首页 > 资讯新闻 > Pepe 以 90% 的人气回归游戏,而 Meme Kombat 则突破 72.6 万美元

Pepe is Back in the Game with a 90% Pump, While Meme Kombat Crosses $726K

Pepe 以 90% 的人气回归游戏,而 Meme Kombat 则突破 72.6 万美元

发布: 2023/10/26 22:17 阅读: 460



Pepe is back in the game after a token burn that saw 6.9 trillion $PEPE coins move permanently out of circulation. The newfound energy in the market led by Bitcoin’s 21.92% surge to $35K also fuelled the pump.

在代币销毁导致 6.9 万亿美元 PEPE 代币永久退出流通之后,Pepe 又回到了游戏中。以比特币飙升 21.92% 至 3.5 万美元为引领的市场新活力也推动了这一势头。

The frog-themed meme coin has climbed 31.95% on the daily chart and 92.56% on the weekly chart. Meme Kombat has also stolen the spotlight this week, crossing the $700K mark in its presale.  

以青蛙为主题的 meme 币在日线图上上涨了 31.95%,在周线图上上涨了 92.56%。 Meme Kombat 本周也成为众人瞩目的焦点,其预售金额突破了 70 万美元大关。

Pepe 7-day price action, CoinMarketCap

Pepe 7 天价格走势,CoinMarketCap

Token Burn After Concerns Over Unexpected Transfers


Pepe was forced to initiate a token burn after concerns were raised over the team’s multi-sig holdings. 


“Since its inception, $PEPE has unfortunately been plagued by inner strife with a portion of the team being bad actors led by big egos and greed. They blocked team progress on making donations or purchases with multi-sig tokens due to inability to make signatures, disagreements, and being unavailable to contact for weeks at a time. Yesterday these 3 ex-team members came back behind my back, logged onto the multi-sig, stole 16 Trillion/ 60% of the 26 trillion multi-sig tokens, and sent them to exchanges to sale,” noted a team member in a tweet on the official page of Pepe in August.

“自成立以来,$PEPE 不幸地一直受到内部冲突的困扰,团队中的一部分人是由自大和贪婪领导的不良行为者。由于无法签名、意见分歧以及连续数周无法联系,他们阻碍了团队使用多重签名代币进行捐赠或购买的进度。昨天,这 3 名前团队成员背着我回来,登录了多重签名,窃取了 16 万亿美元/26 万亿多重签名代币中的 60%,并将它们发送到交易所出售。”八月在佩佩官方页面上发推文。

Through burning, tokens are permanently moved out of supply as they are sent to an address without any owner. The action quells the concerns of the multi-sig wallet holdings. 


After burning, the number of tokens held by the team is brought down to 3.79 trillion PEPE, a tiny portion of the total supply. The meme coin is selling for $0.000001212 now. Even if the team’s share were to be sold, that wouldn’t have much impact on the price action as the 24-hour trading volume of Pepe stands at $453M. 

销毁后,团队持有的代币数量降至 3.79 万亿个 PEPE,仅占总供应量的一小部分。 Meme 币现售价为 0.000001212 美元。即使出售团队的股份,也不会对价格走势产生太大影响,因为 Pepe 的 24 小时交易量为 4.53 亿美元。

Since the burnt tokens amount to 1.6% of Pepe’s supply, it led to a massive price action across the meme coin market. Interestingly, it paralleled Bitcoin’s rally to $35K. The crypto market is going through a period of optimism in general with the ongoing developments around the approval of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).

由于烧毁的代币占 Pepe 供应量的 1.6%,这导致了 meme 币市场的大规模价格波动。有趣的是,与比特币涨至 3.5 万美元的时间一致。随着比特币现货交易所交易基金(ETF)获得批准的不断进展,加密货币市场总体上正在经历一段乐观时期。

Inspired by the broader market trends, the meme coin market is back in action. Assets like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have also surged during the last few days, while new meme coins like Meme Kombat are anticipating a Pepe-like surge. 

受更广泛市场趋势的启发,模因币市场重新活跃起来。过去几天,狗狗币和柴犬等资产也出现了飙升,而像 Meme Kombat 这样的新模因币也预计会出现佩佩式的飙升。

Can Pepe Maintain the Momentum?


According to analysts, Pepe will continue to rise throughout the week, despite minor downtrends. The retail investor demand for Pepe is growing as the pump dominated social media platforms and made headlines. 


But can Pepe maintain its momentum?


That remains to be seen. While the recent token burn goes on to prove the team’s commitment and accountability, Pepe can’t make the journey ahead without anything substantial to support its value. 

