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PlayDoge ICO reaches $5m, poised to be the next Dogecoin

PlayDoge ICO 达到 500 万美元,有望成为下一个狗狗币

发布: 2024/06/24 21:47 阅读: 753



PlayDoge ICO 达到 500 万美元,有望成为下一个狗狗币

PlayDoge ICO Raises $5 Million, Attracting Investor Interest with Dog-Themed Game

PlayDoge ICO 筹集 500 万美元,以狗为主题的游戏吸引投资者兴趣

PlayDoge (PLAY), a recently launched cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention in the memecoin market with its unique play-to-earn game featuring dog-themed elements. The game offers passive rewards and has the potential to replicate the success of Dogecoin.

PlayDoge(PLAY)是最近推出的一种加密货币,凭借其独特的以狗为主题的游戏,在 memecoin 市场上获得了极大的关注。该游戏提供被动奖励,并有可能复制狗狗币的成功。

Presale Raises $5 Million

预售筹集 500 万美元

PlayDoge's presale for its native PLAY tokens has attracted substantial investor interest, raising over $5 million in a matter of weeks. The token price is set to increase in the upcoming presale round, which begins in two days.

PlayDoge 对其原生 PLAY 代币的预售吸引了大量投资者的兴趣,在几周内筹集了超过 500 万美元。代币价格将在两天后开始的下一轮预售中上涨。

Dog-Themed Game with Staking Rewards


PlayDoge combines memecoin elements with a play-to-earn game inspired by Tamagotchi. Users navigate and interact with a virtual pet dog, earning money for each interaction. The game also includes retro-style mini-games based on 1990s arcade classics.

PlayDoge 将 memecoin 元素与一款受电子宠物蛋启发的边玩边赚钱的游戏相结合。用户导航并与虚拟宠物狗互动,每次互动都可以赚钱。该游戏还包括基于 90 年代街机经典的复古风格迷你游戏。

Additionally, users can earn passive income by staking their PLAY tokens, with an APY of over 130% at the time of writing.

此外,用户还可以通过质押 PLAY 代币来赚取被动收入,在撰写本文时,年化收益率 (APY) 超过 130%。

PlayDoge Telegram Group Gathers Following

PlayDoge Telegram 群组聚集了以下关注者

The popularity of PlayDoge is evident in the growth of its Telegram group, which has amassed over 5,400 members since its launch a few weeks ago.

PlayDoge 的受欢迎程度从其 Telegram 群组的发展中可见一斑,该群组自几周前推出以来已拥有超过 5,400 名成员。

Analyst Predicts Potential for 10x Returns

分析师预测 10 倍回报潜力

Jacob Crypto Bury, a prominent YouTuber and crypto analyst, believes PlayDoge has the potential to become a major player in the play-to-earn gaming sector. He speculates that early investors may see 10x returns.

Jacob Crypto Bury 是一位著名的 YouTuber 和加密货币分析师,他认为 PlayDoge 有潜力成为 Play-to-earn 游戏领域的主要参与者。他推测早期投资者可能会获得 10 倍的回报。

Riding the Play-to-Earn Trend


The play-to-earn trend has gained significant traction in 2024, with millions of active wallets participating in these games. PlayDoge capitalizes on this momentum by merging memes with a nostalgic video game experience.

2024 年,边玩边赚的趋势获得了巨大的关注,数以百万计的活跃钱包参与了这些游戏。 PlayDoge 通过将模因与怀旧视频游戏体验相结合,充分利用了这一势头。

Easy-to-Play and Rewarding


The game's simplicity, accessibility, and generous rewards make it an attractive prospect for users. It requires no complex rules or significant financial investment to start earning.


PlayDoge's Future Prospects


The success of PlayDoge hinges on the team's ability to deliver on their promises. A successful presale and roadmap execution could pave the way for the game to achieve viral success.

PlayDoge 的成功取决于团队兑现承诺的能力。成功的预售和路线图执行可以为游戏取得病毒般的成功铺平道路。

Interested investors can follow PlayDoge on Twitter for the latest presale updates and visit the PlayDoge website for more information.

有兴趣的投资者可以在 Twitter 上关注 PlayDoge 以获取最新的预售更新,并访问 PlayDoge 网站了解更多信息。


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