因币可以以指数级更快的速度攀升。

As mentioned, the best three meme coins with the most potential are Meme Kombat, Wall Street Memes, and Sponge.

如前所述,最具潜力的三种 Meme 代币是 Meme Kombat、Wall Street Memes 和 Sponge。

GambleFi Meme Coin Meme Kombat Offers 112% Staking APY and Surges Past $760K at Presale

GambleFi Meme Coin Meme Kombat 提供 112% 的质押年化收益,预售价格飙升至 76 万美元以上

Meme Kombat is a trending Play-to-Earn meme coin enabling users to gamble on the outcome of AI-generate battles between viral meme characters.

Meme Kombat 是一种流行的 Play-to-Earn Meme 硬币,让用户可以对 AI 生成的病毒式 Meme 角色之间的战斗结果进行赌博。

Its compelling use case captures the excitement of the crypto casino trend and pairs it with the community-centric nature of meme coins. This provides an immersive user experience and long-term potential.


Platform users require the $MK token to interact with the platform, delivering a steady stream of demand, which could translate to significant upside potential. It also features a staking mechanism, encouraging users to lock up their tokens for a 112% annual percentage yield (APY). This will bolster the token’s demand while also reducing its supply.

平台用户需要 $MK 代币与平台交互,提供稳定的需求流,这可能转化为巨大的上涨潜力。它还具有质押机制,鼓励用户锁定其代币以获得 112% 的年收益率 (APY)。这将增加代币的需求,同时也会减少其供应。

As mentioned, Pepe struggled due to the project’s lack of transparency. Meanwhile, Meme Kombat features a fully doxxed team with years of experience across blockchain, business, and tech. A well-established team is a significant indication of a project’s potential, signaling that Meme Kombat’s future looks bright, and numerous traders are backing the project.

如前所述,佩佩由于该项目缺乏透明度而陷入困境。与此同时,Meme Kombat 拥有一支完全人肉搜索的团队,在区块链、商业和技术领域拥有多年的经验。一支完善的团队是项目潜力的重要标志,表明 Meme Kombat 的未来一片光明,并且有众多交易者支持该项目。

Investors can buy $MK for $0.1667, but with a price rise set for in six days, those seeking the lowest price cannot wait around.

投资者可以以 0.1667 美元的价格购买 MK 美元,但由于价格将在六天内上涨,那些寻求最低价格的人不能再等待。

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

访问 Meme Kombat 预售

Trending Wall Street Memes Launches Crypto Casino


Wall Street Memes is a popular meme coin that garnered a name for itself in the past months after raising over $25 million in its presale. The project’s unprecedented presale success can be attributed to its enormous community, comprising over one million followers across all social media accounts.

Wall Street Memes 是一种流行的 Meme 代币,在预售中筹集了超过 2500 万美元后,在过去几个月中赢得了声誉。该项目空前的预售成功归功于其庞大的社区,所有社交媒体账户上都有超过一百万的关注者。

Moreover, Elon Musk has engaged with the Wall Street Memes X account several times. This has drawn significant attention to $WSM, which is no surprise considering Musk’s impact on Dogecoin’s price in 2021.

此外,埃隆·马斯克还曾多次与华尔街 Memes X 账户进行合作。这引起了人们对 $WSM 的极大关注,考虑到马斯克对 2021 年狗狗币价格的影响,这并不奇怪。

Since its presale, Wall Street Memes has become a hotbed of crypto innovation, initially launching a staking mechanism that provides 39% APY. It also features a burn portal, enabling holders to destroy $WSM tokens and reduce its circulating supply.

自预售以来,Wall Street Memes 已成为加密货币创新的温床,最初推出了提供 39% APY 的质押机制。它还具有销毁门户,使持有者能够销毁 $WSM 代币并减少其流通供应。

Then, the project surprisingly announced the launch of a crypto casino, offering hundreds of games and live sporting events for users to gamble on. The platform accepts cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, stablecoins, and the Wall Street Memes token.

然后,该项目令人惊讶地宣布推出加密货币赌场,提供数百种游戏和现场体育赛事供用户赌博。该平台接受 BTC、ETH、稳定币和 Wall Street Memes 代币等加密货币。

Furthermore, first-time depositors who use $WSM get a 200% deposit bonus up to $25K and 200 free casino spins.

此外,使用 $WSM 的首次存款者可以获得高达 25,000 美元的 200% 存款奖金和 200 次免费赌场旋转。

The casino launch caused $WSM to pump significantly, but after a few days of consolidation, the token looks ready to explode again.

赌场的推出导致 $WSM 大幅上涨,但经过几天的整合后,该代币看起来准备再次爆炸。

Visit Wall Street Memes


Viral Sponge Token Pumps 20% After Promising Announcements

承诺公告后,病毒式海绵代币暴涨 20%

Sponge is a meme coin that rose to prominence alongside Pepe earlier this year. Around the same time as Pepe reached its ATH, Sponge gained the top spot on the CoinMarketCap trending list as its price exploded.

Sponge 是一种模因币,今年早些时候与 Pepe 一起声名鹊起。大约在 Pepe 达到 ATH 的同时,Sponge 随着其价格的爆炸式增长而登上了 CoinMarketCap 趋势榜的榜首。

Following Pepe and other meme coins, it then sold off. However, Pepe’s recent resurgence, coupled with bullish announcements from the Sponge team, has reignited investors’ belief that this token could be about to boom. So far, it is up 20% this week, but with a market cap of just $2.4 million, it holds significantly more room for growth than Pepe and other large-cap meme coins.

继佩佩和其他模因币之后,它随后被抛售。然而,Pepe 最近的复苏,加上 Sponge 团队的乐观声明,重新点燃了投资者对该代币可能即将繁荣的信念。到目前为止,它本周上涨了 20%,但市值仅为 240 万美元,与 Pepe 和其他大盘 meme 币相比,它的增长空间明显更大。

The announcements that caused the pump revealed a staking mechanism, which will go live on 1 November, and an airdrop that will take place in four days.

引发暴涨的公告透露了将于 11 月 1 日上线的质押机制,以及将在四天内进行的空投。

These factors have stirred up notable hype, but rumors are circulating that token burn and partnership announcements are also coming.


If this occurs, we could see $SPONGE’s price action go even more parabolic, potentially enabling it to reclaim the top spot on CoinMarketCap’s trending list.

如果发生这种情况,我们可能会看到 $SPONGE 的价格走势更加呈抛物线状,有可能使其重新夺回 CoinMarketCap 趋势榜的榜首位置。

With this in mind, Sponge has massive upside potential while boasting a successful track record. This increases its likelihood of success, but potential investors should act quickly because the next announcements could be made at any time.

考虑到这一点,Sponge 拥有巨大的上升潜力,同时拥有成功的业绩记录。这增加了其成功的可能性,但潜在投资者应迅速采取行动,因为下一个公告可能随时发布。

Visit Sponge



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