这还有待观察。虽然最近的代币销毁继续证明了团队的承诺和责任,但如果没有任何实质性的东西来支持其价值,Pepe 就无法继续前进。

Utility and partnerships are key when it comes to the long-term relevance and sustainability of a digital asset. As of now, Pepe’s demand is limited to speculative traders, driven by social media buzz. 


While meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu went on to integrate use cases in later stages, a similar approach would rock the foundation of Pepe. 

虽然狗狗币和柴犬等模因币在后期继续整合用例,但类似的方法将动摇 Pepe 的基础。

According to the website, “$PEPE is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. the coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only”.

据该网站称,“$PEPE 是一种模因币,没有内在价值或财务回报预期。没有正式的团队或路线图。该硬币完全无用,仅用于娱乐目的”。

The daring attempt went on to grab massive attention for Pepe in its early days, helping it pump 5000% at one point. But long-term reliance on volatility and social media hype will prove to be lethal for Pepe. In fact, the token has been dead for a long time after it hit an all-time high in May. 

这一大胆的尝试在早期为 Pepe 赢得了巨大的关注,一度帮助其销量达到了 5000%。但长期依赖波动性和社交媒体炒作对于佩佩来说将是致命的。事实上,自 5 月份创下历史新高以来,该代币已经消亡很长一段时间了。

Pepe’s durability beyond 2023 is questionable unless the team explores new partnerships and use cases. 

除非团队探索新的合作伙伴关系和用例,否则 Pepe 在 2023 年之后的持久性值得怀疑。

Meme Coin Investors Are Stocking Up On $MK 

Meme 币投资者正在囤积 $MK

Meme Kombat is a new meme coin powered by play-to-earn and GambleFi utilities. That is likely the reason Pepe investors are buying $MK tokens alongside for diversification. 

Meme Kombat 是一种新的 Meme 硬币,由 play-to-earn 和 GambleFi 实用程序提供支持。这可能就是 Pepe 投资者同时购买 $MK 代币以实现多元化的原因。

The project caters to both active and passive users by hosting an arena for AI-generated meme battles. The combination of gripping gaming mechanics with passive staking rewards (112% APY) is designed as a strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project. 

该项目通过举办人工智能生成的模因战斗竞技场来满足主动和被动用户的需求。扣人心弦的游戏机制与被动质押奖励 (112% APY) 的结合旨在作为确保项目长期可持续性的策略。

Meme Kombat is at its core a play-to-earn meme coin that combines GambleFi, AI, and passive income. With AI-generated meme battles, Meme Kombat positions itself as a front-runner in the GambleFi revolution that is gaining pace. 

Meme Kombat 的核心是一款边玩边赚钱的模因币,结合了 GambleFi、人工智能和被动收入。通过人工智能生成的 meme 战斗,Meme Kombat 将自己定位为正在加速的 GambleFi 革命的领跑者。

While GambleFi is now largely limited to casinos and sportsbooks, Meme Kombat opens a new dimension with meme-themed virtual combats. 

虽然 GambleFi 现在主要局限于赌场和体育博彩,但 Meme Kombat 通过以 Meme 为主题的虚拟战斗开辟了新的维度。

Now in the presale stage, $MK is moving toward an early sell-out and token launch after witnessing massive traffic. The demand for the token has been especially high over the last few days, kindled by the revival of the crypto market. Being in its early phases of development, the meme coin has larger room for growth than its competitors like Pepe, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin. 

现在处于预售阶段,在见证了巨大的流量后,$MK 正朝着早期售空和代币发行的方向发展。在过去几天里,由于加密货币市场的复苏,对该代币的需求特别高。由于处于发展的早期阶段,meme 币比 Pepe、Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等竞争对手有更大的增长空间。

Led by Matt Whiteman, Meme Kombat is a doxxed project, unlike most of the meme coin market. 

由 Matt Whiteman 领导的 Meme Kombat 是一个人肉搜索项目,与大多数 Meme 币市场不同。

The launch of Meme Kombat Season 1 is scheduled soon after the token launch to fuel the initial price action. According to analyst Jacob Bury, the meme coin is poised for a tenfold increase in value upon its launch. 

Meme Kombat 第一季计划在代币发行后不久推出,以推动最初的价格走势。分析师雅各布·伯里 (Jacob Bury) 表示,模因币推出后其价值将增加十倍。



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The post Pepe is Back in the Game with a 90% Pump, While Meme Kombat Crosses $726K appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

佩佩以 90% 的人气回归游戏,而 Meme Kombat 突破 72.6 万美元的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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