首页 > 资讯新闻 > PEPE热度逐渐减退,这个网络迷因币在预售中筹集了超过620万美元

PEPE hype waning, this meme coin has raised over $6.2 million in presale


发布: 2023/07/23 19:30 阅读: 252



In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the popularity and growth of meme coins. These coins, inspired by internet memes, are now an important part of crypto because of their perceived potential for growth.


One such example is the PEPE, which was popular after launch. However, PEPE’s excitement has subsided, and a new meme coin project, DigiToads, is taking over.

PEPE就是这样的一个例子,它一推出就很受欢迎。然而,PEPE 的兴奋已经消退,一个新的模因硬币项目 DigiToads 正在接管。

In the ongoing presale, DigiToads has raised over $6.2 million.

在正在进行的预售中,DigiToads 已筹集超过 620 万美元。

DigiToads raises over $6.2 million in presale

DigiToads 预售筹集了超过 620 万美元

DigiToads has gained popularity due to its unique features that set it apart from other meme coins. A significant factor is its blend of humor and practicality.

DigiToads 因其与其他模因币不同的独特功能而广受欢迎。一个重要因素是其幽默与实用性的结合。

DigiToads is a unique and light-hearted meme project that draws inspiration from toads instead of the more common frog themes. The project has a dedicated community has contributed to a presale funding of over $6.2 million.

DigiToads 是一个独特且轻松的模因项目,它从蟾蜍而不是更常见的青蛙主题中汲取灵感。该项目有一个专门的社区,已提供超过 620 万美元的预售资金。

As a meme coin project, TOADS’, DigiToads native token, could rally by the end of the year. For this potential, investors are closely monitoring TOADS.

作为一个模因币项目,TOADS(DigiToads 原生代币)可能会在今年年底前反弹。对于这一潜力,投资者正在密切关注 TOADS。

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Moreover, DigiToads boasts utility features that include play-to-earn (P2E) and stake-to-earn capabilities. There is also a metaverse called “The Swamp” and a P2E game. 

此外,DigiToads 还拥有实用功能,包括即玩即赚 (P2E) 和投注即赚功能。还有一个叫做“沼泽”的元宇宙和一个 P2E 游戏。

Players have fun and can earn rewards. Additionally, they can compete in the Swamp arena, engaging in battles with other players.


The project also plans to host the TOADS non-fungible token (NFT) collection as a stake-to-earn platform comprising 3,500 unique non-fungible tokens. 

该项目还计划托管 TOADS 不可替代代币 (NFT) 系列,作为一个由 3,500 个独特的不可替代代币组成的权益赚取平台。

By staking these NFTs on the platform, users can earn rewards from the staking pool, potentially providing a source of income and returns.

通过在平台上质押这些 NFT,用户可以从质押池中获得奖励,从而有可能提供收入和回报的来源。

The DigiToads presale is ongoing and is at stage 9, with a scheduled end date on Aug. 15. 

DigiToads 预售正在进行中,目前处于第 9 阶段,预计结束日期为 8 月 15 日。

In the current stage, TOADS is available for $0.047, and investors can participate. 


At the same time, TOADS can be bought using major cryptocurrencies as accepted payment methods.

同时,可以使用主流加密货币作为可接受的支付方式来购买 TOADS。

Pepe declines as initial hype wanes


PEPE surged shortly after its launch, primarily due to its association with well-known meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 

PEPE 在推出后不久就飙升,主要是由于它与狗狗币和柴犬等知名模因币的联系。

Inspired by the internet meme “Pepe the Frog,” the coin’s playful appeal resonated with many, contributing to its initial rapid growth.


您可能还喜欢: PEPE 在近期反弹中创两个月新高

However, like many meme coins, PEPE prices and hype later crumbled.

然而,像许多 meme 币一样,PEPE 的价格和炒作后来崩溃了。

It became clear that the coin had no real-world uses to support its value, and its price was mainly based on its popularity rather than any practical purpose. 


This caused the excitement around PEPE to slowly fade away, resulting in a decrease in its value. Subsequently, investors turned their attention to meme coin projects that had actual real-world applications, which in turn fast-tracked PEPE’s decline.

这导致围绕PEPE的兴奋慢慢消退,导致其价值下降。随后,投资者将注意力转向具有实际应用的模因币项目,这反过来又加速了 PEPE 的下跌。

Final thoughts


The meme coin sector continues to experience changes and developments, as observed by PEPE’s declining popularity and the rising success of DigiToads, which has had a significant impact on the crypto landscape. 

从 PEPE 的受欢迎程度下降和 DigiToads 的日益成功就可以看出,模因币行业继续经历变化和发展,这对加密货币格局产生了重大影响。

DigiToads’ combination of playful appeal and utility features has played a role in its success and positioned it for further growth following its launch. 

DigiToads 有趣的吸引力和实用功能的结合在其成功中发挥了重要作用,并使其在推出后能够进一步发展。

The project’s presale is in progress, and interested participants can find more information.


Visit DigiToads presale

访问 DigiToads 预售

Mint DigiToads NFTs here

在这里薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上购买 DigiToads NFT

Join the community 


了解更多:谷歌拥抱数字资产,Polkadot、Cardano 和 DigiToads 需求飙升

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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