首页 > 资讯新闻 > Pepe 和 Meme Moguls,继 BONK 之后下一个飙升的 Meme 币

Pepe and Meme Moguls, The Next Meme Coins To Surge After BONK

Pepe 和 Meme Moguls,继 BONK 之后下一个飙升的 Meme 币

发布: 2023/12/18 20:12 阅读: 864

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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Pepe 和 Meme Moguls,继 BONK 之后将激增的下一个 Meme 代币首先出现在 Coinpedia 上

BONK goes mainstream and surges by 50% after Coinbase announced they will list the Solana-based dog coin. With Bonk posting gains this year of 691%, which meme coins should investors be looking at next? Our hot tips are Pepe and Meme Moguls

在 Coinbase 宣布将上线基于 Solana 的狗币后,BONK 成为主流并飙升 50%。 Bonk 今年的涨幅为 691%,投资者接下来应该关注哪些模因币?我们的热门提示是 Pepe 和 Meme Moguls

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Pepe the Frog will Rise Again


Pepe coin, a tribute to the frog-based meme used all around the internet and even the world, has just been overtaken by Bonk in terms of market cap. As of writing, Bonk sits at number 73 of all coins while Pepe is 103. Or to put it another way, Bonk is the third biggest memecoin after Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, while Pepe is the fourth.

Pepe coin 是对互联网乃至全世界使用的青蛙模因的致敬,在市值方面刚刚被 Bonk 超越。截至撰写本文时,Bonk 在所有代币中排名第 73 位,而 Pepe 排名第 103 位。或者换句话说,Bonk 是继狗狗币和柴犬之后的第三大模因币,而 Pepe 排名第四。

But we believe that Pepe has something that Bonk doesn’t have – staying power. Bonk is 1 year old but has only shown any significant price action within the last 30 days. Only a few memecoins stay popular for a long time, and Pepe has shown that it has resilience, going through numerous peaks and troughs since its launch in April 2023.

但我们相信佩佩拥有邦克所没有的东西——持久力。 Bonk 已有 1 年历史,但仅在过去 30 天内表现出任何重大价格走势。只有少数模因币能够长期流行,而 Pepe 自 2023 年 4 月推出以来经历了无数的高峰和低谷,表现出了它的韧性。

A lot of Pepe’s gains have been erased recently, and so this means that it is much more likely to resurface again. Those FOMOing into Bonk now are likely to find themselves buying near the top, whereas Pepe has a lot more growth potential.

佩佩的很多收益最近都被抹去了,因此这意味着它再次出现的可能性更大。那些因 FOMO 而买入 Bonk 的人可能会发现自己在接近顶部的位置买入,而 Pepe 则拥有更大的增长潜力。

As a meme in its own right, Pepe is used almost every day in Telegram and other crypto-related chats, but Bonk is likely to be soon forgotten.

作为一种模因,Pepe 几乎每天都在 Telegram 和其他与加密相关的聊天中使用,但 Bonk 可能很快就会被遗忘。

Meme Moguls begins its ascent to glory

Meme Moguls 开始走向辉煌

Many people wonder, how can they find the next big meme coin. Meme Moguls has the answer. 

许多人想知道,他们如何才能找到下一个大模因币。 Meme Moguls 给出了答案。

Well actually, it has two answers. We believe that the Meme Moguls coin (MGLS) will be the next big thing. And it will also help crypto lovers find subsequent meme coins that are starting to go viral and get big.

事实上,它有两个答案。我们相信 Meme Moguls 币(MGLS)将成为下一个重大事件。它还将帮助加密货币爱好者找到随后开始流行并变得越来越大的模因硬币。

This will all be achieved through a series of play-to-earn game modes that MGLS provides, which will allow players to simulate investing in the viral meme economy. Participants will compete against other traders or the broader market while developing expertise and winning rewards.

这一切都将通过 MGLS 提供的一系列边玩边赚钱的游戏模式来实现,这将允许玩家模拟投资病毒式迷因经济。参与者将与其他交易者或更广泛的市场竞争,同时发展专业知识并赢得奖励。

The game provides each player with initial virtual capital for building a diverse portfolio. They can only allocate a maximum percentage per meme asset, encouraging research into multiple rising internet trends. Various tournament modes then pit traders head-to-head or against indexes in contests for the highest returns.


As members gain more experience, they can become certified “Moguls” – elite investors who earn passive income from their reputation. The platform enables Moguls to sell access to insights or offer coaching services to developing traders. There is also an NFT marketplace where users can trade collectible meme characters that unlock improved simulation conditions.

随着会员获得更多经验,他们可以成为经过认证的“大亨”——通过声誉赚取被动收入的精英投资者。该平台使大亨能够向发展中的交易者出售见解或提供辅导服务。还有一个 NFT 市场,用户可以在这里交易可收藏的模因角色,从而解锁改进的模拟条件。

Through this mix of friendly competition, education and incentives around internet memes, Meme Moguls offers a fun and unique metaverse tailored to both new and seasoned traders in the space. 

通过围绕互联网迷因的友好竞争、教育和激励措施的结合,Meme Moguls 为该领域的新手和经验丰富的交易者提供了一个有趣且独特的虚拟宇宙。

As MGLS is in the first stage of presale, it has way more upside potential than Shiba, Doge, Bonk or Pepe. And because it comprises a game and social platform, we believe it has the potential for longevity as well as utility. MGLS is currently for sale at $0.0021 and analysts believe the coin will do at least an 800% gain from here.

由于MGLS正处于预售第一阶段,因此它比Shiba、Doge、Bonk或Pepe具有更大的上涨潜力。由于它包含游戏和社交平台,我们相信它具有长寿和实用的潜力。 MGLS 目前的售价为 0.0021 美元,分析师认为该代币将至少上涨 800%。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale:

有关 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 预售的更多信息:


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