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Why the Pomerdoge Presale is the Talk of the Town Among Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders

为什么 Pomerdoge 预售成为 Pepe (PEPE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的热门话题

发布: 2023/08/19 15:30 阅读: 495



The cryptocurrency space is buzzing once again with a new player that is catching the attention of both Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) holders alike — Pomerdoge (POMD).

加密货币领域再次热闹起来,一个新玩家——Pomerdoge (POMD) 吸引了 Pepe (PEPE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的注意。

Currently in its presale phase, Pomerdoge is rising rapidly in the crypto world, creating waves of interest and curiosity among investors. Let’s inspect the reasons why Pomerdoge has become such a hot topic.

目前正处于预售阶段,Pomerdoge 在加密世界中迅速崛起,引起了投资者的兴趣和好奇心。让我们来看看波默多奇成为热门话题的原因。

Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

单击此处了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 预售的更多信息

The Entry of Pomerdoge (POMD) and the Stir It’s Causing

波默多奇 (POMD) 的加入及其引起的轰动

Meet Pomerdoge: a meme cryptocurrency that’s bounding straight to the pinnacle of the crypto world. With its distinctive combination of community engagement, immersive gaming, and undeniable meme allure, forecasts suggest a staggering 50X growth for Pomerdoge within the year.

来认识一下 Pomerdoge:一种直接跻身加密世界顶峰的模因加密货币。凭借其独特的社区参与度、沉浸式游戏和不可否认的 meme 吸引力的结合,预测表明 Pomerdoge 在一年内将实现惊人的 50 倍增长。

The Pomerdoge realm is a delightful fusion of Pomeranian-centric NFTs, a pioneering play-to-earn (P2E) gaming landscape, and an animated meme token capturing the hearts of many.

Pomerdoge 领域完美融合了以波美拉尼亚为​​中心的 NFT、开创性的边玩边赚 (P2E) 游戏格局,以及俘获众多人心的动画模因代币。

The crown jewel of Pomerdoge is undoubtedly its P2E gaming platform. This isn’t just any game; it’s a digital arena where players from all over the globe can pit their skills against one another, immersing in adrenaline-pumping virtual competitions. The aim? Fun, of course, but also fruitful rewards, all accessible from every corner of the world.


For those itching to be a part of the Pomerdoge parade, now’s the chance. POMD tokens are up for grabs at a special debut rate of $0.008 during the initial presale phase. A word to the wise: this rate isn’t permanent, with prices predicted to surge as the presale progresses.

对于那些渴望参加波默多奇游行的人来说,现在就是机会。 POMD 代币在初始预售阶段以 0.008 美元的特殊首发价格出售。明智的一句话:这个价格不是永久性的,随着预售的进行,价格预计会飙升。

With industry experts placing their bets on Pomerdoge as the next memecoin sensation, many are optimistic about a minimum of 50X appreciation for early birds in the first presale phase. It seems the Pomerdoge phenomenon is just getting started, and its trajectory is one to watch.

随着行业专家将 Pomerdoge 押注为下一个引起轰动的 memecoin,许多人对第一预售阶段早鸟者的升值至少 50 倍持乐观态度。波默多奇现象似乎才刚刚开始,其轨迹值得关注。

A Pivot from Pepe (PEPE) to Pomerdoge (POMD) in Anticipation of Bigger Gains

从佩佩 (PEPE) 转向波默多奇 (POMD),期待更大的收益

Rising meteorically to a commanding market cap close to $2 billion, Pepe’s euphoric ascent was soon met with a jolting 70% downfall to just $0.00000133 today.

佩佩的市值迅速飙升至接近 20 亿美元,但很快就遭遇了 70% 的暴跌,今天仅为 0.00000133 美元。

Such a precipitous fall can be attributed to the skittishness of early Pepe enthusiasts. Drawn in by the potential of windfall gains, the inkling of instability sent them scrambling for the exit.


Though Pepe might see short-lived rebounds in a bullish market, its absence of fundamental value and tangible utility curtails its prospects for sustained appreciation. In contrast, Pomerdoge stands out. Anchored to the underlying Pomerdoge ecosystem, it’s not just a meme but a token with purpose.

尽管佩佩可能会在牛市中看到短暂的反弹,但其基本价值和有形效用的缺乏限制了其持续升值的前景。相比之下,波默多奇脱颖而出。它植根于 Pomerdoge 的底层生态系统,它不仅仅是一个模因,而且是一个有目的的代币。

The road ahead for Pepe will depend on breaking the $0.00000150 resistance area. However, at the current rate, it’s likely that the Pepe mania has been and gone as holders switch over to Pomerdoge while prices are still low during the first presale phase.

Pepe 的未来之路将取决于能否突破 0.00000150 美元的阻力位。然而,按照目前的速度,随着持有者转向波默多奇,佩佩狂热很可能已经消失,而在第一个预售阶段价格仍然很低。

Dogecoin (DOGE)’s Legacy in the Cryptospace


Emerging in 2013 as a playful counterpart to the often austere world of cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin has since ridden waves of viral popularity. Its crowning achievement came in 2021 when it surged to $0.73, marking an astonishing increase of 100 times its 2020 ‘bottom’.

狗狗币于 2013 年出现,作为与通常严峻的加密货币世界相对应的有趣的对应物,狗狗币自此掀起了病毒般的流行浪潮。其最高成就是在 2021 年飙升至 0.73 美元,较 2020 年“谷底”增长了 100 倍。

However, its lack of a foundational technological framework and a clear value proposition led to a significant price retracement. As of now, Dogecoin trades at $0.07382, representing a drastic 90% decline from its zenith.

然而,其缺乏基础技术框架和明确的价值主张导致价格大幅回撤。截至目前,狗狗币的交易价格为 0.07382 美元,较最高点大幅下跌 90%。

It’s evident that while Dogecoin blazed the trail for meme-based tokens, Pomerdoge appears to be shaping up as the one with the potential for sustained growth and appeal.

很明显,虽然狗狗币为基于模因的代币开辟了道路,但 Pomerdoge 似乎正在成为一种具有持续增长和吸引力潜力的代币。

The tantalizing prospect of realizing a 3,000% ROI in 2023 has naturally piqued the interest of Dogecoin aficionados in search of their next big move. As Pomerdoge gears up for its debut on public exchanges this year, it seems to offer Dogecoin investors an opportune moment to pivot towards this emerging and promising digital asset.

2023 年实现 3,000% 投资回报率的诱人前景自然激起了狗狗币爱好者寻找下一个重大举措的兴趣。随着 Pomerdoge 准备今年在公开交易所首次亮相,这似乎为狗狗币投资者提供了一个转向这种新兴且有前途的数字资产的好时机。

Find out more about the Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale Today

了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 今日预售的更多信息

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为什么 Pomerdoge 预售是 Pepe (PEPE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 持有者的热门话题的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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